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United Coalition of Reason Contest Announcement

Started by Whitney, May 30, 2009, 02:45:44 AM

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QuoteThe United Coalition of Reason is delighted to announce an essay contest as part of our upcoming Good Without God campaign tied not only to a social movement but to a book that’s being published in the fall. Please forward this message as widely as possible and help us unite the millions of voices of reason across the country.

The contest is simple. Please tell us your personal story, in 500 words or less: what does it mean for you to be Good Without God? How do you live out your positive values as a Humanist, atheist, agnostic, secularist, or freethinker? Please write in the first person.
We highly encourage you to share specific examples about your god-free involvement in service to country or community; how your non-religious approach to life helped you to get through a difficult time; or how it transformed your relationships with your family and the people you care about.

The author of the first-prize essay will receive a prize of $1,000, courtesy of the United Coalition of Reason. The first twenty five submissions will receive a signed copy of the upcoming book by Greg Epstein, Humanist Chaplain of Harvard University, entitled Good Without God: What a Billion Non-Religious People Do Believe, when the book is released in October courtesy of William Morrow/HarperCollins Publishers. Many entries will be published by the UnitedCoalition of Reason as part of our upcoming nationwide Good Without God Campaign. For more information about the UnitedCoR, please see this recent article from the New York Times front page:

Along with your essay we require that you send a high-resolution photo of yourself that represents you. (Let us know who took the photo so we can credit them if we publish it.)

Please also include your:

*Email Address
*Phone number
*Mailing address

Essays must be submitted by June 23, 2009 to be considered for the $1,000 prize. Essays submitted after June 23 will not be eligible for the prize, but may still be eligible to be included in our national Good Without Campaign coming this fall.

Please send your essay, photo and details, by email to:

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By submitting information to the United Coalition of Reason (UnitedCoR), you grant UnitedCoR a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that information at its sole discretion, including storing it on UnitedCoR servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including without limitation published books. If you do not wish to grant UnitedCoR these rights, it is suggested that you do not submit information to this website. UnitedCoR reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the UnitedCoR website at any time at its sole discretion. No image from this site may be used for any purpose without expressed written
authorization, with one exception; you may post one image as a link to this site.
Margaret Downey
UnitedCoR Member