
Look, I haven't mentioned Zeus, Buddah, or some religion.

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Unpopular Opinion

Started by Pasta Chick, December 21, 2016, 06:22:26 PM

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Dumb people shouldn't talk.

Equally, we should punish people based on whether their actions are logical, and not justifiable.

Fetuses aren't children.
It's Okay To Say You're Welcome
     Just let people be themselves.
     Arturo The1  リ壱


Quote from: Arturo on May 26, 2017, 04:15:01 AM
Dumb people shouldn't talk.

By definition they can't talk.
"Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se."
― Charles Eames


I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey


If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


Quote from: Buddy on May 26, 2017, 02:49:31 AM
I don't like children and I don't particularly want to have any. I like my space neat and I enjoy quiet.
Have you told many people?

Common responses I've gotten:

  • You'll want them when you're older (bonus: and maybe then it will be too late)
  • Yeah, but everything changes when you have a kid
  • You don't know what you're saying (bonus: until you have a kid you'll never know what you're missing)
  • You don't like kids? It's different with your own kids (I do like kids though)

It annoys me how many people think that my choice to not have kids is flippant and/or selfish. They do not seem to understand that I have thought it through, that I do like children, and that I still choose to not have children.
Always question all authorities because the authority you don't question is the most dangerous... except me, never question me.


In response to Davin's common responses:
* You'll want them when you're older (to run errands for you and drive you about when you are chairbound.)
* Yeah, but everything changes when you have a kid (for the worse.)
* You don't know what you're saying (yes I bloody do!)
* You don't like kids? It's different with your own kids (love 'em, spit roast with a good, spicy marinade and a bottle of Merlot.)
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74

Biggus Dickus

Quote from: Davin on May 30, 2017, 03:38:48 PM
Quote from: Buddy on May 26, 2017, 02:49:31 AM
I don't like children and I don't particularly want to have any. I like my space neat and I enjoy quiet.
Have you told many people?

Common responses I've gotten:

  • You'll want them when you're older (bonus: and maybe then it will be too late)
  • Yeah, but everything changes when you have a kid
  • You don't know what you're saying (bonus: until you have a kid you'll never know what you're missing)
  • You don't like kids? It's different with your own kids (I do like kids though)

It annoys me how many people think that my choice to not have kids is flippant and/or selfish. They do not seem to understand that I have thought it through, that I do like children, and that I still choose to not have children.

Society sucks at times,...not sure why folks seem to think it's necessary for everyone to have children. My daughter and son-inlaw are not sure if they'll have kids and I'm fine with whatever decision they make, and so is the wife, but I've had to ask other family members to cool it with the "So when are you having kids" question every-fucking-time we are all together.
Even my sister has asked me, "But don't you want to be a grandparent, OMG I told my daughter she better give me 5-7 grandchildren", I couldn't take it if she didn't have babies. I mean what's the point of getting married?" (She's a Catholic, the obnoxious Mel Gibson type, who worships fucking Trump :P)

Talk about being selfish,...and she asks me the same questions, "Don't they like kids"..."Their lives will be meaningless"..."There's no greater joy" and "They'll be lonely when they're older?

Won't you be lonely without grandkids?

Answer: No I won't, whether they decide to have kids should be based solely on what they want to do with their lives, and a decision as important as this should not be influenced by my selfish desires to have grandchildren.

Frankly speaking I will go with the flow, and if I don't ever have grandkids well fine, I think I can manage to keep my life busy and entertained without them, and if they do have kids, than I'm fine with that as well. I'll be there when they need me and enjoy the little monkeys the best I can. 8)

And speaking of unpopular opinion, I'm not a fan of "Morning Wood"....most of the time it's so fucking inconvenient. For example no one else is home and so you have to answer the door , or trying to use the fucking bathroom, etc...

No I won't
"Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair."


How did it happen that so many people feel the need to propagate?  I have lived a long and reasonably fulfilled life without the mysterious need for grandchildren. I am not a totally committed Malthusian but it is a certainty that this globe can function without geometric progressions of our earthly population.

An interesting topic would involve discussion of the common perception that absence of children is somehow a mark of human failure....or not.  Any takers ?

Before someone jumps my bones.... i ain't saying that I dislike children. I do like some of them....I confess not all of them. They are, after all, the humans who will run the world in a few years, for better or for worse.


I would never make comments on anyone else having or not having children.  It's fair to say Scamp was not planned and before I had her I wasn't maternal in any way whatsoever but she has made me a much better person.  I'm less selfish, more caring and care more about the general world and state of the planet now I have her, she has changed me but very much for the better. 


