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Happy? Check! Atheist? Check!

Started by elliebean, February 04, 2010, 04:35:38 AM

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Hi I'm Ellie! I've been godless and superstition-free since 1998. Yay, me ! :crazy: )
I'm at least five brands of contoversial.
So I have plenty of experience in dealing with with adversity, prejudice, discrimination, rudeness, ignorance and intolerance.
But I'm not the arguing type. I can be, but I tend to get really mean and make people cry and that's just not nice.

Other interesting little facts about me:
I'm an abstract artist and have also worked in realism (currently for hire - need the work.....anyone?)
I use the 'enter' key more than any other one on my keyboard
I sometimes write music and, less often, lyrics
I hate Jell-O
I'm engaged to the most wonderful and unique person I've ever met
I've met many wonderful and unique people from many places over the years
I was born in the early 70s
I've created a new alphabet and might use as a basis for a new language, just for fun

At different times throughout my life, at least once, I have been:
A verteran of the US Armmed Forces
A witness to the launch of a satellite into polar orbit
A witness to the self-destruction of such a would-be satellite launch
Displaced by a widespread natural disaster
Inside an overturned vehicle on a busy major highway
A bible-thumping, born-again, evengelical, pentecosal, charismatic christian
In a major earthquake
Trapped by snow
A member of a dangerous cult (other than christianity)
In four of the United States at one time
In four or more mental or emotional states at one time
Chased by the cops
In a coma
Hit on by straight guys (ummm sorry?)
In a verbal altercation with a gang of white supremacists
Married for 14 years :hmm:

And I currently run on batteries.

And I'm just getting started. :P
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


well hey at least you're not a furry.

just kidding, welcome to the forum!
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Haha, welcome to the forum. Good intro. I hope you enjoy your stay!
"I rebel -- therefore we exist." - Camus


Thanks, AlP and the Twiz! I'm happy to be here and look forward to participating in....what it is y'all do here, hehe.

Twiz, whereabouts are you in DFW if you don't mind me asking? I live in little d, went to TWU. Texas Womens, not Texas Wesleyan. Love it here, though I don't get out like I used to when I first got here. Hence the SL  :P

Furries, haha! I'll never understand it, but to each his own.
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


Quote from: "elliebean"So I have plenty of experience in dealing with with adversity, prejudice, discrimination, rudeness, ignorance and intolerance.
Yep, that is what you get, when people find out that you enjoy playing second life ;) . Just kiddin'. Welcome to the forum, Ellie.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Welcome to the forum!  I used to play second life a looooong time ago, but I enjoyed it when I played. :welcome:  :welcome:
Ubi dubium ibi libertas: Where there is doubt, there is freedom.


Thanks, Tom and Pinko!

Hehe, It's a new hobby of mine. I actually thought "dead" would raise more eyebrows.  :raised: That or "running on batteries". All true btw, each with it's own crazy story.
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


I grew up in the mid-cities area of Ft. Worth, moved to north Dallas (Richardson, then Addison) in 2004, and as of January am now back in the same area I grew up in.

I also used to play second life.  And by play, I mean I used to be one of those people who went around with scripts that spawned like 1000 giant flying penises (penii?) at once.
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So you're a lesbian robot who does some art and hates jell-o? :([/size]
No soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estás en el cielo sálvame por favor Superman!


hi elle, welcome to HAF

btw, DFW people, I expect to see you at a meetup sometime (hint hint).


QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


Quote from: "karadan"What's a furry??  ;)


Tranny lesbian, actually. Really limits the number of people I can date, but I found one who's ok with my being differently equipped for the time being. The advantage is that we can legally get married as long as it's before 'the surgery', which is on our list of things to do when we can afford it. It's a very long list.

And sure, I guess maybe part robot. Or bionic. I have an implanted defibrillator in my chest in case my heart goes too arhythmic.

In Nov. 07 during Thanksgiving dinner, while I was meeting my fiancee's family for the first time, I looked at her and she asked me if I was feeling ok. I shook my head and kind of slumped over onto her shoulder, unconscious. For reasons yet unknown, but suspected to be related to some kind of genetic mutation, my heart had stopped beating and I actually died. Luckily the paramedics were close by and it only took them a couple of minutes to arrive after someone called 911. It took them 45 minutes of doing cpr just to get a steady but weak pulse. Then another 30 min. at the ER before they could put me in the ICU. They weren't sure I'd ever wake up, but they were certain if I did, I would have irreversable brain damage, which I do, but not nearly as severe as was expected. I can feed myself and talk and everything. Just maybe not quite as intelligently as before.  :drool

Given all of that, I don't think it would be terribly inaccurate to call me an undead, bionic mutant.

I should have my own comic book.
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais


Haha, you should write your biography and publish it! You sure keep yourself busy :P
No soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estás en el cielo sálvame por favor Superman!


Whitney, tell me the place and time and I'll try to make arrangements  :)

Karadan, here are some furries:

Nahuel, I've considered writeing a biography, but the kinds of things I would write about keep happening. I guess I'd have to leave room for sequels.
[size=150]â€"Ellie [/size]
You can’t lie to yourself. If you do you’ve only fooled a deluded person and where’s the victory in that?â€"Ricky Gervais