
Look, I haven't mentioned Zeus, Buddah, or some religion.

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Science / Re: Living longer.
Last post by zorkan - July 16, 2024, 09:56:50 AM
Quote from: billy rubin on July 14, 2024, 06:13:16 PMwhy would one want to live forever?

Not if you were Tithonus.

"Aurora abducted Tithonus and asked Zeus to grant him immortality, which Zeus did. However, she forgot to ask that he also grant eternal youth, so Tithonus soon became a decrepit old man who could not die. Aurora finally transformed him into a grasshopper to relieve him of his sad existence."

There is an episode of Star Trek where a planet is so full of people they crave to be alone.
It has been suggested that living to 150 could be common by next century.
We would have to find a second home.

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
Last post by Icarus - July 16, 2024, 07:55:20 AM
^  I like it.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Icarus - July 16, 2024, 07:49:58 AM
I had no intention of coming to his defense.  As I said, I was practicing psychoanalysis (without a license).

Recently I read a lengthy article about the way Norwegian kids are raised.  It would seem that danger of intimidation or bullying is not a common way of behaving in ordinary Norway  society. If that is true, then your society has achieved a monumental degree of success.

Being bullied by ones peers is devastating to ones sense of worth. The victims suffer physical abuse as well as emotional abuse. Over a period of time the victim comes to feel that living the role of the bullied, is not worth enduring. Some of the victims become angry beyond description. Then they may take the gas pipe or alternatively pick up an AR15 

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
Last post by hermes2015 - July 16, 2024, 05:49:39 AM
Stanley Kubrick used some of György Ligeti's music in his movies. Many people find Ligeti challenging to explore, but here he is in a lighter, more accessible mood. His Six Bagatelles are performed in this video by the Carion Wind Quintet.

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
Last post by billy rubin - July 15, 2024, 11:39:48 PM
Laid Back Lounge / Re: What's on your mind today?
Last post by Tank - July 15, 2024, 06:36:00 PM
Quote from: Asmodean on July 15, 2024, 10:21:50 AM
Quote from: Tank on July 14, 2024, 09:38:23 AM1", just 1"!
Were you lamenting that Donald Trump was injured, or that he was not killed?

I shall leave that to your imagination :)
Science / Re: Living longer.
Last post by billy rubin - July 15, 2024, 01:53:22 PM
vonnegut wrote of a man who was given a choice- to complete his death or walk the galapagos as a ghost for a million years and then choose again for a final time.

after a million years of change nothing that he valued was still recognizeable. when his time was up, he chose to move on.ápagos_(novel)
Religion / Re: Christian Nonduality
Last post by billy rubin - July 15, 2024, 01:47:49 PM
it would mess up my summer vacation though
Science / Re: Living longer.
Last post by Asmodean - July 15, 2024, 10:39:43 AM
I agree with Billy.

I want a certain quality to my life. Been there, done that, planted a tree, built a bunch of houses... Yeah. I think there may come a point where I will be content with what's in my rear view mirror without really looking forward to what's in my windshield.
Politics / Re: Duke of Bullshit: "The" Do...
Last post by Asmodean - July 15, 2024, 10:35:17 AM
The guy did have the look of a "manlet who has preferred pronouns" about him, but generally, they are not the dangerous kind. Hmm... Perhaps he was only incidentally dangerous, having planned poorly, if at all, and been too emotional and/or incompetent to execute his plan well.

It may very well not have been an attempt at a political assassination as much as an "out of school school shooting," or suicide by Secret Service. Perhaps someday we shall learn. Perhaps not.

I don't see how your case, Icarus, is in his defence - he still made the choice to shoot people who posed no immediate threat to his life and was in turn killed for his trouble. It's a condemnation, if you think about it.