
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Atheism, kind of lame

Started by Opsamk, June 24, 2008, 09:21:56 AM

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I laugh at your ignorance.



Quote from: "Opsamk"what if the universe or all of existance IS god including me and you and we are just a living part of this wonderful universe of God with all the laws of physics and consciousness to enjoy it.
Indeed, what if? You're just replacing the word "universe" with the word "god", no big deal there. It would change nothing about what I already believe.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Consciousness has to go somewhere
What makes you believe that?

Quote from: "Opsamk"I think an eternity of darkness and nothingness while you're dead is lame.
Quote from: "Opsamk"If you think that when you die you are just worm food, I think thats kind of lame to be in a state of darkness for eternity
Just because you think it's lame doesn't mean it isn't true. However, I think here you are exposing your misconceived notion, a common one, that death = darkness. There's no darkness because you won't be conscious. Do you understand the difference?

Quote from: "Opsamk"Why do I say Atheism is lame? Well, I call it a very lame answer to our existance as much as the written words of other religions but they can believe what they want. Atheism is a way for these hardcore scientists to skip the question of existance and the laws of physics to just study them.
Indeed, scientists study the laws of physics, however they don't "skip" questions of existence. In fact they are more concerned with finding a way to solve these questions than the religious, by far! They haven't settled on an answer because the evidence so far is inconclusive; would you prefer they just took a guess, like you have done?

Quote from: "Opsamk"if you think god is bulls*** then at least believe in the universe.
Of course I believe in the universe. I can see it, touch it, interact with it -- it's real.

Quote from: "Opsamk"If you dont believe in anything, then all I have to say is that you are one poor soul munching off this universe I live in. Respect the God!
Are you not also "munching off" the universe? Besides "respecting God", what are you doing that I'm not?


I'm afraid "atheism is lame" isn't a very strong argument. Also, you seem to have a lot of misconceptions about science.


Actually what's really lame is believing your consciousness has to survive your death in order to have respect for life. We tend to view the opposite here -- our mortality makes us appreciate the time we have so much more. Who's really the one with a respect for the universe?


Quote from: "pjkeeley"Just because you think it's lame doesn't mean it isn't true. However, I think here you are exposing your misconceived notion, a common one, that death = darkness. There's no darkness because you won't be conscious. Do you understand the difference?
I dont know how you see things when you sleep but all I see is darkness and maybe a dream but i'd imagine that death could possibly be eternal darkness I see in my sleep.

Quote from: "pjkeeley"Are you not also "munching off" the universe? Besides "respecting God", what are you doing that I'm not?
To make it more simple, do something for the universe for what it has done for you. Some people make me angry who do not care about the world or others that inhabit it.

I guess you can call me an optimistic atheist.


Quote from: "Opsamk"I dont know how you see things when you sleep but all I see is darkness and maybe a dream but i'd imagine that death could possibly be eternal darkness I see in my sleep.
I see darkness when I shut my eyes, but once I drift off I don't see anything. I have no conscious experience. Even when I dream I can never seem to guage the passage of time. I just wake up and remember that I'm alive.

Quote from: "Opsamk"To make it more simple, do something for the universe for what it has done for you. Some people make me angry who do not care about the world or others that inhabit it.

I guess you can call me an optimistic atheist.
Amen to that.  You'll get no argument out of me here. ;)


"Wouldn't it be horrible if..." = "... can't be so" = "...isn't so".  :brick:


You seem to have a strong belief in God. Therefore, how can you be 'sort of atheist'?

Again, your argument, along with so many others is based upon your inability to comprehend or accept oblivion as an option. Considering you were in this oblivion state for the last 14 billion years before you were born, then what was it like? How did you pass the time? Exactly... You were not around to witness anything because you didn't exist. It will be exactly the same after you die. You'll cease to be, therefore you'll not have a brain to comprehend anything at all. If consciousness 'keeps going' then what was your consciousness doing before you were born?

Just because you feel something is lame, doesn't mean it isn't true. I think all religion is lame. Unfortunately this doesn't stop billions of people around the world from being totally deluded.

I'm not an atheist because i feel god ignored me. I'm an atheist because i know god does not exist. He is a human invention. How can i think i'm being ignored by god if i don't believe he exists?

I'm sorry, but your 'arguments' don't amount to anything. It is just another example that people with religious belief have only the weakest of foundations with which to base that belief. I'm sure that you'll not become a prolific poster because the more you post, the more holes will open up in your arguments which the multitude of highly intelligent people registered to this site will capitalise on. And eventually this will get you questioning the foundations of your faith - something which scares the hell out of all religious people.
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


I'm not really sure you have to believe in a God to believe in an afterlife, but there's really no evidence for either.  Conversely, you could believe in a God that wipes you out of existence and takes away your afterlife, so God and afterlife aren't mutually inclusive, we just are taught that they are.

So where does consciousness go after you are dead?  Where does a fire go after it's extinguished?   The atoms of your body never disappear or are destroyed, they simply rearrange as you rot.  This new arrangement of atoms isn't capable of consciousness or memory.  I don't think you would enjoy it if they were.