I don't understand why when there's a tragedy of some sort people feel the need to lay flowers in mass amounts.  Just watching the local news and they showed a square in central Manchester which is full of flowers, there must be thousands of bunches there.  Why?

I get the feeling of wanting to do something and wanting to pay your respects but what use is flowers that are just going to waste?


Quote from: Claireliontamer on May 31, 2017, 06:37:36 PM
I don't understand why when there's a tragedy of some sort people feel the need to lay flowers in mass amounts.  Just watching the local news and they showed a square in central Manchester which is full of flowers, there must be thousands of bunches there.  Why?

I get the feeling of wanting to do something and wanting to pay your respects but what use is flowers that are just going to waste?

I would rather just give the cost of the flowers to any valid appeal. But, perhaps, some like to have a piece of paper there with their name on . . . OK, maybe that is unkind but there are better uses for the cash needed to clear it all up though.

I was angry when great bunches of flowers festered for months round a lampost where two local toerags, with thick criminsl files, killed themselves crashing the car they had stolen. But, I suppose there are those who love their family and friendly criminals as well.
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74

Pasta Chick

Quote from: Claireliontamer on May 31, 2017, 06:37:36 PM
I don't understand why when there's a tragedy of some sort people feel the need to lay flowers in mass amounts.  Just watching the local news and they showed a square in central Manchester which is full of flowers, there must be thousands of bunches there.  Why?

I get the feeling of wanting to do something and wanting to pay your respects but what use is flowers that are just going to waste?

I never really thought about it. I guess it is a concrete, visual measure of support but it'd be way cooler if everyone sent $15 to charity.

I don't understand car memorials. Like having name and birth and death dates stenciled on your car with hearts and a quote of some sort. Why your car? It makes sense if the deceased was super into your car type and you want to make it a memorial or something but your '04 Nissan sedan?

Whatever works though. It obviously doesn't effect me.


Quote from: Pasta Chick on June 04, 2017, 03:03:00 AM
Quote from: Claireliontamer on May 31, 2017, 06:37:36 PM
I don't understand why when there's a tragedy of some sort people feel the need to lay flowers in mass amounts.  Just watching the local news and they showed a square in central Manchester which is full of flowers, there must be thousands of bunches there.  Why?

I get the feeling of wanting to do something and wanting to pay your respects but what use is flowers that are just going to waste?
I don't understand car memorials. Like having name and birth and death dates stenciled on your car with hearts and a quote of some sort. Why your car? It makes sense if the deceased was super into your car type and you want to make it a memorial or something but your '04 Nissan sedan?
What if those dates on the car are because that was the car that killed them.
Always question all authorities because the authority you don't question is the most dangerous... except me, never question me.


Quote from: Father Bruno on June 13, 2017, 04:23:11 PM
^^I agree, you can pick up a new unit for fairly cheap, maybe $125.00 for a 5K...definitely not worth trying to repair.

Here's a couple pictures of just a portion of our street as of this morning. This first one is of just a few of the many piles of ground up asphalt waiting to be picked up by the contractors, they've been there since Friday and circle around the entire block.

The only good thing about them is they have helped reduce significantly the amount of traffic that normally cuts through our neighborhood, however. They have also significantly reduced the amount of available parking.

This second one shows the cement piping they've been stacking all over. One elderly neighbor asked me the other day why they stacked the pipes in front of her house since between her and her husband along with their daughter who is now living with them they have 3 cars to try and juggle parking in their single driveway.
She doesn't understand this at all because the couple across the street from them have only one car, so why didn't they stack the pipes in front of their house?

She asked me if I could speak to them and have them moved...

It's going to be a long summer.

Having them moved would make your life too easy lady! People like that irk me. They expect everyone to spoil them and tend to have mental problems from my experience and their lives are too easy. They are usually older white ladies and are the kind to act like everything is "SUPER!" when really they're dying inside.
It's Okay To Say You're Welcome
     Just let people be themselves.
     Arturo The1  リ壱

Biggus Dickus

Not sure if this will be an unpopular opinion here at HAF, but please no more Bonnie Tyler singing "Total Fucking Eclipse of the Heart"...I detested the song in the 80's, and yesterday's resurgence due to the eclipse with her and this song are making me gag.

Just went downstairs to the Atrium in our building to grab some lunch, and they have some folks playing music down there and they were covering this song...I silently looked over at them and sent invisible lasers towards their sound equipment.

Alas, my laser eye powers must have been weakened yesterday by the eclipse...

And there were people on a cruise ship who paid money to hear her sing this live yesterday....what fools! Am I the only rational person left alive on this planet?

Butt please no more.... :'(





"Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair."