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Finally! The Answer We've Been Waiting For?

Started by joeactor, April 28, 2007, 07:50:25 PM

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Best-selling Author Will 'Prove' God's Existence

ABC to Air LIVE Atheist Debate with Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort

MEDIA ADVISORY, April 26 Christian Newswire -- After ABC ran a story in January about hundreds of atheists videotaping themselves blaspheming the Holy Spirit, best-selling author Ray Comfort contacted the network and offered to prove God's existence, absolutely, scientifically, without mentioning the Bible or faith. He and Kirk Cameron (co-hosts of an award-winning Christian TV program) challenged the two originators of the "Blasphemy Challenge" to a debate on the existence of God. According to Comfort, he and Cameron (an ex-atheist) are qualified to debate on the subject. Comfort had not only written a book titled "God Doesn't Believe in Atheists", but had spoken at Yale on the subject of atheism, and been flown by American Atheists, Inc., to their 2001 annual convention to be a platform speaker.

Click Here for Full Article

So, that'll settle it once and for all!
 :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

Can't wait,


Ray Comfort?! Oh man, if he is going to use his "scientific evidence" then the only thing he will accomplish will be making himself look like the idiot that he is.  I wonder if him an Kirk will bring up the banana?


mmmmm... Peanut Butter and Bananas!

Maybe I should become a creationist...

Oh, wait, I can just buy some!


Quote from: "Squid"Ray Comfort?! Oh man, if he is going to use his "scientific evidence" then the only thing he will accomplish will be making himself look like the idiot that he is.  I wonder if him an Kirk will bring up the banana?

I hope he does bring up the banana so the guys from the blasphemy challange (I think it was the Rational Response Squad) can inform the public about how stupid that 'argument' is.  I wonder what those guys would do if we handed them a banana that hadn't been altered by humans for mass consumption.


Thanks, Joe! This ought to be really good. I'm looking forward to more buffoonery from these guys.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "The Article"Cameron ("Growing Pains" sitcom and Left Behind movies) will speak on what he believes is a major catalyst for atheism: Darwinian evolution. The popular actor stated, "Evolution is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth. I'm embarrassed to admit that I was once a naïve believer in the theory. The issue of intelligent design is extremely relevant at the moment. Atheism has become very popular in universities--where it's taught that we evolved from animals and that there are no moral absolutes. So we shouldn't be surprised when there are school shootings. Cameron will also reveal what it was that convinced him that God did exist.
You know, I've never really liked Kirk Cameron, but he really needs the shit kicked out of him, both in this "debate" and in the completely literal sense.  He and that Dnesh Dsouza douche are both despicable for blaming the VT shootings on atheism.

The banana?  Really? REALLY?  Maybe he chose the banana because of the "rumors" of him trying out homosexuality back in the day.  Not that there's anything wrong with that(to non-bigoted pricks). Kirk of course would probably like to burn gays at the stake.  Moreover, do they even know that there are more than one type of banana(plantain) and some you can't or shouldn't eat raw unless they are really ripe(and even then it's a little iffy).  

Why didn't they pick the apple? That shit fits in your hand quite well, and you can throw it if someone attacks you and tries to take it.  Obviously God designed it that way.  Or the Pear?  It looks like a pregnant woman.  All women should be barefoot and pregnant, thus the pear.  Thank You, Jesus.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


QuoteCameron will also reveal what it was that convinced him that God did exist.
Allow me to reveal what is was that convinced me that Kirk Cameron is clueless:

Quote from: "Kirk Cameron"Evolution is unscientific. In reality, it is a blind faith that's preached with religious zeal as the gospel truth.
I always wonder what people mean when they compare evolution negatively with faith in the gospel?  I mean, bashing evolution by denouncing it as faith-based sort of implicitly bashes all the other faith-based activities of humanity, doesn't it?

In other words, it's like their saying "evolution stinks 'cause it's just as illogical as religious faith is".  And yet, isn't the speaker religious?!?!?  Seems to me that the only person who could legitimately make that statement is an atheist that doesn't believe in evolution (a somewhat rare commodity, it seems, but none-the-less possible).

Side note: what is it about actors that makes them believe they can hold their own in everyone else's field of specialty?  Is it all the agents and producers constantly kissing their asses and telling them how great they are?  Or is it the privilege of wealth and fame that leads them to a self delusion of grandeur?  I expect Mr. Cameron to come out of this looking like a profound idiot.

Another side note:  About the Rational Response Squad.  I didn't like the war on easter, but I loved the blasphemy challenge.  This wasn't going into someone's church and messing with it - it was just good old fashioned freedom of expression!  The only way you could find the damn YouTube videos was to go looking for them, anyway.  So how could anyone claim offense?


I can't wait for this idiot to make a fool of himself. It's one thing to be blind, it's another to lead the blind to the slaughter.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "Willravel"It's one thing to be blind, it's another to lead the blind to the slaughter.
Hehehe, the fact that they're not afraid of the slaughter sort of confirms the blindness!

I hope the Rational Response Squad guys give a good showing.  Sometimes, I come out of watching atheists speak publicly a little disappointed.  And, if a television network is running a "debate" style show, well, I expect a lot of loaded questions.  I remember watching Sam Harris (who never disappoints, at least not so far that I've seen) on a Fox show with (I think?) Greta Van Susteren, and she really never even gave him a chance to answer.  Just blasted him with a ridiculous question, then cut off his answer.  WTF?  Some "moderator".  It's like the referees showing up wearing the home teams jerseys.

At least this show isn't on Fox - they seem to have no love for atheists over there (and no, I'm not really surprised by this  :wink:  ).


Id like to know who the RRS is going to use as representatives...some of them are a bit more, um, nice than others.


So --- anybody see it?  I, unfortunately, did not.


It's supposed to air on and NightLine this Wednesday...


i set my alarm i cant wait to see this. I have my insanly christian family tuning in on it to, lol. this will be fun!


Who are the opposition? I keep seenin reverand bla bla bla bla or whatever but who is on the evolution and/or atheist side?

Dalkins? lol That'd be good.
Me, my projects and random pictures, haha.

"Tom you gotta come out of the closet, oh my gawd!" lol


Quote from: "tacoma_kyle"Who are the opposition? I keep seenin reverand bla bla bla bla or whatever but who is on the evolution and/or atheist side?

Dalkins? lol That'd be good.

I think it's Brian Sapient and someone else from the Rational Response Squad.  Dawkins refuses to debate with creationists any longer - he sees it as futile and does nothing to further proper scientific literacy by giving them a forum to spout their crap.