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Prepare to be disgusted

Started by User192021, February 15, 2007, 11:47:52 PM

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I don't even know what to say about this.


the best part:  the dumb bitch near the beginning saying a worldwide flood makes more sense than evolution while her(maybe) dipshit kids run around in the background.  Your future pornstars at play, folks.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


Child abuse.  Plain and simple.


It looks like Ken Ham is starting to take plays from the Hovind Handbook - nifty PowerPoint slides and all.  Even the same crappy arguments.  Poor kids.

Quote from: "crazy lady on video"...when you look at the evidence - scientific evidence - it just makes more sense...

And it's things like that I've decided to write a book (one day I'll finish it), dedicate more space on my site to evolution and science literacy advocacy, and some other rough ideas I have in the works - time and finances permitting of course.

I know I can't replace work done by great individuals like Carl Sagan but dammit, I can try.


More thoughts on this video were posted here...
[size=92]I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts[/size]


Sorry about that, didn't realize there was already a thread on it.


No worries, it's certainly a video that deserves the attention it's getting.
[size=92]I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours. - Stephen Roberts[/size]


It makes me sick to my stomach to see parents forcing their kids into these propaganda-filled lectures.  It makes me want to pop out a big batch of babies so I can teach them the truth.

Someone should write a childrens book for very young kids about evolution from the atheists point of view.  There aren't enough in the world.


We should all terraform Mars and leave the crazies to their own devices. After the holy nuclear war is over, and the radiation has gone, we can all move back and live without idiocy of that degree.

A great book for kids about reason and reality would be: ... 1556525028
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Sounds like a plan, Willravel.  Thanks for the link to the Darwin book, I never even thought to search for kids books on this topic.  I did, however, hatch a tadpole shrimp (called an aquasaur) for my kids.  It was one of those EduScience toys.  My brother (also an atheist) gave it to my kids as a christmas gift.  It was a good experience - they asked questions about living things, enjoyed watching it swim around and eat, and since they only live to about 90 days (ours made it 75) it even worked in a little life lesson about death (they cried, it was sad, but it was healthy).

Anyway, about the video that was the topic of this thread, it's ridiculous.  If I'm in the audience and a guy gets up and announces to the world, "I don't believe dinosaurs lived millions of years ago", I'm thinking "congratulations, you just announced that you are a complete dumb-ass", put the idiot stamp on this forehead, and happily ignore just about everything else that comes out of his mouth.

Wow, that came out a little vitriolic, but seriously, it is disgusting watching people lie to kids like this.


I'll third Willravel's suggestion.

I'm ready to pack up and go.

I hear Japan is nice this time of year...

Well, it's dinner time, but for some reason I'm not hungry anymore,


At the end of the day, they've already earned our pity so now we have to help them out of the dark ages. I cannot tell you how many people I've had to sit down and explain simple science to.

“Listen, “I’ll say, “This is all really quite simple. God is a fiction. Jesus is the same as Superman or Jack Bauer. They are fictional characters. The only real difference between characters like Jesus and characters like Superman or Jack Bauer, is that you are able to use your reasonable skepticism to apply to one group but not another. If someone said to you that Superman was real, in order to help him or her you’d ask him or her to produce evidence. When I ask you to produce evidence for Jesus, suddenly it’s not necessary. Why would that be? Precedence? Because the Bible is old, it must be true? That hardly makes sense. You take it on faith? Well why in god’s name don’t you take Superman on faith?

Evolution is the best explanation as to the origin of life on our planet, and maybe even the universe. There is massive evidence to support the theory of evolution. Intelligent design, or creationism, is not even a hypothesis. No evidence exists to support the assertion that the universe was engineered by a superior intelligence. Until you can present real evidence (and ‘everything is complex’ is an intellectual cop out, not evidence), stop pretending like Genesis is on par with The Origin of Species. Grow up.”
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "brainshmain"Someone should write a childrens book for very young kids about evolution from the atheists point of view.  There aren't enough in the world.

It could start out with something like a long time ago, longer then you can imagine, life started.  Scientists haven't quite pinned down how it started yet and we could fill a whole other book with those theories but here is what the evidence points to happening after life started.

Hmm...maybe that will be the basis for my next pet project only instead of a book I'd make it a kid friendly web site....also including an adults section with links to more in depth reading.  Kids like cartoons so maybe a cartoon character could guide them through the learning process.  It wouldn't even have to promote atheism...just get the facts out there in a kid friendly manner.


Quote from: "Willravel"At the end of the day, they've already earned our pity so now we have to help them out of the dark ages. I cannot tell you how many people I've had to sit down and explain simple science to.

“Listen, “I’ll say, “This is all really quite simple. God is a fiction. Jesus is the same as Superman or Jack Bauer. They are fictional characters. The only real difference between characters like Jesus and characters like Superman or Jack Bauer, is that you are able to use your reasonable skepticism to apply to one group but not another. If someone said to you that Superman was real, in order to help him or her you’d ask him or her to produce evidence. When I ask you to produce evidence for Jesus, suddenly it’s not necessary. Why would that be? Precedence? Because the Bible is old, it must be true? That hardly makes sense. You take it on faith? Well why in god’s name don’t you take Superman on faith?

Evolution is the best explanation as to the origin of life on our planet, and maybe even the universe. There is massive evidence to support the theory of evolution. Intelligent design, or creationism, is not even a hypothesis. No evidence exists to support the assertion that the universe was engineered by a superior intelligence. Until you can present real evidence (and ‘everything is complex’ is an intellectual cop out, not evidence), stop pretending like Genesis is on par with The Origin of Species. Grow up.”

Good thoughts there Will, but one of the problems I encounter is a trap that you may be dancing very near. That is the grouping together of Evolution with the origin of the universe. They shouldn't even be talked about in the same sentence, paragraph, book, whatever. They have nothing to do with one another.

Biological Evolutionary Theory has nothing to do with the origin of the universe, but ID folks love to throw all of the science behind Big Bang and Evolution together. It helps muddy the waters, whether intentionally or not.

Evolution describes changes in traits over time, at it's simplest. It does not deal with origin of life in the cosmos. Don't let yourself get caught up mixing it with cosmological origins or cosmological evolution. It keeps things much easier to teach and to deal with when talking with people who don't have a good science background.  :)

I do like the analogy of fictional characters, but why use a real person, like Superman, for your analogy?
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "McQ"Good thoughts there Will, but one of the problems I encounter is a trap that you may be dancing very near. That is the grouping together of Evolution with the origin of the universe. They shouldn't even be talked about in the same sentence, paragraph, book, whatever. They have nothing to do with one another.
They do in that they are both theories in science, which is what they seem to be resisting on both fronts. While evolution doesn't really have much to do with the Big Bang or what have you, they are both an 'affront to god' somehow, just because they're not mentioned in a really old book of myths. So when I engage them, I will on the two fronts they've decided to attack reason and science. I'd never throw them in the same ring together any more than I'd throw in genetics with astrophysics. So I understand and agree with you completely, but sometimes you have to speak on someone's level to get through to him or her.
Quote from: "McQ"Biological Evolutionary Theory has nothing to do with the origin of the universe, but ID folks love to throw all of the science behind Big Bang and Evolution together. It helps muddy the waters, whether intentionally or not.
Quote from: "McQ"I do like the analogy of fictional characters, but why use a real person, like Superman, for your analogy?
Lol...well played, sir.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.