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Atheist youtubers - good or bad for PR?

Started by User192021, December 04, 2007, 07:06:18 AM

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Anyone who types "atheist" into Youtube will find a surprisingly large number of videos from atheists of all ages, genders, races, and ethnicities discussing various topics relating to atheism and religion.  Some are humorous, others are related to how they became atheist, and most are largely devoted to attacking religion and it's followers.  Is this good or bad for atheists' already negative image?  I think that overall, it is good as I believe it has done a lot towards overcoming our biggest obstacle; humanizing atheists.  People are beginning to realize that we're just regular, decent members of society who happen to lack belief in a god or gods.

However, I do see an emerging trend with some youtube atheists which I think is counter-productive.  There are numerous atheist youtubers who are aggressive, insulting, and downright mean towards religious people which, accurate or not, I believe hurts our cause.  It validates people's suspicions that atheists are miserable, bitter, cynical people with a chip on their shoulder.  While that chip is most certainly justified, I think a more educational strategy would be more effective in if not converting people, at least gaining their respect.  I see a lot of videos which simply define atheism, agnosticism, free-thinking, humanism, etc.. in a totally objective way without insulting or offending believers.  I also see a lot of videos discussing evolutionary theory, again, in an educational, objective manner.  I think videos like these are more effective and less likely to backfire than attack vidoes.  While usually accurate and perfectly justified, videos which belittle, attack, or blatantly insult various religions and their followers only widen the gap between atheists and believers and alienate those who aren't quite sure, but are willing to give atheists a chance.


I watch several of these guys regularly, mainly 'Theamazingatheist'.
Sure, he gets angry, swears, insults. But never 'abusive' i don't think.

He has some very intellectual videos i think, and is a good enough performer to have received many subscribers. Everything is exaggerated on the internet, and youtube is just a drama.

The atheists that make no valid points whatsoever, and simply take the piss or constantly insult the intelligence of theists, are just plain stupid themselves... like you said, harming their own cause.

i think we DO need to attack religion sometimes though.


Sometimes aggressiveness is called for.  But as an overall strategy, I think we're better off taking an educational strategy.


Attacking? Bad. Explaining? Good. A few months back, someone spray painted atheist language on the back of a local church. I kept thinking to myself, "Don't allow them to demonize us. That's that they want." I still haven't been able to track down the guy. I spoke to a few people about it and they suspect it's possible that the person who sprayed the wall wasn't an atheist, but was trying to frame us. All I know is that kind of thing cannot happen.

Angry youtube videos featuring the rampant bashing of religion is in bad taste at the very least, and we don't need to give the bigots on CNN ammunition. I can see the headline now:
"What Your Kids Are Watching: Militant Atheism on Youtube"
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "User192021"But as an overall strategy, I think we're better off taking an educational strategy.
Yeah - I basically agree.  Sometimes, I think, its hard not to be at least partially derogatory when debating/responding to creationists, and I see this come out a lot even in the videos that I like.  Like Thunderf00t, for example.  But man - that arrogant little VenomFangX character really truly had it coming.  He's very conceited, and he spouts utter nonsense.  I have no probably with a condescending response to such an attitude.  All this goes for Kent Hovind as well.

Also, an important thing to consider, he is directly going after the statements of particular creationists.  He is not openly bashing all religious people.  There is a difference.  His responses are also targeted to the statements - I don't detect any ad hominem in his response.


It's a fine line between educational and insulting when what you're dealing with is as wacky as religion, especially with the dogmatic adherence to absurd concepts like the holy trinity.

I guess it all comes down to patience, and the ability to separate ridicule of a concept with ridicule of a person.  In essence when someone says, "What you believe is ridiculous." it is taken as, "You're an idiot.", not that those are necessarily mutually exclusive.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


I think that those atheists provided a much needed boost of confidence to closet atheists.  

I was one of the first three atheists posting videos on youtube.  I've gotten tons of msgs from people thanking me for having the courage to initially post videos.  

I think the abrasiveness that many YTAtheists have gave confidence to others.  I also think that the insulting demeanor of many stems from finally having an outlet to criticize while still being somewhat anonymous.

I do think that is already old.  There are tons of atheists, all wanting to be heard, but the market is glutted.  Any creationist who can weather the storm of angry atheists immediately gets hundreds of subscribers because so many atheists are looking for someone to argue against.

In other words, I think the YT atheists were for atheists in general and not for the religious communities.  The YT atheists need to move on, hopefully to encourage rational thought in other areas, or it will fall apart.  We can already see the most popular YT atheists attacking each other, vying for attention between themselves.


Hi imrational - lucid commentary.  For what its worth I think you videos are excellent!

Quote from: "imrational"I think that those atheists provided a much needed boost of confidence to closet atheists.
This is an excellent point - I agree with this wholeheartedly.  I took a lot of confidence, myself, from the videos that you and others have produced.  So - thanks!

Quote from: "imrational"We can already see the most popular YT atheists attacking each other, vying for attention between themselves.
It seems atheists have largely independent streaks in their personalities.  Trying to coordinate an atheist organization is going to be like trying to herd cats (in my independent opinion, of course  :wink:  ).

