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My videos seem to have generated some negative comments

Started by imrational, August 05, 2006, 01:41:17 AM

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I've gotten some large compliments about my youtube videos, some middling ones, and some negative ones.  Today though, one guy seemed a little perturbed by them.  Here's the transcripts of his comments.
Quotetygew (5 hours ago)
This guy is an uneducated moron. He's so negative and his view of God is even smaller. I can see why God dosen't just throw himself out there and say "here I am!" Cause guys like this would finaly believe. God is a dimond not a terd to be thrown to everyone.

tygew (5 hours ago)
Moses and ALL people of the bible were murderer's, liars, cheats, whores etc. God chose them to show his forgiving love to us all. Pharoh and the Egyptians worshiped other god's like cows,flies, frogs, and such. God killed thier god's and did this to show He was God, not the cows, flies and frogs. God spoke everything into existance...he can replace the frogs & cows. This guy dosen't know the bible like he claims or he would have less stupid questions.

tygew (5 hours ago)
As as him being a cowardly athiast goes... Ive been to evolutionist debates and there is NO FORM OF EVOLUTION! Just genetic change. Iv'e seen spirits that I called on to prove they weren't real....they are! I put my hands through it's face while everyone else was screaming and crying huddled on the floor. I know there is a spiritual world I've seen it. Don't be ignorant people.

imrational (4 hours ago)
You call me cowardly? Okay, 'cause I've got to admit... you scare me.
You call me an uneducated moron but you spell "turd" and "diamond" incorrectly. As far as I know, the Egyptians did not worship frogs, flies, or cows. They did worship gods like Anubis (head of a jackal) and Bast (head of a cat) though. Maybe you were thinking of those?

imrational (4 hours ago)
As to my asking stupid questions. That's fine. I'll be the first to admit that I am by no means a genius. However, seeing that my questions are stupid, could you provide me with the answers?

Finally, I did not reference evolution in this video at all. I don't know why you are commenting on that here.

Quotetygew (3 hours ago)
The bible says that the fool (morally corrupt person) has set in his heart that there is no God. Your a small man, the smallest of men...a mouse, saying that there is no lion just cause you haven't seen one. There is a God you monkey and you should be careful what example you make to these foolish kids watching your ignorant video. I said before that there is a spiritual world...Iv'e seen it. There is a God and he and his thoughts are bigger than your lil pea brain can comprehend.

tygew (3 hours ago)
Becuz to sae that yoor an athiast meens yo must beelive we avolved from a puddle of terd water lol. As far as picking on my spelling gimme a break! Everyone misspells when they are typing. And yes the Egyptians worshiped many god's including other people like Pharo's. Your knowledge of thier god's doesn't impress me.

tygew (3 hours ago)
You have the cocky, arrogant attitude of the average American punk. Your a little man among men...a mouse, only the smallest of mice trying to pick on The Lion because he doesn't understand the way of the lion. That's one example of your ignorance. You don't want to know a real God because you like your prideful thinking and your other sins. The bible says the fool(corrupt one) has set in his heart that thier is no God

tygew (3 hours ago)
Now do you believe you came from a puddle, an accident to a perfectly reproducing human being? Or can you accept a creator? The flood? Moses and the plagues? thought not cause your a coward who likes his sins. That's ok cause the bible says in Rev that in the end times it will be like in the days of Noah...they sinned for a hundred more years till God let it rain and they all died in thier sins. Where are they now? Who cares? They didn't love God and didn't deserve to know him.

tygew (2 hours ago)
Everything that you desire and think is beautiful, God made. I just gave you (the fool) valuable info by telling you that I saw spirits. What will you do with it, you'll pnobably deny it & hold on to your foolish thinking and cowardly beliefs. You post these idotic films, then uneducated children watch these and pat you on the back like your some brave hero. Like I said your a foolish lil mouse poking at The Lion.

tygew (2 hours ago)
And yes I can answer your many ignorant questions. It would probably require a video longer than this one, a few mirracles and a larger set of balls for ya. The bible says that no COWARD shall inherit the kingdom of God. So don't worry you probably couldn't be a Christian anyway. Enjoy your probing at the Lion; but I feel so sorry for you and the ignorant people who believe you. I wish I could just bible thump you upside the head. But if you really want to step up...Tyge @ *phone number deleted by imrational*

imrational (1 hour ago)
Well, I called your number, but I guess you were out. I'm not planning on making a habit of calling people who post here though. Consider that call your one free shot at verbally talking to me.

imrational (1 hour ago)
Wow. I'm getting the idea that you feel rather strongly about my videos. I didn't think they were good enough to inspire such ire. For what it's worth, being an atheist doesn't automatically mean that you subscribe to evolution. All being an atheist means is that you do not believe in a god or gods. An atheist could believe that the universe was created by aliens in another universe, or a host of other ideas.

Anyway, I have to admit, this guy weirded me out a little.  I do know of another atheist who posted vids critical of the bible and later removed them for a host of reasons.  If I had a family, I might consider it too.


Quote from: "imrational"imrational (4 hours ago)
You call me cowardly? Okay, 'cause I've got to admit... you scare me.

Yet another example of why we need to protect our identities.  Believers are scary!

Quote from: "imrational"You call me an uneducated moron but you spell "turd" and "diamond" incorrectly.

Quote from: "imrational"But if you really want to step up...Tyge @ 602-200-XXXX

602 is Phoenix and 200 is a cell phone.  But he could be anywhere.

Asmodean Prime

atheists are sometimes scary, too


imrational, apparently if you weren't such a pipsqueaky little cowardly mouse hiding behind your momma's skirt, you'd understand and bow down before god!


That guy is off his rocker! Keep showing your vids, man. Drive him up the wall with them! Good job!

What I really like is the nice Christian attitude he shows. That's great. Yep, good old Christian love for the enemy. Funny how that's always absent in the forums. Turn the other cheek, etc. Oh yeah, we'll see that before hell freezes over!


Keep up the good work of us evil non-theist types!
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Quote from: "imrational"I've gotten some large compliments about my youtube videos, some middling ones, and some negative ones.  Today though, one guy seemed a little perturbed by them.  Here's the transcripts of his comments.

You see, the problem with you is... well your name says it all: you're rational. And many of the people in this world can't handle a functional, working mind. Also, if he was offended enough to reply nine times, then you must be doing a good job. This guy "put his hand through a spirit". He's a lost cause anyway...

Quote from: "imrational"Anyway, I have to admit, this guy weirded me out a little.  I do know of another atheist who posted vids critical of the bible and later removed them for a host of reasons.  If I had a family, I might consider it too.

Don't ever stop. It's 2006 and if we back down now, we step further into the abyss of potential theocracies and can extend the already bad enough stigma that is attached to atheism. The internet has made a lot more noise for our cause, and recent polls regarding religious affiliation are showing this. Changes are happening, whether or not anyone wishes to acknowledge them.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.


Hey, Laetus... I really shouldn't have posted his phone number... could you delete it from this thread?  I tried to edit it out, but wasn't able to for some reason

Big Mac

Hey he posted it first man, so he allowed others to see it. This should be a lesson for his stupidity. People like him are too stupid to understand instruction so you have to either beat it into them or give them the proverbial hot stove to wake their dumbasses up. And even then it's a 50-50 shot.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Quote from: "imrational"Hey, Laetus... I really shouldn't have posted his phone number... could you delete it from this thread?  I tried to edit it out, but wasn't able to for some reason


(I don't think it really matters anyway, he did post it for everyone on you tube to see)


Yeah, but I shouldn't contribute to his stupidity.  After his last bout of comments on youtube, I sent him a message telling him very politely that I think he may be experiencing a manic episode (and explained why) and ask him to seek help.  I then told him that I would be blocking any further emails from him and I would be deleting all messages from him in the future.

We'll see how that works.

Big Mac

Quote from: "imrational"Yeah, but I shouldn't contribute to his stupidity.  After his last bout of comments on youtube, I sent him a message telling him very politely that I think he may be experiencing a manic episode (and explained why) and ask him to seek help.  I then told him that I would be blocking any further emails from him and I would be deleting all messages from him in the future.

We'll see how that works.

Eh it's just natural selection if idiots like him get done in. He's a moron, he deserves whatever comes to him. He might as well have also left his SSN and his address while he is at it.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?