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The END TIMES (cue forboding music)

Started by Aullios, July 27, 2006, 02:39:07 PM

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Quote from: "Jassman"
Quote from: "Court"Really? You see a cashless society as total enslavement? How so? It just sounds practical to me. We spend far too much on producing money as it is.

I also see it as a very practical thing. I use my debit card for everything as it is. I'd probably be one of the first people to get an RFID implant... They are a great idea. It is easy to get paranoid about these things though.

I always use my debit card, too. I almost never have cash. My mom laughs at me because I use it on $3 purchases.

Quote from: "Jassman"
Quote from: "Court"Besides, it will be more secure than cash, checks, or credit cards.

Actually, people were hacking RFID tags from distances of about 30 feet at some hacker convention that went on this year. I'll see if I can find some solid information on it. Although they will be able to fix security flaws, so I don't think this will end up being too much of an issue.

Well, I'm not an expert. :) Surely, before it becomes common practice, they will make it more secure?
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Quote from: "onlyme"court, do you really see this cashless society as a liberating factor, and not total enslavement?  real hard cash is the last vestige of freedom we have.  when you can no longer draw 'cash' or get a job, or benefits, or a passport, unless you go along with the new world order plan, then I truly think that we will be total slaves to the system.  
Are you not a slave to the system as it is? Who do you think controls the circulation of money now? You?

Quote from: "onlyme"can you not see that?   A few men with computers controlling your every move, and all access to your finances ( for YOUR benefit?)
I hate to tell you, if your money is in a bank somewhere, it's already controlled by computers.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Quote from: "onlyme"real hard cash is the last vestige of freedom we have.  

No, cash and gold have a major flaw that cashless systems have worked hard to eliminate: Identity theft. ("Stick 'em up!") You have no control over anyone's ability to appropriate your cash or specie and claim it as his own (the market can't tell the difference), whereas we have ways to block use of stolen debit or credit cards, along with laws which limit your liability for unauthorized purchases.

In an ideal world, we would have the ability to block the unauthorized use of hard currency and gold coins to discourage theft -- but that would require a technology like RFID chips, which gets us back to the problems of the cashless technologies. Given how libertarians emphasize property rights and financial security, you'd think they would want iron-grip control over their tangible money so that absolutely nobody can take it as his own without the original owner's explicit consent.

Big Mac

Fuck RFID chips. They'll put one in my corpse before they put one in me alive. Fuck that shit, the government has no business in where I'm at. Now as for a cashless society, I like it, I don't live off the grid like that. In fact almost all of my purchases are done with a debit card. someone steals it, BAM, I just call in the bank's hotline and cancel it. Foiled there pukes.

Onlyme, your country has disarmed your from protecting yourself, and you fear a cashless society? I'd be more worried about a government that doesn't let me have guns and tell me it's for my own good. And what's this business with all these cameras nowadays? Can anyone say 1984?! How many Jews, Armenians, Gays, Poles, Blacks, etc. died because they were disarmed and at the mercy of a government? That's what you should be more afraid of. The means, the method, and the madness.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?

Asmodean Prime

I agree with you on some of your points, Bigmac, I think taking gun-ownership rights away from individuals is just another step in creating a totally controlled society, just like taking financial freedom away from them is.

Although I myself am not in favour of guns per-se, as I have seen the harm they can do, yet I respect an individuals right to bear arms to defend oneself.


Onlyme, you're not even paying attention, are you? You don't have "financial freedom" if you have money in a bank or a debit/credit card.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Well, I'm not really in favor of a "cashless society". I'm in favor of me living cashless with an RFID chip. I do think that anyone else should be allowed to continue exchanging paper in turn for goods and services though.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.

Asmodean Prime

Quote from: "Court"Onlyme, you're not even paying attention, are you? You don't have "financial freedom" if you have money in a bank or a debit/credit card.

Court, I mean that since paper money has been being eroded for a long time now, including electronic banking and transaction, we have been losing our freedom in equal measure.  These 'cards' are just a step along the way, culminating in our total loss of freedom.

I think things will only get worse on this front, as I said, what about when you can't make any transaction whatsoever, without 'big brother' watching and 'approving' your every move, with the power to cancel your transaction, or claim for benefit, etc?


So, basically, you're paranoid.
Heh, what are you worried about anyway? If you think the end is near, you're not going to have to worry.
You'll be up in Jesus-land, completely dependent on "big brother" watching your every move.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]

Asmodean Prime

court, I'm not so much paranoid for myself, as I see what's coming, and what's at stake here.  I'm more paranoid for the people who wander blindly down this avenue, not realising the danger they are in.

Do you really think it's a good idea for the state to control your every move?

This kind of system is always open to abuse. If hitler had this kind of power, what a different kind of world we would now be living in.  well, somebody now DOES have this power.  And do you think it will be used for beneficial purposes?  Are 'they' really thinking about your welfare?  Or
are you just a little bit suspicious that something might be going on behind the scenes to rob you of your liberty?


Maybe. But what good does worrying about the chip going to do?
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Quote from: "onlyme"This kind of system is always open to abuse. If hitler had this kind of power, what a different kind of world we would now be living in.  well, somebody now DOES have this power.  And do you think it will be used for beneficial purposes?  Are 'they' really thinking about your welfare?  Or you you just a little bit suspicious that something might be going on behind the scenes to rob you of your liberty?

It is always good to maintain a certain level of suspicion. It keeps your senses keen so when something does go wrong, you can react more quickly. But do you really see the government as this uncaged monster that you portray it as? Keep in mind that the government is comprised of people. People just like you and me. They aren't just "out to get us". They are trying to perform certain duties, and whether you and me think they're doing a good job of that is another topic. Please remember that our governments aren't just some global, impersonal entities out to wrong us.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.

Asmodean Prime

Quote from: "Court"Maybe. But what good does worrying about the chip going to do?

well, for this reason:

as a bible believer, everyone who receives the mark of the beast will be thrown alive into the lake of fire, which burns for ever and ever, that's why.

believe it or not, I didn't make this up myself.  I just think that before you receive this mark, you should consider the consequences of your actions, as there is no going back after this.


Then don't get it. I don't believe in god, so I won't be controlled by silly fears....
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Quote from: "Jassman"It is always good to maintain a certain level of suspicion. It keeps your senses keen so when something does go wrong, you can react more quickly. But do you really see the government as this uncaged monster that you portray it as? Keep in mind that the government is comprised of people. People just like you and me. They aren't just "out to get us". They are trying to perform certain duties, and whether you and me think they're doing a good job of that is another topic. Please remember that our governments aren't just some global, impersonal entities out to wrong us.

Phew. And I thought I was the only person not paranoid around here. :)
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]