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Started by tigerlily46514, July 29, 2007, 03:30:28 PM

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Here is a topic i have wondered about.  I am a lifelong atheist, but i sometimes catch myself saying something like, "Oh that song moves me to my soul"  or "I just know it in my soul."  I have usually substitued the phrase, 'down in my marrow' for soul, but do other atheists here ever use the phrase 'soul' and if so, what do they mean by it?

I occasionally have the same quandry, but less of it, when using the word spirit, however, i feel that one's spirit is their attitude, their current type of energy they are living with, their psychological strength, something like that.

But do other atheists ever use the word soul?

BTW, i personally do not believe in any part of a human that can be separated from the body, i completely firmly believe that the body is completely required to even form a thought or to be who we are.  So is my referring to soul just a remnant of my religious childhood?
"religious groups should stay out of politics-OR BE TAXED."

"Once you explain why you dismiss all other possible gods-- i'll explain why i dismiss your god."


I got soul. And I'm superbad.


Quote from: "tigerlily46514"So is my referring to soul just a remnant of my religious childhood?

Probably a remnant.  I'm still a little flustered when somebody sneezes and I say "Gezundheit" instead of 'bless you'.  I have to think about what I'm saying because the old 'bless you' is the automatic response.  

I still say, "Oh, god" every now and then but that doesn't mean I've renounced my atheism.

BTW, welcome to the forum tigerlily.


I use the term soul to refer to the self.  I typically only use it when I'm trying to write something poetic or romantic.  However, I don't get bothered by using it in every day conversation just like I still say "bless you" and "oh god."  Many religious terms have become so common place that they have lost much of what makes people think religiously when you say them.

I figure there are more important things to worry about than making sure I avoid all words and terms that have a religious background/basis.


My feelings on this matter reflect the posts above me.  I will frequently say "oh god", or even more frequently, "god damn it!"  Haha.  I, too, have not renounced by atheism.

Anyway - I happen to like the word "soul", and I would say I use it to describe "innermost self".  I also take it in a poetic, or artistic, way.  So, I might say a particular thing to do is "good for the soul" --- what I mean is, it's good for "settling yourself", or making peace with yourself.

Edited: I forgot to include, I certainly don't believe in a supernatural soul, or a ghostly spirit, that exists separately from the physical body.  I think I am my body - nothing more, nothing less.


As Lae pointed out, as a poetic tool it works nicely to get a commonly understood point across.


Thanks for these GREAT replies!  I LOVE THIS PLACE!  

PS-I'm always interested to hear more if someone is reading this and has a thought to add.
All these words are so appreciated by me.
"religious groups should stay out of politics-OR BE TAXED."

"Once you explain why you dismiss all other possible gods-- i'll explain why i dismiss your god."


I’ve heard a couple of different descriptions of a soul, but none make sense to me. Here are some questions I would like answers to.

If the soul is your true self, then why do you not remember events before you where born?

If the soul is your true self, then why is your personality affected by brain damage…why is the magic of your soul affected at all?

DNA and the human body are giant compared to sub-atomic particles…Wouldn’t we have detected a soul in the human by now, if one exists?  

Where is the soul? In the sperm, the egg, heaven or atlantis?

The soul is the driving force that replicates DNA and makes your heart beat. Ok…why do animals not have souls…their hearts beat and their cells replicate DNA.

When you sneeze, your soul say “bless you” Why is this idea so silly nowadays? Seems pretty logical to me.
Shows how religion evolves too…maybe one day it will become extinct.
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -cs


Where is the soul? I vote for Atlantis and Gary Busey has been there so he knows where they're all kept.  All we have to do is get Busey to lead us there.


Quote from: "pjkeeley"I got soul. And I'm superbad.

haha That is pretty good.
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


Quote from: "jcm"Wouldn’t we have detected a soul in the human by now, if one exists?
What, you mean you don't buy that 21-grams nonsense?  :wink:


Quote from: "SteveS"
Quote from: "jcm"Wouldn’t we have detected a soul in the human by now, if one exists?
What, you mean you don't buy that 21-grams nonsense?  :wink:

Sorry never saw the movie...but probably not.
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -cs


Haha - yeah, I was referring to This Guy that measured bodies right before and after they died and "determined" that every body lost 21 grams at the moment of death --- supposed evidence of a soul.  Although, it couldn't be an "immaterial" soul if its weight could be measured  :?  

Anyway, I don't buy it either  :wink:


Unfortunately for MacDougall, his methodology was horrid and reviewing his work on that particular item shows that his conclusions were unwarranted.


Quote from: "Squid"Unfortunately for MacDougall, his methodology was horrid and reviewing his work on that particular item shows that his conclusions were unwarranted.

Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette