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the Ku Klux Klan is a Christian sect

Started by VietnamVet-BRIGHT, May 16, 2009, 04:19:48 AM

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This all may be old business with some on this forum, but it never fails to astound me how many people have not put the two ideologies together: The KKK is clearly an evangelical Christian sect.

To make the case two pieces of evidence; first a video shows at numerous points the evangelical Christian foundations of the KKK:


Next, couple that video with the following excerpts from a KKK website, and the case becomes shut and closed: the KKK is based on the Christian Bible and its exegesis by evangelical founders Martin Luther and John Calvin.  

KKK website ...

Quote from: "the KKK quoting the New Testament"1: Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
2: And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.
3: Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
4: No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

II Timothy, chapter 2: 1-4 of the HOLY BIBLE

Quote from: "KKK"The Holy Bible is The Book

Quote from: "KKK"
Traditional Klans and Christian Identity Klans are exclusively Christian and do not allow Pagans and other non-Christians in their ranks.

â€" 2 Corinthians 6:14: Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness ?

Quote from: "the KKK, quoting the Christian Bible"The "Jews"

Revelation 2: 9

9: I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

The Kikes

Revelation 3: 9 - 11

9: Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
10: Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
11: Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

Quote from: "KKK"Calvinistic Christian Identity

John Calvin

”Their [the Jews] rotten and unbending stiffneckedness deserves that they be oppressed unendingly and without measure or end and that they die in their misery without the pity of anyone.”

Quote from: "KKK"~ Serpent's  Seed ~
Jew Seedline of Satan

~ The Race of The Snake ~[/b]

Quote from: "the KKK, quoting the Father of Evangelical Christianity, Martin Luther""In sum, they are the devil's children, damned to Hell..." -- Martin Luther


On the Jews and Their Lies, 1543
The Complete Book Online

Martin Luther (1483 - 1546)

Quote from: "of the Jews, Martin Luther, Father of Evangelical Christianity"But when they disdained John and his [Christ's] message and miracles, reviling them as the deeds of Beelzebub, he spoiled and ruined matters entirely. He rebuked and chided them severely something he should not, of course, have done for being greedy, evil, and disobedient children, false teachers, seducers of the people, etc.; in brief, a brood of serpents and children of the devil. ... r_lies.htm




Seriously why do they bother denying that the KKK and other white supremacist groups in America are Christian sects?  It's like the insistence that Hitler was an atheist despite substantial evidence to the contrary.

Christians love to disown anyone that doesn't practice their particular flavor of Christianity.


Quote from: "Kylyssa"Seriously why do they bother denying that the KKK and other white supremacist groups in America are Christian sects?  It's like the insistence that Hitler was an atheist despite substantial evidence to the contrary.

Christians love to disown anyone that doesn't practice their particular flavor of Christianity.

The common ad hoc response from Christian apologists is that members of the KKK are not 'real' Christians.  Of course, Christians who are members of the KKK would respond that these denouncing Christians are not themselves true Christians based on a different set of a priori assumptions.  (as I'm sure you know, these types of rebuttals are a logical fallacy known as the 'No true Scotsman' argument)



Nowhere in the New Testament did Jesus Christ tell his followers to hate people because of the color of their skin, or their nationality background. The KKK are scum.


What do the KKK do best? hmm? JUDGE OTHERS?

They are hardly Christian.
"Wash me clean, set me free, hold me closer, cover me" - David Crowder - My Hope


Quote from: "Psalm23"Nowhere in the New Testament did Jesus Christ tell his followers to hate people because of the color of their skin, or their nationality background. The KKK are scum.


What do the KKK do best? hmm? JUDGE OTHERS?

They are hardly Christian.
Are you aware that this statement is judging?

Technically, the bible says, "Judge not lest ye be judged by the same measure."  It does not say not to judge at all, just to be sure you can pass the same judgment.

This quote is a perfect example of Christians disowning anyone who doesn't practice Christianity the same way they do.  The same is often said of Catholics, Swedenborgians, Mormons, Unitarians, Christian Universalists, and Unity Church members.  There are some Christians who will not recognize ANY other branch of Christianity but their own.  Types of Calvinist, Christian Reformed Church members, and Seventh Day Adventists tend to deny the Christian status of any other group.  

This is probably why, although over 80% of Americans identify as Christians, many Christians claim they are an oppressed minority in the US.  They have no respect whatsoever for what people self-identify as.




The other funny thing is how, whenever a Christian cult gets raided by the law and they find questionable goings on, the media does not call it a Christian Cult, they name the cult after whatever illegal thing it did.  Like the Christian cult that was practicing non-consensual polygamy with minor children - they called it a polygamy cult when in fact, it was a Christian cult which practiced pedophilia, ephebephilia, and coerced polygamy.


Quote from: "Kylyssa"The other funny thing is how, whenever a Christian cult gets raided by the law and they find questionable goings on, the media does not call it a Christian Cult, they name the cult after whatever illegal thing it did.  Like the Christian cult that was practicing non-consensual polygamy with minor children - they called it a polygamy cult when in fact, it was a Christian cult which practiced pedophilia, ephebephilia, and coerced polygamy.
Good point.  :upset:


Who are we to say who is or who is not a "Christian?"  I realize we all have titles- "Christian," "atheist," "agnostic," etc...but to what avail?  To be labeled?  I can call myself anything, who are you to say I'm not?  Or am, for that matter?  I can call myself a generous individual, but, if I never gave away anything in my life, would I be considered generous?  I think not.  I may think I am.

Honestly, I don't believe it's an individuals authority, although we certainly have the right, to label ourselves.  That is society's assumed role.  We, as a society with our deducing eyes, are the real proprietors of labels, taking into consideration, of course, what they call themselves, based on our own beliefs and understandings.  Is that moral?

As a Christian, I do not believe we should "judge" people.  After all, who am I to judge?  I am in the wrong with everybody else.

These are my opinions of course, but, whether or not you believe in a God or not, as a human being you have a responsibility to uphold moral principles if you wish to peacefully coincide with everyone else. :)


That word, judge, is very ambiguous.  Labeling someone doesn't constitute ruling on their fate, I believe.  If merely labeling a person constitutes judgement, then the title "stamp collector" would involve judgement.  The KKK considers themselves Christian, and I think that's all we're taking note of.  If you're not calling the KKK on their claim, then there is very little wrong with taking their word.  How one becomes a true Christian is too ambiguous, and the limits as to what atrocity a person can commit once they are a Christian, and still be considered such, is equally unspecified.

Whether we should call them a Christian sect or a sect of Christians or a sect of people who believe themselves to be Christians, however, is a blend of semantics I'd rather not deal with.
If sin may be committed through inaction, God never stopped.

My soul, do not seek eternal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible.
-- Pindar


Quote from: "Kylyssa"
Quote from: "Psalm23"Nowhere in the New Testament did Jesus Christ tell his followers to hate people because of the color of their skin, or their nationality background. The KKK are scum.


What do the KKK do best? hmm? JUDGE OTHERS?

They are hardly Christian.
Are you aware that this statement is judging?

Technically, the bible says, "Judge not lest ye be judged by the same measure."  It does not say not to judge at all, just to be sure you can pass the same judgment.

This quote is a perfect example of Christians disowning anyone who doesn't practice Christianity the same way they do.  The same is often said of Catholics, Swedenborgians, Mormons, Unitarians, Christian Universalists, and Unity Church members.  There are some Christians who will not recognize ANY other branch of Christianity but their own.  Types of Calvinist, Christian Reformed Church members, and Seventh Day Adventists tend to deny the Christian status of any other group.  

This is probably why, although over 80% of Americans identify as Christians, many Christians claim they are an oppressed minority in the US.  They have no respect whatsoever for what people self-identify as.
Actually, you mis-quoted the bible, my son.

"Do not judge lest you want to be judged in return" - Jesus Christ
"He who is without sin, shall cast the first stone!" - Jesus Christ

Are the members of the Klan without sin? I think not..

The KKK are not Christian.

end of discussion.
"Wash me clean, set me free, hold me closer, cover me" - David Crowder - My Hope


Quote from: "Psalm23"Actually, you mis-quoted the bible, my son.

"Do not judge lest you want to be judged in return" - Jesus Christ
"He who is without sin, shall cast the first stone!" - Jesus Christ

Are the members of the Klan without sin? I think not..

The KKK are not Christian.

end of discussion.
Wow, I had no idea Kylyssa was a man. Did you start taking hormone supplements, Kylyssa?  :D

Psalm, first, anybody who claims to be a Christian can be a Christian (no differently than anyone who claims to be a  Seinfeld fan is a Seinfeld fan). Second, no one is without sin and judgment, so by your way of thinking no one is Christian.



Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"Psalm, first, anybody who claims to be a Christian can be a Christian (no differently than anyone who claims to be a  Seinfeld fan is a Seinfeld fan). Second, no one is without sin and judgment, so by your way of thinking no one is Christian.lrn2logic
Listen, anyone who claims they are a Christian.. and then they go out and join the KKK.. they are hardly followers of Jesus Christ. I don't recall Jesus Christ preaching hatred towards people because of the color of the skin. Can you supply these verses that can justify the Klan?

learn logic, my son.
"Wash me clean, set me free, hold me closer, cover me" - David Crowder - My Hope


Quote from: "Psalm23"Listen, anyone who claims they are a Christian.. and then they go out and join the KKK.. they are hardly followers of Jesus Christ. I don't recall Jesus Christ preaching hatred towards people because of the color of the skin. Can you supply these verses that can justify the Klan?
Don't need to provide verses. Being a Christian doesn't come with a checklist and a certificate. It's accomplished by simple self-identification. Still, you may want to look at the original text of Matthew 15:23 and 22:36-40.

Quote from: ""The hierarchy of the Ku Klux Klan was drawn exclusively from the hierarchy of the white Southern Baptist church. There were no Catholics, Jews or Jehovah's Witnesses in the Klan. There were a few Methodists in their ranks but their Kleagles, Exalted Cyclopses, Grand Wizards, etc., were all deacons, Sunday school teachers, ministers and preachers of that violent religion. The Klan was the enforcement wing of that white Southern Baptist church.

Quotelearn logic, my son.
That's rich, coming from a Christian.  roflol


Quote from: "Psalm23"Listen, anyone who claims they are a Christian.. and then they go out and join the KKK.. they are hardly followers of Jesus Christ. I don't recall Jesus Christ preaching hatred towards people because of the color of the skin. Can you supply these verses that can justify the Klan?

learn logic, my son.

Why are they not Christians?  They certainly think they are  --->  If you scan read their vision, they don't necessarily 'hate' the other races they just don't think they are equal to White Christians.  How is this any different from the Christian slave owners who felt it was perfectly normal to keep minority slaves as property?

The KKK is just as Christian as any other Christian group that has weird ideas.  I think if you read through their vision you'll be hard pressed to be able to find a biblical reason to disagree with their views.

Honestly, the only reason it doesn't make any sense for them to be pro White Christianity is because Jesus wouldn't have been white.  Well, there are other reasons...but they have nothing to do with Christianity...just have to do with biology and race.