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Discuss Forum Rules Here

Started by Whitney, June 22, 2006, 09:35:46 AM

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1. Respect others. Treat people with the respect they deserve.

2. Preach in appropriate areas.  The forum is open to anyone. However, if a theist insists on preaching outside of the "Religion Corral" forum the user will first be warned, then trolled, then IP banned.  That location was created to allow those who wish to refrain from religious discussion a nice tidy forum.  Hint, we really would prefer you not preach at all; thoughtful discussion is a lot more welcome.

3. Do not spam/troll.  Spamming is a troll-able/bannable offense. (this should go without to determine which one, troll/ban, has so far been based on member input.  

What does this forum consider spam?
-multiple postings of the same topic
-threads which are posted to advertise products/links unrelated to this forum
-responses to existing topics which are completely unrelated to the subject
-hit and run postings of a trollish nature*

*When the spam falls under the hit and run category the poster will be given ~24 hours to show that s/he intended to discuss whatever content was in the post...after that time period it will be considered a hit and run if a second post has not been made.

3. Work friendly.  Keep forum content work friendly. For instance, if an image you want to post is pornographic or otherwise not appropriate for a work environment then link to the image rather than placing the image in your post.

4. Do not plagerize.  When quoting from a source other than yourself give credit where credit is due: use citations, links, names, etc. when possible.  Academic integrity is important to a lot of the members here; violating this rule can result in a ban.

Theists, if you are not familiar with atheism or have never discussed with atheists please look over FAQ for theists

The rest of the agreement is standard of most forums and you should be familiar with the information contained within the agreement.

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You agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, threatening, or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned. The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions. You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit. As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised.

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Asmodean Prime

Ok, I've never held rules in reverence before, but if it's a requirement, I guess I can go along. Does seem a bit odd for an atheistically based forum, though.


I know it's odd, but from being on other forums that theists will eventually register anyway, so there might as well be rules for how to handle them. That's why I created the Religion section, they can preach or make their arguments in that category and people will not have to see it anywhere else in the rest of the forum. But, since I also know that the fundies are the least likely to read/follow rules on an atheist forum, I imagine that once they start finding the forum I'll have to troll/ban quite a few people.

The rules aren't an invite for the theist to come here, just a means of controlling the inevitable. I think I still need to tweak the rules some so they are more clear on the purpose of the site and why it has a religion section.

Asmodean Prime

Hi...I was teasing you about your 2nd paragraph..."Another copy of this will be included on the main website if you need to reverence it at a later date." I think you meant "reference" and I was just playing on that.


lol...oh, now I get it...i just read over the word just as if it was used properly. I need to fix that. I shouldn't have edited the agreement when I was tired.


Hey, just new to the forum. Been looking for an outlet for sometime. I understand the rules, but if the level of respect that is 'deserved' is the measure of respect, then we could all be in a bit of bother with the moderators should a theist need a good old cyber-crucifixion.

Looking forward to observing and contributing.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein


A theist who needs a "good old cyber-crucifixion" (lol) wouldn't be worthy of respect.  

I'm still working on clarifying the rules a bit.  If you can think of a way of wording the respect rule that is less subjective it would be nice.  Right now it's basically a rule that I can point to if a theist (or obnoxious atheist) is out of line and disturbing other members.

Asmodean Prime

ok, i did make the mistake of posting in the wrong section, i;ll correct it from now on, although i did just reply again in the same section, because i was replying to your question that you asked me


laetus, thank you for being "johnny on the spot" with the warning today.  I was looking forward to seeing the troll; maybe next time.

You have two very clear rules.   It shouldn't be hard for most people to follow them.


Wow! I hope I don't screw up and post in the wrong place. LOL! I disagree with it being easy in here. It's only easy after you've become familiar with this particular forum. Besides, onlyme was replying to someone else in that post, so where was he supposed to post the response?

I mentioned in that thread that we could stand to be a little more forgiving of people who are new to the forum, especially when they apologize for posting incorrectly. It just confirms peoples' beliefs that atheists are nasty people when we don't show a little compassion for others. Everyone makes mistakes. I didn't get the impression that this person was a troll. He was accused of being a troll before he ever got the chance to respond to the barrage of posts to his initial post.

We need to take it easy people. Just my opinion, but it'll go a long way toward improving our image if we always take the high road in correspondence and debate.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Agreed, sometimes it's easy to point fingers. But I believe he is legitimately looking to discuss religion.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.


Quote from: "Jassman"Agreed, sometimes it's easy to point fingers. But I believe he is legitimately looking to discuss religion.

Is that a bad thing? Discussing religion, I mean.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


No I think you have me misunderstood. I'm glad he's hear to discuss religion.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.


Quote from: "Jassman"No I think you have me misunderstood. I'm glad he's hear to discuss religion.

Yep, I misunderstood. It was the "But" at the beginning of your one sentence that threw me off.

Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


onlyme's post in this thread was about when I had just mentioned in the religion category that any preaching was really intended to be kept to the "preaching corral" but that it was fine since he was new and the rules may not be clear.

Maybe the term "preaching" didn't get through to him, I don't know.  But it was after that when he posted a preachy response to MommaSquid de-conversion thread.  The little warning icon occured neither of us knew it would actually show a warning icon to everyone...that wasn't the intent.  I actually thought it was going to be a little behind the scenes please edit your post due to preaching warning.  But communication failed, probably due to us both being tired.  And then onlyme didn't get the pm so was confused about the warning.  So anyway, warning removed and he edited the post.

Neither Brian or I were trying to be mean or natzis about it...and not having used the sytem before didn't help much...should just use a pm next time and forgo the warning till much later...Just trying to enforce one of the few rules the forum has thinking it had already been made clear to the user.

I could remove that rule if no one cares about people preaching in various parts of the forum...although I do think it helps to keep the forum cleaned up.  I also apologize for the way it was handled..I've never had to run a forum before and wasn't sure to if it was proper to let the rule slide or not in that case...especially since it was a thread about de-conversions, not one asking to be converted.

So, anyway, that's what happened.  I hope onlyme wasn't scared off by it.