Quote from: "donkeyhoty"It's a fine line between educational and insulting when what you're dealing with is as wacky as religion, especially with the dogmatic adherence to absurd concepts like the holy trinity.
I think this "dogmatic adherence" leads to a general problem I perceive:  it seems a lot of religious people find any questioning of their beliefs to be offensive and insulting (think of the Muslims in the Middle East, for example).  And never mind the manner of the question.  Not all are like this, but many seem to be.  How could I even politely question or criticize such a person's views?  Any question at all is often deemed rude and offensive.  So, this becomes an impossible situation.


Quote from: "imrational"Any creationist who can weather the storm of angry atheists immediately gets hundreds of subscribers because so many atheists are looking for someone to argue against.
Very succinct point, I've noticed this as well.  For as many atheists on YT who make videos, there are literally thousands more who just post.  I even caught myself doing it for awhile - I would just look for creationism videos and then post comments arguing with people.  It's not exactly a challenge since, as most of you probably know, most creationists don't know the first thing about evolution, and it's also not very rewarding as most creationists are not open-minded to new evidence, so it got old fast.  I also found myself getting way too aggrivated with people's ignorance, I've basically washed my hands of it now.


when your computer gets a Virus what do you do? break it? No you take your time scan it, and scan it and scan it.

Religion is a Virus that causes for some people long term damage and for some minor damage. you must igonre the ones that are damaged beyond repair and hope and leave them be, the ones that are freshly infected must be educated, talked to and have compassion toward them.

If you use violence, insult then just your self theist.
But I am firm believer of education education and more education.
“Anarchism, really stands for the liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from the shackles and restraint of government.”


Aggressiveness achieves only one end - it makes the other person defensive and makes her/him less open to your ideas. So aggressiveness in any field is not productive.

Regarding this issue, I haven't seen many tolerant, non-aggressive videos by theists either. Also I think that sometimes, people who post on youtube want strong reactions and so post controversial stuff.

Personally, I don't feel that we are responsible for what other atheists do. Every person is different and reacts to things in a different way. I think that as long as it doesn't encourage violence, it should be OK. There is no "Holy Book" for atheists which gives the rules on how to bring atheism to theists. Let everyone do it the way she/he wants. I'll be concerned if I come across someone like that in real life and not some random people on youtube.


As rejection of religion becomes more popular, we now have every Tom, Dick and Harry calling themselves atheist. This newfound popularity means that we are going to have to live with the fact that there are a lot of dumbasses who are atheists.

Adjust your expecations accordingly.


Hey Justice - it seems to me that I've noticed a bit of this as well - like outing yourself as an atheist is becoming a little en vogue or something.

Quote from: "Justice"Adjust your expecations accordingly.
:lol:  Good advice.


Quote from: "Justice"As rejection of religion becomes more popular, we now have every Tom, Dick and Harry calling themselves atheist. This newfound popularity means that we are going to have to live with the fact that there are a lot of dumbasses who are atheists.

If the rejection of religion is truly becoming so popular, GREAT!  I'll take atheist dumbasses over religious dumbasses anytime!
"[The Bible] has noble poetry in it... and some good morals and a wealth of obscenity, and upwards of a thousand lies." - Mark Twain

"Religions are all alike - founded upon fables and mythologies." - Thomas Jefferson




There is PR regarding Atheists?  I believe that whoever thinks that this is a club/revolution/ or anything other than a way of life for self is mistaken.

I will not sucumb to wearing a badge or a patch.  The most important thing for me, in my Atheist life, is that I remain true to my own self.  Who gives a &^$$ about PR and the "image" Atheists have.  I am not one because you are, I am one because it is the only thing that seems real.  Some a$$ wants to get on youtug and blast people about this or that is not what Athiest means to me.  I do not want to educate the religious zealots.  I don't care to enlighten them with my way of thinking.  To be Atheist is to remain true to self awareness, and thought.  Loud mouthed barkers only do harm to themselves.  Atheist to me means one who can see through the lies, and one who has conscience thought and an understanding that life is here, now.  

Keep it to yourself, and live your life, but preaching on youtube is ridiculious.

Please pass this on to "The Amazing Atheist"  This should be treated as a reward not forced onto others who are not ready.  Treat this like that Matrix movie.


I would like to ask this Amazing Atheist guy, "what would you be doing if everyone just stopped and began to treat you as the one true god, to beleive in everything you are rambling on about?"  "What would you do then?  Would you not do just as those before you have done?  How would you lead them?  What would you tell them as vulnerability, and lonliness set it?  What would you do to comfort them, and educate them?  You are worse than the Evangalists.  At least they have a big auditorium to let them come and sit at.  You, you are a f**&^ disgrace, and anyone that watches needs a nice swift kick in the butt.

This is about attraction, not promotion, and idiots that are screaming about it over the internet should be clubbed into submission.

Not everyone deserves this gift.  Some are meant to die not knowing.

So Shut the *&^% up, and just be, here, now.  All the time you waste, waiting on your ridiculious videos to load onto that site could be spent enjoying your own thoughts.  In your own head.... Here, Now!