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What the fuck is wrong with being gay?

Started by ForTheLoveOfAll, March 02, 2011, 03:34:12 AM

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I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.


Quote from: "dgmort19"I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.
I'd have slapped him and said "BITCH, YOU CRAZY!"
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.
-Carl Sagan

I loved when Bush came out and said, "We are losing the war against drugs." You know what that implies? There's a war being fought, and the people on drugs are winning it.
- Bill Hicks


So now that you brought it up like that, absolutely nothing is wrong with being gay. :-)


Quote from: "dgmort19"I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.
...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding. As far as the shit I've heard, I've heard most of these, and then one of my favorites is that homosexualiy and homosexual sex is akin to raping your partner. Again, I wanted to beat this fucker. Yea, beng an outspoken activist, I hear a shit ton of things like this, but some are far worse than others.
"It is my view that the atomic bomb is only slightly less dangerous than religion." John Paschal, myself.

"The problem with humanity is not that we are all born inherently stupid, that's just common knowledge. No, the problem with humanity is that 95% of us never grow out of it." John Paschal, myself


Quote...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life.

Might have ruined the family dinner.  ;)

Yup, it's pretty sad how some people will accept the stupidest, silliest "facts" so that they can maintain their beliefs. I always tell people like this how grateful they ought to be that they were "lucky" enough to be born straight.

Usually, though, they say, "You're right, I am lucky."

Kinda missing the point.


Quote from: "ForTheLoveOfAll"...Other than some imaginary friend in the sky said it's bad?

I've heard people say things like "It destroys our American values/it's the cause of AIDS/the constitution forbids it/etc."

Do you think this is true? Do you think this is bullshit? (I call it bullshit.)

That I know of, there is no secular reason to pick on gays. None that couldn't be knocked over very easily at least. The phrase "American values" simply doesn't mean anything / a deadly pathogen is the cause of AIDS. / Change it then.

QuoteWhat are some things you hear fundies say is wrong with homosexuality, and what are some retorts to these claims?

Same old stuff, really. It's 'unnatural' seems to be the common one. I could answer this with examples of homosexuality in animals but that feels a little besides the point. We're animals too, after all. Even if homosexuality only happened in us that would be enough to make it of nature. 'Natural,' in the sense that some people use the word, just seems to be another one of those vacuous transcendental signifiers, even more reliant on vaguery than 'God,' which amounts to nothing more than a blurt of abstract emotion. Describing something as 'unnatural' is another way of saying "it's bad - me no like!"

The other one is that it isn't 'normal.' I often hear/read about people saying "I have nothing against homosexuality - they should have their rights - but I object to my children being taught in school that it's normal behaviour." This is like the 'american/british/french/german values' thing: it appeals to a myopic, idyllic sense of culture being corroded. In a sense they're right: representing homosexuality as normal does readjust the frame of social norms (duh), it does go against convention, and it does morph the cultural context into something new and unfamiliar. National/cultural identity is a fragile thing, which people build in different ways and often hold very strongly. It has a lot to do with how we view ourselves, not just the outside world. So it's not surprising that some egos are going to feel slightly  threatened. But I think it could be a fear of that change, more than a fear of homosexuality itself, that might cause this sort of reaction. Just as irrational, but perhaps more understandably human, I don't know.

QuoteReason I'm asking is I intend on starting a group for Free Thinkers/Atheists/Agnostics/etc. here, and this area is VERY anto-homosexual, and we plan on helping to change that.

Good luck!
"That life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one." - Emil Cioran.


Here's how I look at it...

A religion wants to spread like cockroaches and have as many possible members as possible. Easiest way to give power to those starting and running said religion. Best way to add members? Fuck like jackrabbits (only with your married-before-god spouse, of course, so that the odds of successful brainwash goes up) and make large number of babies. Indoctrinate. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Just make sure you're shooting that baby-gravy into a Va-G-Gee, cause otherwise you won't get her baking any little god-biscuits.

Do not do it yourself. Do not shoot it on your chest. Do not shoot it on her chest. Do not let it land in hair, or the carpet, or the dusty ground, or the counter top, or the laptop screen, or the large intestine... As none of these will help bring about more little religobots to train to do the bidding of the almighty skypappy.

And if it's a guy and another dude. Why, that's simply unproductive and god will torture you in hell for all eternity.

So, like many things, it's organized religion's fault.

