
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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I guess I should do one of these...

Started by iplaw, August 18, 2006, 02:40:52 PM

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Allow myself to introduce...myself...

I realized the other day that I have never posted an intro.  I wasn't sure if I was going to stick around in the beginning, but since I have been here more than a month I guess it's time.

I'm Iplaw, and by the name I guess you can surmise from that I am a Patent and Trademark attorney, and I worked for several years as a Mechanical Engineer with Boeing and Nordam.  I live in Tulsa, OK, the home of the mega church, where the only thing that rivals churches for their number are crappy bars.

I am an unabashed theist of the christian variety.  My interests include: my wife and family, my friends, my guitars, wakeboarding, running, a good Ashton cigar with an unfiltered German Heffe beer, and reading.

Big Mac

Hey I have a question. How hard is it to patent something and what's the most you think a person can win in a trademark/patent infringement case?
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Hello iplaw!

Pleased to meet you.

My wife is a hotel and real estate lawyer, so a bit of common ground there.

Which "christian variety" are you?

Just curious...



I bear no denomination or affiliation with any sect...

Big Mac:

Depends on the invention, and unlimited, most verdicts in patent/TM cases are in the hundreds of millions.

Big Mac

Hmmm....what's your cut on this angle?
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Depends on if it's billable hours (usually defense counsel) or 40% contingency (usually plaintiff's counsel).

Most of my work is not litigation but patent prosecution which is billed either on a per project basis or by the hour.  By the hour is preferred.

Big Mac

I'm sure, you wanna drag it out as long as you can. Maybe we can talk......I'm sure we can find something to make us both retire early. Bwahahahahahaha!
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "iplaw"I am an unabashed theist of the christian variety.

Finally, a straight answer!  Too bad onlyme missed it.

Question for you:  Do you attend religious services/mass?


Yeah...the farther away from that person I got the better.

From time to time.  My wife and I have a group of about 20 friends that are like extended family; as we have been close for about 10 years now.  We all attend church sporatically at different locales but consider our group as enough of a church in and of itself.  

We do traditional "church" things together like pray for one another and study books and Bible, as well as provide a saftey net for one another, but most of us hate the idea of organized churches.  I will always stick to my guns about the fact that attending a "church" is not mandatory.

Hope that answers your question, but feel free to ask more if that didn't suffice.


Since you gave me the green light, here are a few more questions:  Were you raised with any particular religious beliefs?  Did you receive any religious education or have strong ties to one church in particular?  

BTW, I think it's wonderful that you and your wife have a strong social network.  My brother got the social butterfly gene but I didn’t.  Go figure.


QuoteWere you raised with any particular religious beliefs?
I think you are asking, was I raised as either a catholic, baptist, etc?  If that is the case, no, I went to non-denominational churches as a child.

QuoteDid you receive any religious education or have strong ties to one church in particular?
I went to christian schools until junior high age, then I moved on to public schools.  I never went through any rigorous religious training like chatechism (sp?).  I didn't have any particular affinity to any brand of christianity growing up specifically.

I singularly thank my private schooling for where I am today, not because of any particular religous training I may have received, but for the rigorous academic nature of the school I went to.  I feel like I was fortunate to grow up in an environment where value was placed on academic discipline and personal responsibility.

Give me some more direction if I misunderstood your questions.


No, that was what I was looking for.  Thanks for answering my questions.

I have very little experience with non-denominational churches.  Back in my agnostic days I attended a few Unitarian Universalist services, but I don't know if that's the same thing.


No problem.

Quotebut I don't know if that's the same thing
No, it's not.  Universalitst churches, as far as I know, believe that all paths lead to god.  In fact, the unitarian church in Tulsa does not allow mention of the name Jesus during their services.

By non-denominational, which is the main type of church in Tulsa, I mean that we claim no official sect: baptist, methodist and so on.  A non-denominal church usually states that the message of salvation through faith in christ is the apex of your beliefs and everything else is negotiable material.  No one argues about baptism for salvation or whether predestination is valid or invalid, or any other divisive crap that christ never spoke of.  

Your background was roman catholic right?


Quote from: "iplaw"Your background was roman catholic right?



Quote from: "MommaSquid"
Quote from: "iplaw"I am an unabashed theist of the christian variety.

Finally, a straight answer!  Too bad onlyme missed it.

Question for you:  Do you attend religious services/mass?

Fundie didn't miss it.

Iplaw, a Christian?  Judging by some of his posts, I am inclined to doubt that he has really met the captain of his soul.

Am I wrong, iplaw?  Put your stall out, man.

Or are you ashamed?  Or do you really not believe, after all?

Seems to me you lot on here talk such crap.