So after you die you are gone.  Big deal.  We all will go eventually.  We are just a temporary pattern in the atoms, analogous to a wave in the ocean.  But the world is still here after you are gone. And your existence added to it for the time it was.
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
                                                                                                                    -Winston Smith, protagonist of 1984 by George Orwell


Quote from: "Opsamk"I have been pondering this idea of god for quite some time now and I do admit I am somewhat of an atheist but I cannot tell myself I do not believe in god because I believe we all must believe in something or else we are just pigs feeding off this world which we have no answer to how it exists.
All in all, that is what we are. And a god-belief does not change that.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Now this is just philosophy but what if the universe or all of existance IS god including me and you and we are just a living part of this wonderful universe of God with all the laws of physics and consciousness to enjoy it.
What if... What if the world is really just an illusion and we all live in a Matrix universe, dominated by artificial intelligence and used as power source? What if god is an alien from a long dead race, dead by its own doing? What if there is a god, but there is nothing wonderful about it? What if the devil is really the nice guy only with a piss-poor PR agent?

Quote from: "Opsamk"Consciousness has to go somewhere and I think an eternity of darkness and nothingness while you're dead is lame.
It is. Because it does not describe cessation of existence. You make it sound as if you think that you're aware of this eternity of darkness and nothingness. The moment you fade to black, that's it. Period. There is nothing more. No eternity, no darkness, nothing.

Quote from: "Opsamk"I think this "energy" or "lifeforce" of Consciousness when you die is recycled in the wonderful universe of God and your soul or "lifeforce" is absorbed into everything, in fact this "lifeforce" comes and leaves your body every moment but it is what keeps your brain connected to the world.
Have you been playing or watching certain Final Fantasy games/movies lately?   :raised:  It's an overall nice theory, there is just one thorn though: to the best of our knowledge, conciousness is no more than electric impulses and chemical reactions in a maze of neurons.

Quote from: "Opsamk"If you think that when you die you are just worm food, I think thats kind of lame to be in a state of darkness for eternity and I believe it is impossible to be in that state forever, your consciousness has to end up somewhere. If you believe, god is everything and must be respected.
Your conciousness ceases to exist. The rest of you fulfills the cycle. The same atoms your body has been made of may well be found later in other life forms and eventually other humans. And when they die, the cycle repeats itself. On and on.

Quote from: "Opsamk"If you have a sh**y life, dont blame it on this god, blame it on your parents and others who decide to disrespect God and yourself, we are all part of this God.
When my life turns sour, the first person I blame is myself. If I choose to assign blame, that is. Usually, it proves to be my fault too.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Why do I say Atheism is lame? Well, I call it a very lame answer to our existance as much as the written words of other religions but they can believe what they want.
That's hypocricy at its finest. oO(Where was that stamp of mine?!) Atheism is as valid as your belief. Much more so in many cases involving things we do can explain. And the other religions, whatever they are, are as valid as our own.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Atheism is a way for these hardcore scientists to skip the question of existance and the laws of physics to just study them.
Scientists do not just skip questions. They are just unafraid of admitting that they don't have all the answers.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Atheism is also a way for people who think that god has "betrayed" or "ignored" them and just say that god doesnt exist, well if god doesnt exist then how do you exist?
Is THIS the best you can do?! PLEASE! I've heard much better arguments from raving street preachers. I exist because my dad and my mom had sex twenty-some years ago.

Quote from: "Opsamk"This question I asked myself led me to come up with this theory that we are all part of this universe of God.
So what is your god's role in this universe then? And if the statement "when you have a choice between being loved and feared, being feared is far safer than being loved" is true, what makes you think that your god is a nice guy?

Quote from: "Opsamk"Believe what you want though, if you think god is bulls*** then at least believe in the universe. If you dont believe in anything, then all I have to say is that you are one poor soul munching off this universe I live in. Respect the God!
No. Your god has never done jack to earn my respect and as such it would get none even if I knew it existed. I can respect your right to believe the way you do, but if you or your god want my respect, you will have to earn it.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Opsamk"I have been pondering this idea of god for quite some time now and I do admit I am somewhat of an atheist but I cannot tell myself I do not believe in god because I believe we all must believe in something or else we are just pigs feeding off this world which we have no answer to how it exists. Now this is just philosophy but what if the universe or all of existance IS god including me and you and we are just a living part of this wonderful universe of God with all the laws of physics and consciousness to enjoy it. Consciousness has to go somewhere and I think an eternity of darkness and nothingness while you're dead is lame. I think this "energy" or "lifeforce" of Consciousness when you die is recycled in the wonderful universe of God and your soul or "lifeforce" is absorbed into everything, in fact this "lifeforce" comes and leaves your body every moment but it is what keeps your brain connected to the world. If you think that when you die you are just worm food, I think thats kind of lame to be in a state of darkness for eternity and I believe it is impossible to be in that state forever, your consciousness has to end up somewhere. If you believe, god is everything and must be respected. If you have a sh**y life, dont blame it on this god, blame it on your parents and others who decide to disrespect God and yourself, we are all part of this God. Why do I say Atheism is lame? Well, I call it a very lame answer to our existance as much as the written words of other religions but they can believe what they want. Atheism is a way for these hardcore scientists to skip the question of existance and the laws of physics to just study them. Atheism is also a way for people who think that god has "betrayed" or "ignored" them and just say that god doesnt exist, well if god doesnt exist then how do you exist? This question I asked myself led me to come up with this theory that we are all part of this universe of God. Believe what you want though, if you think god is bulls*** then at least believe in the universe. If you dont believe in anything, then all I have to say is that you are one poor soul munching off this universe I live in. Respect the God!


