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I ripped the Obama sticker off my car today

Started by Whitney, July 17, 2010, 11:03:03 PM

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This is why: ... l2.app226a
QuoteAsk President Obama WHY his administration is restricting coverage for vulnerable women.

After all of your hard work defeating Rep. Stupak's draconian abortion coverage ban, the Obama administration is planning to voluntarily bring the ban back to life in the new insurance pools for people with pre-existing conditions. This is deeply troubling. Not only should every woman be able to decide what is best for her health and her family, but women participating in high-risk insurance pools are particularly vulnerable and may have a special need for abortion. For example, because of the restriction, a woman with heart disease or diabetes might be compelled to carry a pregnancy to term despite its potentially damaging effect on her future health. What's more, this ban is more restrictive than the abortion provision that will govern the exchanges once they are established: It does not allow states to choose to cover abortion, and it does not give women the option to buy a plan that includes abortion coverage using their own money.

While I know he was never a 'fan' of abortion (no one is) he had previously stated (in not so few words) that it should be left up to the woman and her doctor to decide.  Now he is taking steps towards restricting abortion rights for no reason whatsoever...the republicans already hated him; I guess he wants to lose his liberal base too.


Ubi dubium ibi libertas: Where there is doubt, there is freedom.


While way from familiar with the vagaries of the US health system what you have highlighted looks like a retrograde step.
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


He's trying to appeal to both sides and in doing so alienates both  :hissyfit:
I'm the only cause I'm interested in


While I am against abortions, I believe it should still be legal, because at the end of the day, it's really not my choice.

Big Mac

Quote from: "Allah"He's trying to appeal to both sides and in doing so alienates both  :hissyfit:

And I love it! I hope he loses the next election by so much. I don't care who gets into office, just make it anyone but a lousy Democrat. They've had how many years dominating Congress and have passed crap for the most part. Even when they try to pass their flagship crapfests they can't handle a little resistance from Republicans.

I may have not liked Bush and his cronies but at least they did what they wanted and just said "Haters gonna hate."

Obama is a failure of a president and a lame duck. Enjoy the ride while we go down the drain, folks.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Wow, just wow, well he won't be getting my vote come 2012. I figured he would eventually figure out that he needs the liberal base since that's what got him elected but he just showed that he clearly doesn't give a damn about the base. Makes me sad knowing the first black president is going to be a lame duck. What makes it worse is the fact that this man is an intellectual. I've met and had lunch and dinner with Obama several times but the stuff i've been reading about his presidency sounds like a different person. He's sold out, why can't  another JFK get into office?

If Obama makes it to the ballot again I won't be voting this year or i'll be voting on for some agreeable obscure party.


Wow, just wow, well he won't be getting my vote come 2012. I figured he would eventually figure out that he needs the liberal base since that's what got him elected but he just showed that he clearly doesn't give a damn about the base. Makes me sad knowing the first black president is going to be a lame duck. What makes it worse is the fact that this man is an intellectual. I've met and had lunch and dinner with Obama several times but the stuff i've been reading about his presidency sounds like a different person. He's sold out, why can't  another JFK get into office?

If Obama makes it to the ballot again I won't be voting this year or i'll be voting on for some agreeable obscure party.

Big Mac

Quote from: "Ultima22689"Wow, just wow, well he won't be getting my vote come 2012. I figured he would eventually figure out that he needs the liberal base since that's what got him elected but he just showed that he clearly doesn't give a damn about the base. Makes me sad knowing the first black president is going to be a lame duck. What makes it worse is the fact that this man is an intellectual. I've met and had lunch and dinner with Obama several times but the stuff i've been reading about his presidency sounds like a different person. He's sold out, why can't  another JFK get into office?

If Obama makes it to the ballot again I won't be voting this year or i'll be voting on for some agreeable obscure party.

That's the problem in my opinion. He got elected because he would be the first black president. If we are supposed to look past race why was everyone excited about electing a black guy? Why not focus on electing someone who would be way more qualified to run the largest economic and military power on the planet?
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "Whitney"While I know he was never a 'fan' of abortion (no one is)
Actually, I am. Granted, condoms are a better way to go, but I do not discourage abortion at all, nor frown upon it whatever the reason. Keeps the overpopulation down slightly.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Allah"He's trying to appeal to both sides and in doing so alienates both  :hissyfit:

And I love it! I hope he loses the next election by so much. I don't care who gets into office, just make it anyone but a lousy Democrat. They've had how many years dominating Congress and have passed crap for the most part. Even when they try to pass their flagship crapfests they can't handle a little resistance from Republicans.