Personally, I got no beef with it. Long as people aren't harming each other with their flesh-whistles, I say do whatever you want with them.
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin.


Quote from: GAYtheist on March 11, 2011, 08:39:01 PM
Quote from: dgmort19I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.
...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding. As far as the shit I've heard, I've heard most of these, and then one of my favorites is that homosexualiy and homosexual sex is akin to raping your partner. Again, I wanted to beat this fucker. Yea, beng an outspoken activist, I hear a shit ton of things like this, but some are far worse than others.

Well.  That's almost as stupid as being willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being being a dumbass.
'Out of a great number of suppositions, shrewd in their own way, one in particular emerged at last (one feels strange even mentioning it): whether Chichikov were not Napoleon in disguise'
Nikolai Gogol--> Dead Souls

'Коба, зачем тебе нужна моя смерть?'
Николай Иванович Бухарин-->Letter to Stalin

'Death is not an event in life: we do not live to exp


I think part of the problem is that the people who are homophobic (or racist, sexist, etc) that are also religious get their viewpoints and news and such from a very sheltered perspective.  If you only spend time outside the home in church, or spend time in the home watching only Fox News, you will only find support for whatever views you hold.  One aspect of Christianity (I don't know about other religions, but I was a Christian for 33 years) is that most churches demand that you don't even watch questionable movies or hang out with questionable people.  Buy questionable, I mean those people that might lead someone down the "wrong path."  Preachers teach their sheep to stay away from non-Christian influences, saying that you can only spend so much time near the fire before you get burned.

Right now, there are a lot of people I work with (Air Force) that actually believe that waterboarding led to the killing of Osama Bin Laden.  The former Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, as well as many other sources, have shown this to be wrong.  However, if you get your news from only one place, and if you get your indoctrination from one source, such as church, you will either not see other points of view, or you will discount them as completely wrong.  The more time I spent around the few homosexuals I was exposed to, the more I began to question most of Christianity's view that homosexuality was wrong, or that homosexuals were that way because of some childhood trauma.  If I didn't have that exposure to homosexuals, I might not have come to those realizations.

By the way, I am drinking tonight, so I may not remember this post in the morning.

The Magic Pudding

Quote from: Will37 on May 08, 2011, 04:16:47 AM
Quote from: GAYtheist on March 11, 2011, 08:39:01 PM
Quote from: dgmort19I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.
...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding. As far as the shit I've heard, I've heard most of these, and then one of my favorites is that homosexualiy and homosexual sex is akin to raping your partner. Again, I wanted to beat this fucker. Yea, beng an outspoken activist, I hear a shit ton of things like this, but some are far worse than others.

Well.  That's almost as stupid as being willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being being a dumbass.

GAYtheist has been through a lot of crap.  The delivered beating may not improve the other guys worldview, but GAY may find it therapeutic.


Quote from: The Magic Pudding on May 08, 2011, 06:24:16 AM
Quote from: Will37 on May 08, 2011, 04:16:47 AM
Quote from: GAYtheist on March 11, 2011, 08:39:01 PM
Quote from: dgmort19I was talking with a Christian once. He said, and I'll always remember this, "Most gay people are the way they are because, as children, they were molested by homosexual adults."

I didn't hear the rest 'cause, you know, I was too busy pooping in my pants.
...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding. As far as the shit I've heard, I've heard most of these, and then one of my favorites is that homosexualiy and homosexual sex is akin to raping your partner. Again, I wanted to beat this fucker. Yea, beng an outspoken activist, I hear a shit ton of things like this, but some are far worse than others.

Well.  That's almost as stupid as being willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being being a dumbass.

GAYtheist has been through a lot of crap.  The delivered beating may not improve the other guys worldview, but GAY may find it therapeutic.

And if he said that had he been told that he would have wanted to beat the individual within an inch of their life that would be one thing.  If he's truely willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being ignorant then he has some real shit that he needs to deal with.  Going through 'a lot' doesn't give you a right to beat somebody for holding an opinion or belief that you don't like. 

I appreciate you trying to give context to his claims but no context justifies that.  If he's just talking a big game then that's one thing but if he's serious then he needs to get some help. 
'Out of a great number of suppositions, shrewd in their own way, one in particular emerged at last (one feels strange even mentioning it): whether Chichikov were not Napoleon in disguise'
Nikolai Gogol--> Dead Souls

'Коба, зачем тебе нужна моя смерть?'
Николай Иванович Бухарин-->Letter to Stalin

'Death is not an event in life: we do not live to exp


Quote from: Will37And if he said that had he been told that he would have wanted to beat the individual within an inch of their life that would be one thing.  If he's truely willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being ignorant then he has some real shit that he needs to deal with.  Going through 'a lot' doesn't give you a right to beat somebody for holding an opinion or belief that you don't like.

