
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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Bon Dia

Started by Zeru, July 03, 2009, 05:14:48 PM

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Eh, here is my obligatory introduction.  I'll try to keep it short.

I'm originally from southwest US, but I've been away for awhile.  Currently in South America, but moving back to the states sometime later this year.  I'm here (on HAF) to get some relief from the evangelical fog that's being emitted from some Brazilian relatives...  the more fundamental strains of Christianity are surprisingly active down here, and growing at a ridiculous rate.  

I'm an atheist by default, but if you want to debate I'll usually claim a small piece of agnostic ground in case things get messy.  Let's see.  My childhood religious background was very fundie-Christian, with some charisma thrown in for kicks.  My deconversion was somewhat gradual... relatively untraumatic really.  The only good thing I can take away from all that is the ability to understand the religious perspective.. to some degree.  

Disclaimer of bad typing habits:  excessive use of ellipses and qualifiers

All that said, Hello!


Welcome! Always good to see expats 'round here. :)

Heretical Rants

Ah, but at least your relatives aren't harping on you about getting baptized. :P