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Hillary or Bernie

Started by Firebird, February 26, 2016, 11:14:15 PM

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Well, decision time for me. The Massachusetts primary is on Tuesday, and so far I'm still planning to vote for Bernie, but part of me is scared to do it.  I declared early on that I would, but truth-be-told I assumed it would be more of a statement vote. But Bernie's close and still has a shot.
Glenn Greenwald tried to make the case that Bernie matches up better than Hillary against Trump (seriously,  Trump???), but the GOP has ignored Bernie so far. At least with Hillary she's polling well despite decades of abuse from them. Bernie, they haven't yet brought up the socialist label, his support of the Sardinistas back in the day, and other useless rhetoric that could easily turn people off, whether we like to admit it or not.
So, vote with the heart or head?
"Great, replace one book about an abusive, needy asshole with another." - Will (moderator) on replacing hotel Bibles with "Fifty Shades of Grey"


That is also my dilemma Firebird. I think that Hillary is more electable despite here dirty laundry. So do I vote my heart or my mind?  I have not the slightest problem with having a female POTUS. I have some misgivings about the front runner however. Would the majority of the Senate and the House treat her as they have treated Obama?  Obama is the worst prez in the history of the US according to his congressional detractors? In a pigs ass he is.

In case any one is wondering, No, I will not vote for any of the several lunatic GOP hopefuls. The only one with a vestige of common sense is Kasich and I am not too sure about him.  Cruz?? I an not inclined to pray but I will make an exception if the good lord will cause Ted to lose the nomination and send him back to Canada. Sorry if any Canadians are reading this. I mean you no harm..  Rubio I could live with but not happily. Marco is handsome and articulate but has shown little to indicate that he is profoundly presidential.

I am puzzled, sadly puzzled, at the apparent favor for Trump. WTF causes otherwise intelligent people to embrace such an egotistical purveyor of unadulterated bullshit???????? A brash clown like this with his fingers on the red telephone?  Sheeesh! We desperately need the intervention of FSM. 

In the end it does not make a rats ass about what we superior intellects think or believe about the candidates. Who ever beguiles the most voters will be the winner...........or loser.......... as the case may be.

Sandra Craft

I'll vote for Bernie, because I just can't get over the feeling that Clinton isn't psychologically suited to be President -- not that she doesn't know her stuff, or isn't an experienced politician, but I just don't think she's suited to use them in that job.  It's not like we haven't had accomplished politicians who made unsuitable Presidents before (Nixon, anyone?) I'd just rather not repeat it more than necessary. 

But if Bernie gets the nod, and not the job, I am going to be one unhappy camper.  I comfort myself with the thought that no one gets done in the White House what they thought they could get done.  Esp if there's a Democratic majority in the Senate after this election.


"Life is short, and it is up to you to make it sweet."  Sarah Louise Delany

Pasta Chick

I don't really have a horse in this race as I'm not registered to a party. I'd prefer Bernie but I'll take either over any of the GOP nominees.

I feel like Bern may stand a better chance than Hilary. A lot of people hate Trump. But a lot of people really hate Hilary too. It'll fall back to very party vs party if she gets the nomination.


I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if I thought she could win. Even if I thought that she could succede where Bernie couldn't. And I'm not so scared of the Republicans as to make choices in that way. In certain ways, though certainly not all, Bernie shares my values. That's enough for me. In a world of bad choices his politics are somewhat palatable so I won't leave a bad taste in my mouth by punching his name.

"Amazing what chimney sweeping can teach us, no? Keep your fire hot and
your flue clean."  - Ecurb Noselrub

"I'd be incensed by your impudence were I not so impressed by your memory." - Siz


I've voted absentee for Bernie Sanders. My mom for a guy who dropped out (O'Malley).

I'm on the road less traveled...


Quote from: Icarus on February 27, 2016, 12:28:24 AM
In case any one is wondering, No, I will not vote for any of the several lunatic GOP hopefuls. The only one with a vestige of common sense is Kasich and I am not too sure about him.  Cruz?? I an not inclined to pray but I will make an exception if the good lord will cause Ted to lose the nomination and send him back to Canada. Sorry if any Canadians are reading this. I mean you no harm..  Rubio I could live with but not happily. Marco is handsome and articulate but has shown little to indicate that he is profoundly presidential.

Kasich and the others are no different than Trump except Trump says everything out loud. Cruz, actually, may be worse than Trump.

QuoteI am puzzled, sadly puzzled, at the apparent favor for Trump. WTF causes otherwise intelligent people to embrace such an egotistical purveyor of unadulterated bullshit???????? A brash clown like this with his fingers on the red telephone?  Sheeesh! We desperately need the intervention of FSM.

From my understanding, it's not so much that they agree with him or like him (the intelligent ones) it's that they're sick and tired of politicians, and he clearly isn't one.

I'm on the road less traveled...


As an outsider who has no say at all, I would vote for Bernie over Hillary. Hillary is a typical politician who will say anything to get the vote, you only have to look at how she's jumped on the money for lobbying bandwagon as she saw Bernie was popular with it.  Bernie may not be perfect but he seems to have a genuine consistent message that he's been saying for years, not just to win an election.

I think you have an opportunity to vote for change (which seems clichéd but perhaps is true this time) with either Trump or Bernie. Trump is clearly an egomaniac lunatic but he appeals to people who don't want another typical politician.  Bernie should appeal in the same way but has the added benefit of he has some excellent policies!  My fear is the Clinton team are winning this battle because of the fears that Firebird highlighted in his first post, they are telling people that if you vote for Bernie you're letting the Republicans win. I simply don't think that's true and is just a clever tactic by them.

If everyone voted for who they want instead of tactical then you might get a half decent president!


Quote from: Claireliontamerthey are telling people that if you vote for Bernie you're letting the Republicans win.

Actually, there may be some truth to this based on the fact that Democrats aren't coming out to vote in the primaries as high as in the past. Republicans, especially those in the Southern US, are coming out pretty high (which is not averaged normalcy). Now, it may be different in November but if history of the Democrat Party is telling (and it is), it'll have a lower turnout than in 2008 or 2012.

The thing is, statistically speaking: Democrats outnumber Republicans in most states (even some Southern ones) and while one could make the argument that in Republican held states that they make it difficult for certain people to vote (which is true) the rest have no excuse.

Democrats are typically like Catholics: they feel a need to punish themselves. It's sad, really. Especially since they're to blame in those states that typically are Democratic states yet led by Republicans.

The Republican Party is now controlled by the far-right Conservatives. Used to be the moderates (and/or Establishment), and either everyone else has to fall in line, or get the hell out. It's the white Christian party now; anyone of another stripe will just be used to further their goals.

White supremacy groups are coming out of the shadows and openly endorsing Donald Trump, and Trump isn't turning them away, and neither is too many others on the Republican side. Those not saying anything that are Republican (there are some who are) are just looking the other way. Why? Because anyone who says anything is considered a RINO or a traitor. Traitor? Yes, it's a Southern thing. Think about it.

I'm on the road less traveled...


It's the same over here and probably a worldwide trend (but that's a guess, not based on evidence). The demographics of people who are most likely to actually turn out and vote on the day are older and white. Statistically speaking they are more likely to be conservative voters (Conservative party here, Republican party over there). What Bernie appears to be doing and to a certain extent Jeremy Corbyn over here is activating the younger voters. If they can turn out and actually vote then you may get change, again from what I've read on this side of the pond, and conversations with jumbojak, Bernie will do this more that Hillary. So he would have a better chance against whichever Republican it is.

Ecurb Noselrub

In the world of Texas politics, I vote in the Republican primary because that's where all the local offices are decided (judges, local officials, etc.).  Nobody serious runs in the Democratic primary because Democrats never win around here.  So I had to decide who to vote for in the GOP Presidential primary.  Cruz is ahead in Texas, but I can't stand him even more than I can't stand Trump.  I want Trump to win the GOP nomination so he can face Hillary in the general and lose.  So I voted for Trump.  When the general election comes in November, I'll vote for the Democratic nominee, whom I expect to be Hillary.  I'm not wild about her, but she's better than Trump or Cruz.  Isn't US politics strange? 


