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Male make-up. Yes or No?

Started by Tank, April 23, 2019, 11:12:26 AM

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I don't care enough to tell other men to wear or not wear make-up.

When I was younger I used to wear some make up, like black stuff mostly not the same kind as the meme in the OP, I thought it made me look the way I wanted to look and how I wanted to express myself. Some people were very much against it and were often loud and rude about it, which is something I don't think I'll be able to understand in a rational way.

I don't wear make-up any more, because now I care less about how I look and how I express myself through appearance. I just want to be comfortable.

When it comes to other people though, I may like or dislike things but I figure that's how they want to look and express themselves and I don't want to interfere with that.
Always question all authorities because the authority you don't question is the most dangerous... except me, never question me.


I have not desire to criticize the fashion choices of the individual.  To each his own.  Some of the bizarre choices are a puzzlement to me however. 

Damn! It must be painful to have a metal stud installed in the tongue.  I have heard that there is a sexual component but have no way of verifying such a claim.  Bear with me please, I was born 50 years too soon.

Dark Lightning

Me too, I guess. I served in the Navy, but never got a tattoo. The closest I ever got to cosmetics was wax, back when I had a handlebar mustache. My wife also wears very little makeup. She put on a bunch for our wedding so that she didn't appear to washed out by the camera flashes, but I don't think that it was really necessary. Any kind of studs just seem like a potential infection site, to me. But, to each their own. They'll find their "level" in a society based on a lot more than some cosmetic appearance...though I will say that a lot of people are harshly judgmental of them. When I was in supervision I always let the people assigned to me rise or fall by their own merits. I didn't take what had been told to me by the people who made the assignments at face value. A lot of flowers can be found when they are allowed to flourish, and the weeds rear their ugly heads early on.

Bad Penny II

No, definitely No!
There's a much wider variety of female makeup available.

Quote from: Icarus on April 26, 2019, 03:02:07 AM
  And Girls...really....are you comfortable with all that facial stubble that seems to be the current fashion demand for men? .  When I ask about comfortable, I am referring to physical contact situations.  (Sigh)

It looks like stubble but it's actually manicured and oiled and fk knows what to attain lamb like softness, so I've heard.
Ask the next hipster you meet if you can rub your cheek against his manly growth.

Take my advice, don't listen to me.


Some men look good going for a more "rugged" style. Others, with a "baby face".  ;D

There's always the option of painting a beard on with copious amounts of make-up if the stubble interferes with a relationship. :grin:
I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey


Facial hair can be advantageous.  Even a short beard is claimed to block out 90% of the UV rays that would cause a sunburn.  Pugilists (boxers) often have a short beard because they claim that it helps reduce the risk of facial cuts.


Good topic. Was just talking about a related subject with my wife this morning. (it's a whole 'nother ball of fish, tho)

First: I got no beef with people doing whatever they want - it's their body after all.

My personal preference would actually be that men not wear makeup... and that women not wear makeup as well.

Could be my years on stage. I see makeup as a way to hide your true self. Heck, maybe that's a good thing!


 It is too late for me to matter but I have always found that girls with no  makeup, or very little of it, are the sexiest of all.