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Rick Warren to interview the Presidential Candidates

Started by Msblue, August 16, 2008, 05:11:55 AM

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It's a smart political move for both of them but, the next leader of our country discussing make believe is embarrassing and appalling.


It is truly amazing that in a country that calls itself democratic and secular, presidential candidates are judged according to their Christian believes. I don't know why, but after I read the article I had images of the Spanish inquisition in my head.  Maybe it is because of the fact that there only a tiny difference between an interview by the Spanish Inquisition and that by Rick Warren. If you loose the Spanish Inquisition trial then you'll loose your life. Should you loose the Rick Warren trial then you'd loose your political life. I'm pretty sure that during the interview both candidates will do their utmost to show the nation they are the better Christian for the job. It is somehow scary, that this grovelling behavior from politicians towards religion is nowhere else required in the world, except in theocratic countries (like Iran or Bavaria) and the USA.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


I think Warren's format is interesting and, while he is pastor of a huge ass 6 Flags Over Jesus church, I think the aftershocks of these interviews will be short-lived.  

But, if America really is the free democracy it claims to be, shouldn't the candidates be allowed to discuss their faith?  Granted, a candidate who's an outspoken atheist wouldn't stand a snowball's chance, and I (just like most of you) grow insanely tired of politicians using their faith as political capital (like our current retarded president), but I'd be willing to bet that Obama's and McCain's answers will differ based on their religious differences.  Christians aren't all as  :borg:  as we're sometimes made out to be.
"If there is a God,
I know he likes to rock"
--Billy Corgan


Quote from: "Dickson"But, if America really is the free democracy it claims to be, shouldn't the candidates be allowed to discuss their faith?  Granted, a candidate who's an outspoken atheist wouldn't stand a snowball's chance, and I (just like most of you) grow insanely tired of politicians using their faith as political capital (like our current retarded president), but I'd be willing to bet that Obama's and McCain's answers will differ based on their religious differences.  Christians aren't all as  :upset:

SO much for the Christian tenets of acceptance and tolerance, eh?  :rant:
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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Basically the interview is a ploy to win votes from the religious right. For that reason alone both presidential candidates will put on a Christian mask and talk about how great it is to be a Christian,  that the USA is one nation under God and more of that kind of BS just to please the voters. Yes, they can put up a great Christian show, but it sends a very bad signal to the American people and the whole world. It will give credits to the most intolerant forms of Christianity and makes it clear that Christian religion and state are inseparable. Yes, it is true that there are  :devil: Christians. The religious right however, belongs unfortunately mainly to that second group.

I believe that people should be judged by their deeds, their experience and their knowledge. If the Christian voters cannot deal with a president that doesn't go to church, but is otherwise a great leader then there is something seriously wrong with their mindset. Faith has nothing to do with being able to run a good office. In many cases faith even gets in the way of good decision making. Some good examples of that we have seen with the current Christian president, who managed to piss off the whole world just because he thinks that he is the right hand of God. Thanks, but no thanks.

The USA needs a president who cleans up the mess that Bush and his compatriots left behind. A great national debt, a dollar that is worth almost nothing, a war that nobody wants and international relationships that are in ruins. For that you'll need a highly competent rational thinking person, who is not dedicated to the hypothetical existence of any God(s), but who manages to get the country up and running again.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


I know it's a ploy to win votes... that's what pisses me off so much.

Why isn't there a ploy to get MY vote?  Why don't OUR interests matter?  There are a lot of us out here... what, over a million?  Not one of the candidates seems to care about the non-believers (or non-Christians) out here in America.  Takes me back to May when the Democrat candidates did the Compassion Forum... they mentioned many of the groups who were participating and many participants stood up to ask questions.  Any atheists, freethinkers, humanists, secularists there?  Nope.  Apparently, we have no compassion so we weren't invited.

Now THIS sham of an "interview."  It's a glad-handing, nod-fest, everyone saying all the right things to make all the wrong people vote.  I'm so tired of elections in general and THIS religious one in particular.   :(
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
Come visit me on Facebook!


Never heard of Rick Warren. Good post, as I learned something new by reading it.  :)
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


I watched the "interviews" and I must say I was sickened by the pandering of both candidates, not to mention my revulsion that such a travesty of a political event was even held.  Obama was marginally less offensive than McCain.  If that's what it takes to get elected in this country, ship me to Canada!

I don't give a shit about either one of their religious views.  I want to know their stance on important issues like the war, taxes, health care, stem cell research, our international reputation, and global warming, AND I want to know what they're going to do about it.  I also don't care what god they pray to, what their favorite breakfast is, and who's giving them a blow job.  It's not relevant to the job at hand.

Too bad most of us atheists are so independent.  It would be a lot of fun to get a group of us together and go off to raise hell at some of these political rallies and ask uncomfortable questions.
"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." - Carl Sagan

"It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it is the parts that I do understand." - Mark Twain


Quote from: "rlrose328"=  SO... your folks can spew their religious beliefs from every mountain and they are praised and worshipped, but let an atheist even MENTION they're a non-believer and they might as well be handed a shovel to dig their own grave. :upset:

Not my folks, rlrose.  My faith exists independently from assholes.
"If there is a God,
I know he likes to rock"
--Billy Corgan


Quote from: "McQ"Never heard of Rick Warren. Good post, as I learned something new by reading it. :)

I wish I'd never heard of him. He's well known for his "Purpose Driven [insert bull-shit here]" series. I remember trying to get through Purpose Driven Life back when I was a teetering Christian. I couldn't do it. Still a very popular book, and very trusted proponent of the pop-church culture. Very powerful vote swayer.
"On the moon our weekends are so far advanced they encompass the entire week. Jobs have been phased out. We get checks from the government, and we spend it on beer! Mexican beer! That's the cheapest of all beers." --- Ignignokt & Err