
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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Your reading list?

Started by Reasonable, August 19, 2010, 07:44:45 AM

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What books are you reading or planning to read?

Here are mine:

1. Anything by Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins.  The End of Faith and The Greatest Show on Earth provided proof and reason why these two are the leading atheists at the moment.  Both are very provocative and responsible in their arguments.

2. Wafa Sultan's A God Who Hates. Ms. Sultan was on Al Jazeera TV and she told of an Arab sheikh for his fundamentalist views.  In her book, she actually showed a great compassion and love for Muslims but calls upon them to see the light when it comes to outmoded and evil Islam.

3. Gareth Wilson's The Plain Truths of Religion.  What we have here is a Harris and Dawkins in the making.  It is surprisingly very well written for a first time author for a first book.  Wilson does not just froth at the mouth chanting I hate religion, he actually discusses his reasons for being a secular advocate.  Insightful and entertaining.

4. Atheist Universe: The Thinking Person's Answer to Christian Fundamentalism by David Mills.  Mills is a persuasive writer and he is very responsible with his arguments.  He presents his side and debunks the myth, and basically answers the question why god and religion is unnecessary.


Currently reading:
1. The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell.

I Plan on reading.

1. Lord of the Flies by William Golding (agian. I've already read the book back in my sophomore year, but I I'd like to read it again with a different perspective about the world :D)

2. God Is Not Great by Hitchens.

3. ALL of the odyssey novels by Aurthur C. Clarke (because I LOVE science fiction).

And many more that I cannot list off the top of my head. I just recently got into reading, but I plan on reading quite a few works in the near-future once I get the money hehe.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan.


Im currently reading the lord of the rings and
"and another thing" ... 945&sr=8-1 I always read two books at a time
next to my bed is a pile o books waiting to be read:
-99% ape-how evolution adds up
-the greatest show on earth - dawkins
why evolution is true -
-the blind watchmaker- dawkins
the children of Hurin - Tolkien
-what evolution is - ernst Mayr
-great expectation - dharles Dickens
the selfish gene - Dawkins
-does god hate women?
-gulliver's travels - Swift
-why evolution matters
-The end of faith - Sam Harris
-Do cows walk down stairs?
-duh-the stupid history of the human race
God made me an atheist, who are you to question his wisdom!


Hi MariaEvri:

I love Lord of the Rings too.  I'd check out And Another Thing, now that I've actually finished Gareth Wilson's book.  A great book, really.

Who wrote the 99% ape book?


Quote from: "Reasonable"Hi MariaEvri:

I love Lord of the Rings too.  I'd check out And Another Thing, now that I've actually finished Gareth Wilson's book.  A great book, really.

Who wrote the 99% ape book?
It's a collective book produced by The Natural History museum in London and edited by Johnathan Slivertown. I read it as part of an Open University short course on Darwin. I would highly recommend it.
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


Quote from: "Tank"
Quote from: "Reasonable"Hi MariaEvri:

I love Lord of the Rings too.  I'd check out And Another Thing, now that I've actually finished Gareth Wilson's book.  A great book, really.

Who wrote the 99% ape book?
It's a collective book produced by The Natural History museum in London and edited by Johnathan Slivertown. I read it as part of an Open University short course on Darwin. I would highly recommend it. ... 755&sr=8-1 here it is :)
God made me an atheist, who are you to question his wisdom!


"The greatest argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." - Winston Churchill


The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


I'm reading Benny Morris' 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. It's a history of the formation of the Jewish state in Israel. I think the author has a pro-Jewish bias, though some apparently claim he has a pro-Arab bias. I'm not seeing the latter. But anyway, it's interesting to get an idea of what the hell happened there before and after the second world war. Also, it's not at all dry. Apparently some of history is a Tom Clancy novel. And of course I don't read Tom Clancy  :blush:
"I rebel -- therefore we exist." - Camus


I'm collecting the Horus Heresy book series, I don't want to start until I've got them all!... Or at least the first one.

I recently ordered every single novel by Neil Gaiman, and am in the process of reading them. Finished Good Omens a few hours ago, and I'm about to start on American Gods, then Anansi Boys, then The Graveyard Book, then Neverwhere, then Stardust...

I haven't picked up Coraline yet, or... I'll have to look it up, but I think there's a few more.

I also have American Psycho, and Welcome to the NHK (Manga) volumes 1-8 to finish as well.  :crazy:
"You are trying to understand madness with logic. This is not unlike searching for darkness with a torch." -Jervis Tetch


@MariaEvri: I have also read 99% Ape, and I agree it's great.  And to think it was a requirement for philosophy class.

@Reasonable: I would also agree with you that Gareth Wilson's Plain Truths of Religion is also a great read.  Very enlightening.

Of course, Harris and Dawkins are staples.

@Cite134:  I personally haven't read Conquest of Happiness, but my girlfriend loves it!

I'd try to see what you guys have suggested here.  Thanks for the recommendations.


Most recently finished:

Blood of Flowers.  Great book - interesting look at another culture and time (Iran in the 17th cent I believe).

The Help  Again, a good look at another culture and time, this about 1960s Mississippi (black servants, etc).

Currently reading Lonesome Dove.  Wow, what an incredible tale.  I always thought it was just a cheesy TV show but the book is marvelous!

I've never been the biggest fan of Dawkins, Harris, etc.  I started the The God Delusion and I sort of had this "preachin' to the choir" annoyance with.  Perhaps it's better for atheist who used to be religious...or agnostics that are still clinging to some religious precepts?  I should really give it another shot though.  I didn't get very far and I was distracted by another book.  So I'll put that as my next read!


Quote from: "madness"I've never been the biggest fan of Dawkins, Harris, etc.  I started the The God Delusion and I sort of had this "preachin' to the choir" annoyance with.  Perhaps it's better for atheist who used to be religious...or agnostics that are still clinging to some religious precepts?  I should really give it another shot though.  I didn't get very far and I was distracted by another book.  So I'll put that as my next read!
Skip it and stick to Dawkins bio work, unless you're uninterested in biology, in which case just simply skip it and move on to something interesting.
All hail Cancer Jesus!


Quote from: "PoopShoot"Skip it and stick to Dawkins bio work, unless you're uninterested in biology, in which case just simply skip it and move on to something interesting.

You mean like The Greatest Show on Earth?  My mom got me that book too.  I am interested in most aspects of science, so perhaps that would be a better read!


... Currently reading the Ringworld series (mid way through the last "Ringworld's Children")

Just finished "Grand Design" by Hawking.
Liked the first 95% of the book, then he lost me at the end.
I've bookmarked it to read again and see if I change my mind...
Anybody else read it yet?

BTW, I'm using a Kindle now (the $139 wifi version) - amazing device.
Honestly, I've been reading a tonne (metric) more since I got it.
Found a epub-to-pdf converter and am loading all sorts of things on it.
(got "From Beyond" in the queue ;-)