The US could do with a non-Christian president that has a strong political career who represents the party through and through and isn't running for vapid reasons. Bernie could be exactly what the US needs. Hillary is a vile victim blaming candidate who has been chasing the populist vote her entire career that represents the inadequacy of the establishment.
Retired member.


Quote from: Icarus on February 27, 2016, 12:28:24 AM
I am puzzled, sadly puzzled, at the apparent favor for Trump. WTF causes otherwise intelligent people to embrace such an egotistical purveyor of unadulterated bullshit????????

Saw an interesting article   that says the one common characteristic among Trump supporters is a proclivity for authoritarianism. It would certainly explain a lot.

Quote from: jumbojak on February 27, 2016, 02:44:23 AM
I wouldn't vote for Hillary even if I thought she could win.

Would you still vote for her if she ends up the nominee?

Quote from: Nam on February 27, 2016, 08:43:45 AM
Those not saying anything that are Republican (there are some who are) are just looking the other way. Why? Because anyone who says anything is considered a RINO or a traitor. Traitor? Yes, it's a Southern thing. Think about it.


LOL! So true though. The Confederacy were a bunch of traitors, and yet they still glorify them. Hypocrites.

Quote from: Claireliontamer on February 27, 2016, 09:47:12 AM
What Bernie appears to be doing and to a certain extent Jeremy Corbyn over here is activating the younger voters. If they can turn out and actually vote then you may get change, again from what I've read on this side of the pond, and conversations with jumbojak, Bernie will do this more that Hillary. So he would have a better chance against whichever Republican it is.

That's the big unknown, whether it would be enough. Young voters have been fickle up until now, and as mentioned earlier, older white people are more reliable about coming out to vote.
"Great, replace one book about an abusive, needy asshole with another." - Will (moderator) on replacing hotel Bibles with "Fifty Shades of Grey"


Quote from: Claireliontamer on February 27, 2016, 09:47:12 AM
It's the same over here and probably a worldwide trend (but that's a guess, not based on evidence). The demographics of people who are most likely to actually turn out and vote on the day are older and white. Statistically speaking they are more likely to be conservative voters (Conservative party here, Republican party over there). What Bernie appears to be doing and to a certain extent Jeremy Corbyn over here is activating the younger voters. If they can turn out and actually vote then you may get change, again from what I've read on this side of the pond, and conversations with jumbojak, Bernie will do this more that Hillary. So he would have a better chance against whichever Republican it is.

Yeàh, some Republicans here don't understand that the Conservatism here in the states isn't the same as Conservatism outside of the states. They're like ISIS here except for the murder and mayhem, though if they could do it and get away with it, I believe they would. Look at their stance at anyone who opposes them here? Some Christians on the Right believe that homosexuals should be in prison (and that was a crime here in some parts of the US not too long ago), one far right Christian who backs Cruz says they should all be rounded up by the government and executed. These people are the future of the Republican party.

No Democrat will do more as long as Republicans have control of the House and Senate.

I'm on the road less traveled...

Biggus Dickus

I'm in the same situation. I like Bernie a lot, enough that I'm currently supporting him on not only on social media, but also with a bumper sticker on my car, but I do have some concerns if he were to be the Democratic nominee for President.

My biggest concern is keeping the Republicans out of the white house, as I despise Cruz and loathe Trump, and simply cannot imagine either of them as our President. (I have some faith, after all the GOP couldn't keep Barack Hussein Obama from being elected twice)

My feeling is that Hilary can withstand the attack of the GOP Presidential election better than Bernie can, she's extremely tough, and along with that she's got the experience. Not sure how Bernie could stand up in a fight against Trump, especially when they start throwing the word socialist(-ism) around. Many Americans view that word the same way they do the word atheist (-ism).

They don't completely understand it, and they feel both represent the exact opposite of traditional America values.

"Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair."