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How many religions do YOU belong to?

Started by JoElite, June 21, 2010, 06:31:36 AM

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a common argument comming from any sort of Theist when told that religion is organized brainwashing, or that religion should be wiped out from the planet of the earth is.
- Well you belong to a religion to!, Atheism has started forming communities, they've got leaders that they blindly follow, like Darwin and they even have a holy book that shouldnt be questioned, the science books!!
this is a VERY flawed argument, let me demonstrate.
Atheism is a lack of belief or a disbelief in a god.. Atheism does not stand for any ''positive'' claim, only the negative claim that god does not exist, an Atheist has no responsibility to believe in evolution, and simply because you become an Atheist doesnt automatically lead you to being critically thinking or anything..
point 1.. Atheist ONLY stands for a disbelief in a god.
So if the lack of belief in a god is a religion, then ill have to ask any creationists, how many religions do you belong to?
do you believe in fairies? not? ok so 1+ religion... do you believe in Unicorns? no? 2+ religions, do you believe in Thor? no? 3+ religions...
You see what i mean? If a lack of belief in god is a religion, then surely a lack of belief in ANYTHING would be a religion.

Therefor, the argument that Atheism is a religion is here by PWNED!
It's easier to be born again than to grow up!


Yeah, you pretty much summed it up. I'm willing to bet that there are atheists in who reject evolution (or any other scientific theory for that matter).
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan.


Every religions are best in their own way with the culture. And therefore I belong to all the religions as a human. But it is depend upon us to be Atheist or theist. True religion always live in the theist who believe in the god and faith. A mankind is the big thing than a religion you belong to.
I'm a spam bot.


I agree with most of the OP, with the exception of the following:

QuoteAtheism does not stand for any ''positive'' claim, only the negative claim that god does not exist, an Atheist has no responsibility to believe in evolution, and simply because you become an Atheist doesnt automatically lead you to being critically thinking or anything..
point 1.. Atheist ONLY stands for a disbelief in a god.

My atheism is not an active disbelief, but rather an imposition of evidentiary standards. Given this, I don't say "God doesn't exist"; I say "I see no reason to think god exists."
Illegitimi non carborundum.


Thumpalumpacus, as i said before but forgot to say two times, was that Atheism is a lack of belief in God OR a disbelief, thanx for pointing it out though, dont want to much false information on the internet :P
Atheism doesnt need constant fuel, as Thump here said, if you find no reason in believing in god, and simply live without him, then your probably an Atheist..
It's easier to be born again than to grow up!