I appreciate you trying to give context to his claims but no context justifies that.  If he's just talking a big game then that's one thing but if he's serious then he needs to get some help. 

You don't think you're being a bit literal in how you've interpreted this? When people say things like "I could've killed the guy!" they don't generally mean it. Evidently GAY didn't beat the crap out of this person, so I don't really see the point of what you're saying.
"That life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one." - Emil Cioran.


Quote from: Melmoth on May 08, 2011, 07:20:09 PM
Quote from: Will37And if he said that had he been told that he would have wanted to beat the individual within an inch of their life that would be one thing.  If he's truely willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being ignorant then he has some real shit that he needs to deal with.  Going through 'a lot' doesn't give you a right to beat somebody for holding an opinion or belief that you don't like.

I appreciate you trying to give context to his claims but no context justifies that.  If he's just talking a big game then that's one thing but if he's serious then he needs to get some help. 

You don't think you're being a bit literal in how you've interpreted this? When people say things like "I could've killed the guy!" they don't generally mean it. Evidently GAY didn't beat the crap out of this person, so I don't really see the point of what you're saying.

The individual didn't say anything to GAY.  GAY was responding to what another person said.  Normally I wouldn't take such talk literally except GAY insisted that I ought to.  "...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding."

I do suspect that, despite GAY's claims to the contrary, this is just internet tough talk, but if not he has some serious issues.
'Out of a great number of suppositions, shrewd in their own way, one in particular emerged at last (one feels strange even mentioning it): whether Chichikov were not Napoleon in disguise'
Nikolai Gogol--> Dead Souls

'Коба, зачем тебе нужна моя смерть?'
Николай Иванович Бухарин-->Letter to Stalin

'Death is not an event in life: we do not live to exp


Quote from: Will37 on May 08, 2011, 08:30:17 PM
Quote from: Melmoth on May 08, 2011, 07:20:09 PM
Quote from: Will37And if he said that had he been told that he would have wanted to beat the individual within an inch of their life that would be one thing.  If he's truely willing to beat somebody within an inch of their life for being ignorant then he has some real shit that he needs to deal with.  Going through 'a lot' doesn't give you a right to beat somebody for holding an opinion or belief that you don't like.

I appreciate you trying to give context to his claims but no context justifies that.  If he's just talking a big game then that's one thing but if he's serious then he needs to get some help. 

You don't think you're being a bit literal in how you've interpreted this? When people say things like "I could've killed the guy!" they don't generally mean it. Evidently GAY didn't beat the crap out of this person, so I don't really see the point of what you're saying.

The individual didn't say anything to GAY.  GAY was responding to what another person said.  Normally I wouldn't take such talk literally except GAY insisted that I ought to.  "...I would have beat him to with in an inch of his miserable life. Not even kidding."

I do suspect that, despite GAY's claims to the contrary, this is just internet tough talk, but if not he has some serious issues.

I think it's Internet tough talk. Although it does raise an interesting point though. If somebody uses Gay as an insult then maybe the reaction should be 'I didn't know you cared, come here darling and give us a kiss.' Or rather than threatening to beat somebody up to within an inch of their lives offer to be nice to them to within an inch of their lives. I think I could guess which response would give the moron the greatest cause for concern :D
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


I'm wondering the same thing, too! What is so bad about being gay? Let me give you a bit of a story here.

My husband's family are super religious. He has two cousins, let's call them "C" and "G". C is one of the leaders at his church. His brother is G, who is also a super religious christian, and was best buds with his brother. Well G decided to come out a few years ago, which caused a lot of drama. C didn't want to talk to him, didn't want anyone in the family to talk to him. Told him he needed to find god, blah blah. C has finally started talking to G, but it definitely isn't what it used to be. Recently C's wife called G to make sure he knew where the line was, by telling him when they have kids G is not allowed to come to their house.

Now, here is the kicker. We just found out that C's new best friend is a registered sex offender, where from what I read is from raping 12-16 year olds. They do everything together, and they know all about his past. Yet, his gay brother is the bad guy?! My mind is blown.