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University Degree?

Started by Alexander, February 28, 2011, 08:46:20 AM

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danny boy

I got my BBA in Finance and accounting last year, and im in the process of getting my Chartered Financial Analyst. Although part of me kinda wishes I could go back and choose a science-related field like studying astronomy or evolution.


I feel like I've been in every faculty over the last 10 years...but I officially have a Bachelors of General Studies. Just finished it this week. I'm a software guy, however, but I taught myself, just like I taught myself every other thing that I find interesting. I'm not saying my degree is worthless, it certainly helps get you in the door, but I do think it's over-valued.


I have a Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Electronics that is so out of date now it's laughable. But I'm in my last semester of a BSc (Hons) in Computing  which has formalised my experience in the area. I hope it will open doors in the systems analyst field when I get back into the job market. Just my luck to be in the biggest recession ever!  lol
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


B.S. in Environmental Studies-Geography.

Also, working on my Culinary Arts A.A., just for shits and giggles.

Been in school too semester will be my 15th in college  :crazy:
Trovas Veron!
--terranus |


I am currently working on getting a medical certificate to work as a Medical Assistant. After I'm done with my schooling I plan on taking another test to become a Certified Medical Assistant. Yay me!
"It is my view that the atomic bomb is only slightly less dangerous than religion." John Paschal, myself.

"The problem with humanity is not that we are all born inherently stupid, that's just common knowledge. No, the problem with humanity is that 95% of us never grow out of it." John Paschal, myself

Feanor Thunder

Still working on my high school diploma! If I don't screw up, I'll graduate in a few months or so!



BA in History and Political Science. Apparently it's useless until I go back to school and specialize. That's the plan any way but it makes it a little difficult to find a job in the meantime.
"Don't you love the Oxford Dictionary? When I first read it, I thought it was a really really long poem about everything."- David Bowie


Quote from: "Feanor Thunder"Still working on my high school diploma! If I don't screw up, I'll graduate in a few months or so!


My advice would be; don't screw up!  :D

Seriously, good luck!
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


BA in psychology, working towards an MA in counseling. Finding it a struggle, however, it is being asserted that a potential counselor MUST possess a strong sense of spirituality to be effective. Oy... I will have to sneak under the radar :P


Once I complete High School, I intend on one of two things:

B.A in Political Science, minors in History and Geography


Culinary School Diploma

"There are many types of religion, one of them in Christianity, which celebrates the irony of nailing a carpenter to two pieces of wood."

The Black Jester

Two degrees in "Do you want fries with that?"


A B.F.A. in Acting
An M.F.A. in Acting
The Black Jester

"Religion is institutionalised superstition, science is institutionalised curiosity." - Tank

"Confederation of the dispossessed,
Fearing neither god nor master." - Killing Joke


So many academic people! :D Mine's only a fun degree - creative writing - which I'm still in the middle of. I did it because I was maddeningly bored with my job and wanted people around to bounce ideas off, which I got, in a sense. It's just that most of them are thick as bricks, so I have to make my ideas extra-bouncy. The course itself is bland and uninspiring, there literally is no subject matter, and I hate most of the people on it. None of them can write, half of them can't read, and the seminars usually wind up being two hour long lessons in basic grammar. It's loathsome. I love it. Exactly the sort of rage, bile and misanthropy that I need to keep me ticking over.

By the way, people who say they want to be writers, yet don't see why they should have to read, ought to be rivetted to heavy, metal objects and pushed into the sea. There are a lot of people on my course who are like that. It's like someone who doesn't like music suddenly up and deciding to become a musician. It makes exactly no more sense.
"That life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one." - Emil Cioran.


I have a BA in Philosophy.  Wonderful to study; terrible for jobs.
All men by nature desire to know. -Aristotle

The study of philosophy does not mean to learn what others have thought but to learn what is the truth of things. -St. Thomas Aquinas


Senior majoring in Political Science from UNC.

I may get a minor in Russian Culture. 

I enjoy it and I don't think I could do a major like accounting.  I have a longing to spend my time in shitty, backwater countries like the Balkans and Russia doing work in security.  I'm most interested in the reciprocal relationship between a the way a state percieves threats and how it adjusts itself to those threats.  When I was doing a Honor's Thesis (which I dropped) I was focusing on the FSBization of Russia in response to the security challenges it faced during the Chechen wars.  How countries adapt constitutionally to security challenges.  I honestly don't know exactly how to make the transition from my school interests to the real world, but I'm working on it. 
'Out of a great number of suppositions, shrewd in their own way, one in particular emerged at last (one feels strange even mentioning it): whether Chichikov were not Napoleon in disguise'
Nikolai Gogol--> Dead Souls

'Коба, зачем тебе нужна моя смерть?'
Николай Иванович Бухарин-->Letter to Stalin

'Death is not an event in life: we do not live to exp


I'm currently studying Journalism (how can you study that?) It's not a vocational course, so I do a lot of stuff with the student newspaper, magazine and I have my own radio show. As you can guess we tend to look at the industry and its links with current affairs - I know for my exam in June I have a question on Libya and basically the current nature of reporting and how it's restrictive... and then again things with Iraq and how the language in the news managed to associate al-Quaeda with the Taliban so as to make them interchangable terms.. and yeah basically all about war reporting (War, Politics and Propaganda module). And then we also do things regarding PR and science in the media and how some stories are sensationalised by statistics which aren't explained properly.
I'm glad I've done it because I really enjoy it (as far as I'm concerned there's no point in spending £9,000 a year on something you don't enjoy), although I wouldn't have studied it at another university because my particular course significantly more prestigious than others of its kind in the UK.
I think I want to be a journalist - but I'm all open to the possibilities that await me. Some people say I should have studied a more general degree before going into journalism, but I would never have done a science because although I got A*s at GCSE, it's completely different to doing it at a higher level and I would have hated it. I could have done politics.. but then I realise that a lot of that would be just about political theory, and I feel like I learnt enough about that to stand me in good stead for 'everyday life' at A level.
"On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives [...] on a mote of dust suspended on a sunbeam." - Carl Sagan