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Power of Prayer???

Started by Theist, December 28, 2006, 06:30:01 PM

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Big Mac

Quote from: "crazycycoclown"you see... athiests require (when their belifs are threatened) unbelievably large amounts of documentation and "proof"

when the next day they could here a story and believe every bit of it...

I didn't realize your ass became a library, because I'm assuming you pulled out this tidbit from there.

All I am demanding is some documented evidence that conclusively shows that you witnessed real healing from faith. Saying that you "saw it myself" doesn't cut it with me or any self-respecting skeptic. Hell, if that were the case then the James Randi Education Foundation would be bankrupt and in severe debt.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "crazycycoclown"you see... athiests require (when their belifs are threatened) unbelievably large amounts of documentation and "proof"

To quote Carl Sagan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."

But as for your statement, I see it the other way around.  It's not so much that atheists require "unbelievably large amounts" of evidence of a god, it's that Christians (& co.) require unbelievably small amounts of it.  What others would attribute to luck is instantly spun as "God's work" by the religious.  This method of reasoning is aptly summarized in the following quote from the very amusing list of "proofs of God's existence" found here:

(1) A plane crashed killing 143 passengers and crew.
(2) But one child survived with only third-degree burns.
(3) Therefore, God exists.
[size=92]I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts[/size]


Quote from: "Big Mac"I eat rocks and shit gun powder.
That gives new meaning to explosive diarrhea.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


Quote from: "crazycycoclown"
Quote from: "Big Mac"
Quote from: "crazycycoclown"i wish to ask you somthin... and point somthin out.. first off how can you deny somthin that really happened....

Documentation of this claim backed by reliable and verifiable sources? If you cannot provide such proof, then don't expect anyone here to just automatically believe you. I need proof not hearsay or what you think you saw.

Quote from: "crazycycoclown"seconedly who cares if i can write english properly... if you can not write a good reply and must insult me because i am christian then you my friend have some problems... that is a huge difference between me and athiests... (most of them) i show love and kindness and athiests show hatered and despise

I'm insulting you because your blatant disregard for proper English is rather insulting. I am NOT insulting you because you are a Christian, I'm doing so because you are a moron. Stop trying to appeal to me emotionally, it is not going to work. Either start writing like a normal adult or expect to be face ridicule whenever you make such claims.

you see... athiests require (when their belifs are threatened) unbelievably large amounts of documentation and "proof"

when the next day they could here a story and believe every bit of it...

Apparently you didn't read what I said earlier, you should do that.  Do I need to cite references for you?  Or even explain all the references that article cites?


Hey!  NJ is a nice place.  We just hide all the good spots from outsiders so they don't move in here.

Big Mac

Haha, keep telling yourself that. And Texas is a haven for Gays! :P
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "Theist"I found a site that I thought was interesting, thought I'd bring it up over here for those interested. It's a scientific study of how prayer and religion seem to have an effect on those diseased/injuried/sick etc.  Feedback would be nice
Web Page Name

Should we not ask god for help?

If you are ordinary person you should follow the rules of your deeds and nature. If you are a devotee, even then, you should not ask God for help. Your devotion must not aspire any result. You are asking God for help means that you want God to violate his own natural rules. The impression of millions of angles and sages is disturbed if God violates his own rules. That will give a poor impression on God. You are putting God to inconvenience by forcing him to use his supernatural power. Whether you are a devotee or not, you must always try to solve your problems by putting your best effort.

If you fail, even then, do not ask God to help you. Then, you think that it is your fate and worship God as usual. Arjuna was fighting with his grandfather, Bhishma. Arjuna was not putting up his best effort to kill Bhishma. He was having sympathy to Bhishma, who has brought up Arjuna. Noting this, Krishna took His Sudarshana chakra and ran to kill Bhishma. That means the Lord tried to solve the problem of Arjuna through His divine power. Arjuna did not agree to this and forced Krishna to stop, because Arjuna knew about his inadequate effort. But when Sindhava was to be killed, Arjuna tried his best, because Arjuna took an oath to kill Sindhava before sunset and otherwise he promised that he would enter the fire.

Since the sunset took place apparently due to the Maya of Krishna, Arjuna stopped fighting and wanted to enter the fire. He was just going to jump into the fire but he never asked for help. He thought that was his fate. Therefore, the Lord helped him secretly. Therefore, if you put your best effort, still fail because it is beyond your limits, if you happen to be a real devotee and do not ask for the help from God, then you will be helped by the super power secretly. The secrecy is due to preservation of the sacredness of his administration in the eyes of others.


Anil, unless you are the original author of the above article then I kindly remind you that you should be providing sources instead of posting the work of others as if it is your own.  I would also ask that you stop posting things which are only composted of writings you have found elsewhere....we are all capeable of googling this type of information.  From this point on I will be considering any more posts like the above as are an individual and I would assume you have your own personal views on theses matters; let's hear it in your own words from now on, please.

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