I may have not liked Bush and his cronies but at least they did what they wanted and just said "Haters gonna hate."

Obama is a failure of a president and a lame duck. Enjoy the ride while we go down the drain, folks.

It would take a lot of convincing that he'd do better in a second term before I would be willing to vote for him again.  However, I can't think of a single Republican who I think would make a good president. When it comes to:

Building a mosque
Closing Guantanamo
Ending a War
Ending the Death Penalty
Gay Marriage
Helping the environment
Legalizing Marijuana
Mandating a new vaccine
Providing Universal Healthcare
Racial Harmony
Stimulating the economy
Basically, anything PROGRESSIVE

The conservatives say we shouldn't be allowed to do that, because it violates some stupid tradition. Or they say the government shouldn't get involved in things like that. Or they justify leaving things the way they are with some Islamophobic patriotic nonsense about terrorism, or freedom.

I wish there were politicians with Democratic values AND that Republican fuck-you-I'll-do-what-I-want attitude.Then maybe we could get some shit done in this country!
"Reality is that which when you close your eyes it does not go away.  Ignorance is that which allows you to close your eyes, and not see reality."

"It can't be seen, smelled, felt, measured, or understood, therefore let's worship it!" ~ Anon.


Quote from: "KebertX"It would take a lot of convincing that he'd do better in a second term before I would be willing to vote for him again.  However, I can't think of a single Republican who I think would make a good president.
I'm inclined to agree (despite having voted for him the first time) except for your wording.  It wouldn't take convincing me that he'd do better the second time than his first, merely that he'll do better then the other guy.  As disappoint as I am, if the alternative is even worse than what we have now, I'd just as soon live with four more years of the same.
All hail Cancer Jesus!


Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "Ultima22689"Wow, just wow, well he won't be getting my vote come 2012. I figured he would eventually figure out that he needs the liberal base since that's what got him elected but he just showed that he clearly doesn't give a damn about the base. Makes me sad knowing the first black president is going to be a lame duck. What makes it worse is the fact that this man is an intellectual. I've met and had lunch and dinner with Obama several times but the stuff i've been reading about his presidency sounds like a different person. He's sold out, why can't  another JFK get into office?

If Obama makes it to the ballot again I won't be voting this year or i'll be voting on for some agreeable obscure party.

That's the problem in my opinion. He got elected because he would be the first black president. If we are supposed to look past race why was everyone excited about electing a black guy? Why not focus on electing someone who would be way more qualified to run the largest economic and military power on the planet?

Granted that a lot of people did vote him in solely because he was Black however that isn't the case for many people. I voted before him because he made McCain lose his temper in debates, because he promised an end to politics as usual and candidate Obama sound fairly progressive, more progressive than the last few presidents we have. My only concern about the fact that he is black is that this may backlash against the black community because they will be pretty down in the dumps, violence in Chicago dropped sharply in black communities once Obama had gotten elected because nearly everyone did vote him in because he was black. I voted for him because candidate Obama seemed like he would have the balls to handle his business opposed to a war hawk who wanted to ramp up the war and cut back on spending period back home where it count the most.


I'd say if I was American. I'd be split between the parties on these issues. Something like:

Abortion is good
Building a mosque is within their rights as long as their permits are in order
Closing Guantanamo is something that should have been done before they opened it.
Ending a War Saves money, lives and ammunition. Good idea.
Ending the Death Penalty What ever for?
Gay Marriage Equality before the law for all sexual orientations that do not include harmful and illegal activities, like screwing alter boys.
Helping the environment Maybe, but far down my priority list.
Legalizing Marijuana Only as a controlled substance, in line with morphine, vicodin and the like
Mandating a new vaccine Eh..?
Immigration Keep the good ones, kick the rest out.
Providing Universal Healthcare Not if it means a general decrease in the quality of it.
Racial Harmony There are smart people and there are dumb f**ks. Color or shape of the eyes is irrelevant
Stimulating the economy Is generally a good thing to do.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.