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I don't know what to believe.

Started by Stza, February 25, 2010, 02:59:57 AM

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The only thing im sure of is that theres no magical man in the sky that created us, but then how did humans get onto the earth? What are your beliefes?


To answer your question, I have no beliefs. I don't believe. I'm all done with that. I'd rather think than believe.

I'm convinced that humans evolved from ape-like creatures, creatures that evolved from other creatures and so on. It's interesting to think about but I'm not really all that concerned about it, as it has no real bearing on my day-to-day life.  

It takes a lot to convince me of something because I just don't have any time to spend on considering every man-jack's ill-thought-out superstitious idea of what this life is about. None of that is worth wasting one thought on.

This has led me to the conclusion that this is one absurd set of circumstances we find ourselves in, so we might as well be good to each other and try to see the humor in it!
Call me J

Sapere aude


I believe that 70 million years is almost an unfathomable amount of time and it isn't that big of a stretch for me to believe that humans and all other mammals evolved from our rodent type ancestors that were now free to roam since the carniverous dinos went extint in that time.

No churches have free wifi because they don't want to compete with an invisible force that works.

When the alien invasion does indeed happen, if everyone would just go out into the streets & inexpertly play the flute, they'll just go. -@UncleDynamite


Quote from: "Stza"The only thing im sure of is that theres no magical man in the sky that created us, but then how did humans get onto the earth? What are your beliefes?

I personally think that beliefs should be minimized and replace with either facts or "I don't know."

Evolution explains why humans exist.  How life started, that's more towards the "i don't know" range right now but there are a few scientific theories that make a lot more sense than magic.


I believe that we came to be through a set of rational and scientificaly explainable events, we don't yet know how the universe started but we're working on it. But as far as the earth is concerned we can explain almost any phenomenon and those that we can't will soon follow. We have the ability to understand just about anything so given enough time I believe that science will have it's way with the world. I don't entirely support scientific determinism there will probabbly always be something else to explain, what's the fun in living in a world where nothing unexpected happens? :P
"It's ironic that a god who created intelligent beings would want their blind devotion."-Anonymous

CAUTION-Staring at burning bushes may cause blindness. ;)


to understand life, it is important to understand laws of physics and chemistry and to study molecular and cellular biology. to us it may seem illogical that things can just spontaneously happen to start a chain reaction that can continue until it becomes something so complex as human emotion and thought, but if you understand the subjects i listed, then you realize that what seems illogical to us is actually just the conditioning we have received through living in our relatively large world where atomic forces seem negligible. it is also important to try to grasp the scale of evolution in respect to time frame and occurrences of events. on a large enough scale, the very unlikely become inevitable.
"(insert favorite carl sagan quote here)" - Carl Sagan

Adrian Simmons

On a mechanical level or whatever yes, but if you're talking about life in the sense of how to live it, there are other things to think about too, like philosophy, people, what makes them tick, wisdom. You don't need to believe in God or know about atoms to just get on with life.


How about read The Ancestor's Tale by Dawkins.


Thousands of years ago, no one knew or cared if there was a god, how we got here, why we are here, and what our purpose is.

Right now there is still doubts about god and more doubts about the reason of our existence.

Thousands of years from now, no one will know how we got here, or care if there ever was a god, if there is one, if there will be proof of its existence. We still won’t know what we are supposed to do with our lives.  :crazy:

"I've had several "spiritual" or numinous experiences over the years, but never felt that they were the product of anything but the workings of my own mind in reaction to the universe." ~Recusant


There is no need to believe anything about the unknown.  Wondering about cosmic mysteries and imagining different possible answers are fun, but to lock any idea down into a belief is really not necessary.  Beliefs really only serve to soothe the discomfort that can arise from unanswered questions; just accepting the unknown as unknown negates the need for beliefs.


Like an earlier post said, I don't believe anymore. I follow scientific theories that are well supported and reject pseudo science and anything of the supernatural. I will admit some things look supernatural, but anything that seems supernatural will be explained by science someday.


Watch this series   There are three episodes, each with about 5 parts.
If we evolved from a lower life form, why are there still  creationists?  


Normally, when someone asks me, "Well, what do you believe?" I say, "Why do I have to believe anything at all?"  :| Belief is, by its very nature, a decision made based on little to no evidence, or evidence that is spurious, at best. Maybe I've been in academia too long, but I can go without that sort of claim.


Quote from: "curiosityandthecat"Normally, when someone asks me, "Well, what do you believe?" I say, "Why do I have to believe anything at all?"  :| Belief is, by its very nature, a decision made based on little to no evidence, or evidence that is spurious, at best. Maybe I've been in academia too long, but I can go without that sort of claim.
The literal meaning of "faith" is "belief that is not based on proof", so that can't be a logical reason. Me, personally, i think we are the product of evolution. It's better than some guy in an impossible place creating us because...he was bored?
"WOOOO! FREEBIRD!" -Millions of Metalheads


Quote from: "Stza"The only thing im sure of is that theres no magical man in the sky that created us, but then how did humans get onto the earth? What are your beliefes?

This may help. ... 1m4mATYoig
"If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck."