
Look, I haven't mentioned Zeus, Buddah, or some religion.

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i am a born again christian

Started by angelosergipe, November 23, 2007, 05:31:08 PM

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Mister Joy

Quote from: "Squid"Won't do any good folks. He won't listen to anything you say and simply fall back onto the usual argument from personal incredulity while slinging out straw men versions of biological theories. He's not here to exchange information but to keep talking until you agree with his ideas which he has no empirical support for. He's tried this approach on other boards.

Seconded. I think that answering this person is waste of time, given their apparent inability to actually listen to a word that has been said. He/she has completely ignored every single point that has been raised, either relying on blind repetition of already demolished statements or condescending gestures to try and put down other people's intelligence. Failing that, the jumped up bugger doesn't even bother to respond at all and moves on to spout yet more pseudo-science and plainly ridiculous assumption based shite as if he's giving a theatrical lecture and we're all his crooning disciples. Lack of appreciation, that's all it amounts too.

Angelosergipe: earlier, I wasted a good 10 minutes of my life politely responding to the bollocks you've been dishing out, only to have you put your fingers in your ears and sing 'la la la'. In fact that's more or less exactly what you've done with everyone else here. To be honest, I don't care if you're deluded, in denial or simply incapable of understanding all of these big words and ideas that people are taking time to show you. It doesn't matter to me what excuses could potentially be made on your behalf. I just think that your approach to holding a 'debate' has been bloody rude, so far. You seem to think that the accomplishment of voluntarily blind belief allows you to talk and not listen. People of your ilk are more damaging to my health than years of chain smoking and alcoholism could ever be. Keep it up and they'll probably introduce a tax on exposure to you. That's all I can really be bothered to say.


Quote from: "Mister Joy"People of your ilk are more damaging to my health than years of chain smoking and alcoholism could ever be.
Blah!  By way of bumping you into better health, let me recognize that I read your earlier post and thoroughly enjoyed it.  Much of my own objections to the OP's argument were expressed in your post.  So - at least understand that some of us are taking the time to read and understand what the others are writing, even if angelo is not.

Quote from: "Mister Joy"Keep it up and they'll probably introduce a tax on exposure to you.
Come to think of it, the discussion has been quite taxing!  (pun intended)

To your health, Mister Joy,  :cheers:


It's true... as much as Mr. Born Again has pissed me off with repeatedly posting large amounts of junk written by someone else and basically ignoring anything that he can't find specifically on that site (and even insulting some people in all of his godly "goodness"), I've read some interesting things from the other members of this site.

Mister Joy

Quote from: "SteveS"Blah! By way of bumping you into better health, let me recognize that I read your earlier post and thoroughly enjoyed it. Much of my own objections to the OP's argument were expressed in your post. So - at least understand that some of us are taking the time to read and understand what the others are writing, even if angelo is not.

Aye, a lot of interesting stuff has been said by everyone. The arguments and ideas I've read from all bar angelo have been pure gold, actually. It annoys me that he hasn't given them a single moments thought. In fact, if nobody minds, I may have to nick some of them for the next time I'm faced with a bible-bashing evangelical. :lol:


Please go right ahead. I've got my doctorate in arguing with overzealous (no pun intended!) religious people.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quotethis experiment has not taken important facts in consideration. first of all, why should these elements react without a external power and force, to behave exactly the way needed, to create live ? chance give billions of other possibilities, no one will have live as a result. why should chance choose exactly the right elements , combinations, complexity and order, to create live ? it is mathematically impossible. its not reasonable.

If you look at recreating the universe as it currently is, then that would be near impossible; but, that is not what you are talking about. Seems to me that the universe looks just fine the way it is. The universe has come together exactly the way it did. Why should it look any different at all? If you think the universe was designed with you in mind, then it would need a creator. However, isn’t that an arrogant way to think of the universe? Try looking at the steps that brought you here, rather than looking in the other direction. You are not the center of the universe, nor are human beings, this planet, this solar system, or this galaxy. You happen to be here the way you are.

If I were god and I designed the universe I would remove cancer, viruses, autism, blindness, deafness, radiation, all objects that can’t be seen with the naked eye, outer planets and stars, the requirement to breath, eat, defecate, and reproduce. Oh and nothing could kill you except me. I would answer every prayer and I would make an appearance more often. If the universe had a creator, it would be a much different world.
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring. -cs


Quote from: "Mister Joy"In fact, if nobody minds, I may have to nick some of them for the next time I'm faced with a bible-bashing evangelical.
By all means, if you find my words worthy - nick away!

Mister Joy

It's not a question of whether your words are worthy enough for me to nick, Steve, it's a question of whether I'm worthy enough to nick 'em. :D

By the way, angelo, while I still think you're an impolite git, my response there was slightly over-heated. I should show more reserve. I apologise for being so blunt.


Quote from: "angelosergipe"hi all

my name is angelo. i am a born again evangelical christian. i would like to share
my belief with who ever wants to know better the christian faith. i am not here to try to convert anyone , because, this is a personal decision, but to explain issues, that many of you might have pre judgement and not a comprehensive knowledge. I intend to respect anyone's convictions here, and expect the same of you.

So let me make my first question. Why are you atheist, and what evidence do you have to claim, God does not exist ?

If you're here to "explain issues", it seems rather contradictory for you to start out by employing the fallacy of demanding we prove a negative, i.e. God doesn 't exist.


Quote from: "angelosergipe" ... ces39.html

"Creation Science" is NOT "science". It is religionspeak, devoid of evidence, and lacking scientific attributes such as falsefiability.
If your religion is moral based, why do you need resort to deception here?


Quote from: "angelosergipe"God is a God of beauty and order, and wishes for us to study His creation to learn more about Him.

Really! Then why did God forbid Adam and Eve from eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge?


Quote from: "angelosergipe"Finally, the Human Genome Project, an attempt to draft a rough map of the human genome, was concluded and the details of the "genetic information," which highlighted how superior God's creation of living beings is,

So how does a spiritual being impregnate a human woman? How can such differenr\t species produce offspring? Is it just magic?