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Flat Earth Belief Growing Worldwide

Started by Ecurb Noselrub, November 17, 2019, 03:37:28 PM

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billy rubin

Quote from: Icarus on November 20, 2019, 12:11:47 AM
Bluenose referred to his experience when he observed other ships disappearing over the horizon. I cannot dispute that.  What was really happening is that those other ships were sailing off the edge of the flat earth.  ;D

i have never heard of that, but it makes an odd kind of sense. wouldn't work with these, though:

set the function, not the mechanism.


Quote from: billy rubin on November 20, 2019, 01:00:26 AM
Quote from: Icarus on November 20, 2019, 12:11:47 AM
Bluenose referred to his experience when he observed other ships disappearing over the horizon. I cannot dispute that.  What was really happening is that those other ships were sailing off the edge of the flat earth.  ;D

i have never heard of that, but it makes an odd kind of sense. wouldn't work with these, though:

The Flying Dutchman.
I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey

billy rubin

fata morgana, i think. what bluenose was talking about.

set the function, not the mechanism.


What I said about ships disappearing below the horizon was that the phenomenon you referred to only delayed their disappearance, it does not stop it.  Thus my observation was not falsified.  Please do not misquote me, it pisses me off.

And as for the flat Earth sometimes casting a circular shadow, I said that in my original post on the subject.  However I also said that it would not always cast a circular shadow a point you conveniently overlooked.  Again, please be more careful with what you claim I said, I do not appreciate being subject to straw man arguments, the flat Earthers and creationists do that more than enough for my taste.
+++ Divide by cucumber error: please reinstall universe and reboot.  +++

GNU Terry Pratchett

Ecurb Noselrub

Quote from: billy rubin on November 20, 2019, 12:55:02 AM
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on November 19, 2019, 11:42:03 PM
OK, then follow the International Dateline and go the other way.  You also end up at the same place, but not if it's a flat earth.

the international dateline just connects the north to the south pole. do you mean a meridian?

Yeah, just keep going around.

billy rubin

hi bluenose

Quote from: Bluenose on November 20, 2019, 03:31:21 AM
What I said about ships disappearing below the horizon was that the phenomenon you referred to only delayed their disappearance, it does not stop it.  Thus my observation was not falsified.  Please do not misquote me, it pisses me off.

my apologies. what i should have zaid was that you had lozt zight of the subject under discussion, and so your comment was not falsified, it was irrelevant. my mistake.

And as for the flat Earth sometimes casting a circular shadow, I said that in my original post on the subject.  However I also said that it would not always cast a circular shadow a point you conveniently overlooked.  Again, please be more careful with what you claim I said, I do not appreciate being subject to straw man arguments, the flat Earthers and creationists do that more than enough for my taste.

bluenose, let me zuggest an experiment which will help you understand the zubject matter. go downtown, locate a bakery, go inside, and purchase a large baked pie. i suggest a blueberry pie.

take it out on the sidewalk and turn, facing the windowz. arrange yourself so that your reflection in the window is clear. now hold the blueberry pie in your right hand, and then smack the pie into your face. carefully extract the pie pan, leaving the contentz of the pie behind, and extend your arm, holding the pie pan at a right angle to the line between your face and the center of the pie pan.

now imagine that the shop window is the zun, the pie pan is the flat earth, your head is the moon, and the imprint of the pie on your face is the shadow of the flat earth. the shadow of the flat earth in this scenario is always round, just like the imprint of the blueberry pie on your face. alwayz. no exceptionz.

now you are suggesting that the pie pan will not always leave a round mass of blueberries on your face. and if you smack your face with the pie on edge, or at an angle, you would be right. feel free to test this and report back. but i never said that the pie—or the orientation of the flat earth—would vary in any particular way, much less the onez you require. you generated the exceptionz yourself, and then stated that the model fails because it didn't account for an exception that is not in the model.

zo there we are. as i asserted, a single example of how a flat earth can cast a round shadow is enough to indicate that a model exists in which that situation can be normative. you are free to construct other modelz in which that does not occur, but doing so says nothing about the validity of what we were discuzsing.

but thank you

set the function, not the mechanism.

billy rubin

Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on November 20, 2019, 03:40:35 PM
Yeah, just keep going around.

that would certainly work, if the earth were round. but here's another shape that this method works for as well:

take this model of the earth, and travel on a the same meridian continuously. you will return to the same spot after travelling some 28,000 miles. yet the earth here is not round, so the method does not prove it to be.

more importantly, i think you've touched on what i pointed out earlier in this discussion, which is that much of the "evidence" people cite for the round earth is not actually evidence, but rather predictions from the theory. until the predictions are successfully tested, they don't become evidence.

