
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Spamming for Christ

Started by Squid, May 28, 2007, 09:46:24 PM

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I could actually care less if they are evangelical Christians, rambunctious atheists, or pernicious Jews - whatever their actual beliefs such postings are annoying and only waste space on this board.


we are legion it wont stop.


Quote from: "Ingodwetrust"we are legion it wont stop.

I don't think God likes assholes...or maybe he does, that does seem to be his personality.

Anyway, it will stop because all I have to do is hit delete.


Quote from: "Squid"Ah, the insanity of Comfort and Cameron. The design of the banana....and the nose was obviously designed to wear glasses.
Funny thing about that, I saw that "Way of the Master" show on a cable station last night as I was flipping channels, so for grins I decided to watch it.  I don't know if every episode is the same (and I'm not going to sit and watch them, I'm not a masochist), but they sure come across hard on the whole "he have a duty to preach god's word", "we must try to reach the lost", blah blah blah.  Is this the same attitude that provokes the religious spammers on the internet?  Probably not in this case, I think the guy who has attacked here is just trying to stir things up - I think he's having everybody on.  But most of them seem more "sincere".

Anyway - just another reason I don't like this evangelical attitude.  It's really obnoxious.


I must say, Squid, as an avid Christian, you are absolutely right!  Christ message is love and forgiveness.  God does not hate anyone, but loves all!  Some people tend to go about this in the wrong way.  I juat want everyone to know that there are true Christians out there that love you and care about your souls.  I dont hate you and neither does God.  He desires to have a relationship with you!


i think the best part about this is the satin typo and the "crotch of christianity". lol.....


Quote from: "Ingodwetrust"we are legion it wont stop.
Remember when Jesus found a demon (unclean spirit) in a man while he was walking in Mark?

"And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many." (Mark 5:9, KJV)

I respect some Christians, but not only are you an idiot, but you're probably a Satanist. Atheists think of satanists just about what we think of Christians; what are you people thinking? I have to wonder why you're trying to represent Christians when you yourself clearly are a worshiper of satan. It's confusing. Does worshiping satan and representing yourself as a christian make you laugh? Do you think it's funny to worship the character who tried to kill god, the deity real christians worship?
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I've witnessed Christians bothering atheists in real life, saying it's their duty to try and convert others.  I think spamming online is just a lazy man's version of standing and screaming at the heathens at a liberal arts college.  They think they are actually making a difference in the world, but they're just wasting their own time when they could be out in the real world looking for a prep-cook job or having ugly children.


Quote from: "brainshmain"...looking for a prep-cook job or having ugly children.
Now that's funny.

Also, Ann Coulter's face freaks me out.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson