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I need some help.

Started by future_wiccan, March 27, 2007, 02:14:52 AM

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She is taking everythign she can away from me, she thinks that if she doesnt take this to extreme measures then im going straight to hell. The biggest thing in my life(which si music) is being taken away, shes going to pull me out of school before highschool, adn is considering sending em to a wilderness camp. all because im not a christian. HER beliefs are tearing apart my life adn I think Im about to snap. Ive been down teh path of suicide adn I have alerady decided on a method and researched it, it wouldnt take much for me to ultimatly leave this twisted home where christians are gods adn non-believers are nothing. I cannot tell anyone who would tell her im into Wicca, its too much. Can you guys help me?


My main advice is to not kill yourself just because you think your life sucks at 14. Trust me, it will get better you just might have to wait it out for a few years.  If you are feeling depressed ... d=93383004 is a group put together that helps people get through it, the person who created that page doesn't care what religion a person is.

They can't just pull you out of school you are legally required to have a basic education (I'm guessing you are in the USA).  Tell the school conselor about what is going on with their ideas of taking you out of school and your desire to stay in school.

Weird idea, but have you looked into combining christianity with your wiccan beliefs?  It will make your parents think you are a christian while not compromising your beliefs. has info on that.  I've talked to foxy quite a few times online and she is a very nice and caring person.  I'm sure if you need someone to talk to about wicca and how to get your parents to accept it she'd be willing.

If they are abusive (more than just taking away stuff you like) contact Child Protective Services.

If your problem was a parent who is on drugs I'd be better qualified to help give you advice...I've been through that, I haven't been through dealing with overly religious parents.


I found these numbers online at

1-800-SUICIDE  (1-800-784-2433)

1-800-273-TALK  (1-800-273-8255)

Talk to someone you trust.  A teacher, a doctor, a police officer, the parent of a friend, or maybe a family member who doesn't live in your household.  Please talk to someone.

The only sure thing in life is change.  Please don't end your life over a temporary problem.