and i've never met anybody who has traveled around the world along a meridian, so until someone does and reports his findings, that line of proof is a pie not yet fully baked.

set the function, not the mechanism.

billy rubin

shoot, ecurb, i almost forgot.

the common reasoning for why it's fruitless to try to follow a meridian around the globe is due to the curious nature of antarctica:

in this common depiction, antarctica is made up of a ring around the rim of the earth, a wall o ice.

this predates game of thrones, by the way.

anyway, this ice wall not only holds the oceans in place, it prevents anybody from following a full meridian around the earth. so the test youre describing would be fruitless to attempt.

i've questioned flat earthers extensively on the ice wall, and many explain that it has a toxic influence which prevents investigators from returning. those that do return are members of the round earth conspiracy, with false records, false journals, and false photographs.

anyway, it's not only a flat earth that has an ice wall preventing a circumnavigation along a meridian:

set the function, not the mechanism.


Always question all authorities because the authority you don't question is the most dangerous... except me, never question me.

Ecurb Noselrub

Billy Rubin, you seem to know a lot about Flat Earth, which is beginning to make me think that you are one.  Prove that you are not.

Michael Palin visited both the North and South Poles - he did not report seeing a wall of ice.

Ecurb Noselrub


Quote from: billy rubin on November 20, 2019, 04:02:07 PM
hi bluenose

Quote from: Bluenose on November 20, 2019, 03:31:21 AM
What I said about ships disappearing below the horizon was that the phenomenon you referred to only delayed their disappearance, it does not stop it.  Thus my observation was not falsified.  Please do not misquote me, it pisses me off.

my apologies. what i should have zaid was that you had lozt zight of the subject under discussion, and so your comment was not falsified, it was irrelevant. my mistake.

And as for the flat Earth sometimes casting a circular shadow, I said that in my original post on the subject.  However I also said that it would not always cast a circular shadow a point you conveniently overlooked.  Again, please be more careful with what you claim I said, I do not appreciate being subject to straw man arguments, the flat Earthers and creationists do that more than enough for my taste.

bluenose, let me zuggest an experiment which will help you understand the zubject matter. go downtown, locate a bakery, go inside, and purchase a large baked pie. i suggest a blueberry pie.

take it out on the sidewalk and turn, facing the windowz. arrange yourself so that your reflection in the window is clear. now hold the blueberry pie in your right hand, and then smack the pie into your face. carefully extract the pie pan, leaving the contentz of the pie behind, and extend your arm, holding the pie pan at a right angle to the line between your face and the center of the pie pan.

now imagine that the shop window is the zun, the pie pan is the flat earth, your head is the moon, and the imprint of the pie on your face is the shadow of the flat earth. the shadow of the flat earth in this scenario is always round, just like the imprint of the blueberry pie on your face. alwayz. no exceptionz.

now you are suggesting that the pie pan will not always leave a round mass of blueberries on your face. and if you smack your face with the pie on edge, or at an angle, you would be right. feel free to test this and report back. but i never said that the pie—or the orientation of the flat earth—would vary in any particular way, much less the onez you require. you generated the exceptionz yourself, and then stated that the model fails because it didn't account for an exception that is not in the model.

zo there we are. as i asserted, a single example of how a flat earth can cast a round shadow is enough to indicate that a model exists in which that situation can be normative. you are free to construct other modelz in which that does not occur, but doing so says nothing about the validity of what we were discuzsing.

but thank you

I have had enough of this.  You use irrelevant arguments and are completely disrespectful.  This is my last response to your nonsense.  To use the vernacular, you can eff off.
+++ Divide by cucumber error: please reinstall universe and reboot.  +++

GNU Terry Pratchett


Why is it that new members, and even some older members, have to put up with this? Seriously, this is a good part of the reason why this forum is so inactive aside from the lounge. Billy was perfectly clear and reasonable in the arguments he made, and was belittled for it. When he bit back, just a tiny bit, he was told to fuck off.

That's a great way to keep this place alive guys. Kudos.

"Amazing what chimney sweeping can teach us, no? Keep your fire hot and
your flue clean."  - Ecurb Noselrub

"I'd be incensed by your impudence were I not so impressed by your memory." - Siz


Quote from: jumbojak on November 20, 2019, 09:52:34 PM
Why is it that new members, and even some older members, have to put up with this? Seriously, this is a good part of the reason why this forum is so inactive aside from the lounge. Billy was perfectly clear and reasonable in the arguments he made, and was belittled for it. When he bit back, just a tiny bit, he was told to fuck off.

That's a great way to keep this place alive guys. Kudos.

"I've had several "spiritual" or numinous experiences over the years, but never felt that they were the product of anything but the workings of my own mind in reaction to the universe." ~Recusant