Belief in a universal god/intelligence/force is no different than believing in the Judeo/Christian/Islamic monotheistic version of a creator god nor the belief in the eastern concept of Brahman - it's still a belief in some supernatural entity - beyond the ken of mortal man - that is responsible for everything in the universe, including man. You're contradictory statement:   "I have been pondering this idea of god for quite some time now and I do admit I am somewhat of an atheist but I cannot tell myself I do not believe in god because I believe we all must believe in something or else we are just pigs feeding off this world which we have no answer to how it exists" indicating some form of belief denies your claim of atheism. Study instead the eastern beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism as these seem similar to what you have indicated to what you believe.

If you're life is not fulfilling then don't blame others, or god(s), or the universe - blame yourself. You, and only you, have control over your life and destiny. It's not a cosmic crap-shoot thrown out from some predestined plan since the beginning of time. It is the here and the now and how you respond to it. That's all.

You're looking for answers to questions which have caused religions to flourish: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is my part in the scheme of things?" "How do I fit in?" " What was there before?" "What will there be after?" "How do I find fulfillment?"  and on and on and on. Ethical questions, moral issues, the types of questions that religions, in whatever guise, prey upon the asker by saying they have THE answer.

There's nothing wrong with looking for answers. Just make sure you truly understand the questions.
Two wrongs don't make a right but three left turns will.

"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." â€" Nietzsche
"Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt." - Clarence Darrow


Quote from: "Smallville"You're looking for answers to questions which have caused religions to flourish: "Who am I?" "Why am I here?" "What is my part in the scheme of things?" "How do I fit in?" " What was there before?" "What will there be after?" "How do I find fulfillment?"  and on and on and on. Ethical questions, moral issues, the types of questions that religions, in whatever guise, prey upon the asker by saying they have THE answer.

There's nothing wrong with looking for answers. Just make sure you truly understand the questions.

There is also a fair share of fear and hope involved. That and failure to admit ones own insignificance and to contemplate non-existence.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Quote from: "Opsamk"I have been pondering this idea of god for quite some time now and I do admit I am somewhat of an atheist but I cannot tell myself I do not believe in god...

Quote from: "Opsamk"Now this is just philosophy but what if the universe or all of existance IS god including me and you...

Quote from: "Opsamk"I think this "energy" or "lifeforce" of Consciousness when you die is recycled in the wonderful universe of God...

Quote from: "Opsamk"If you have a sh**y life, dont blame it on this god, blame it on your parents and others who decide to disrespect God and yourself, we are all part of this God.

Quote from: "Opsamk"...well if god doesnt exist then how do you exist? This question I asked myself led me to come up with this theory that we are all part of this universe of God.

Quote from: "Opsamk"Respect the God!

You are a poorly disguised theist in atheist clothing.  Your ass is showing.
"Gods are fragile things; they may be killed by a whiff of science or a dose of common sense."
Chapman Cohen


Quote from: "Opsamk"I have been pondering this idea of god for quite some time now and I do admit I am somewhat of an atheist but I cannot tell myself I do not believe in god because I believe we all must believe in something or else we are just pigs feeding off this world which we have no answer to how it exists. Now this is just philosophy but what if the universe or all of existance IS god including me and you and we are just a living part of this wonderful universe of God with all the laws of physics and consciousness to enjoy it. Consciousness has to go somewhere and I think an eternity of darkness and nothingness while you're dead is lame. I think this "energy" or "lifeforce" of Consciousness when you die is recycled in the wonderful universe of God and your soul or "lifeforce" is absorbed into everything, in fact this "lifeforce" comes and leaves your body every moment but it is what keeps your brain connected to the world. If you think that when you die you are just worm food, I think thats kind of lame to be in a state of darkness for eternity and I believe it is impossible to be in that state forever, your consciousness has to end up somewhere. If you believe, god is everything and must be respected. If you have a sh**y life, dont blame it on this god, blame it on your parents and others who decide to disrespect God and yourself, we are all part of this God. Why do I say Atheism is lame? Well, I call it a very lame answer to our existance as much as the written words of other religions but they can believe what they want. Atheism is a way for these hardcore scientists to skip the question of existance and the laws of physics to just study them. Atheism is also a way for people who think that god has "betrayed" or "ignored" them and just say that god doesnt exist, well if god doesnt exist then how do you exist? This question I asked myself led me to come up with this theory that we are all part of this universe of God. Believe what you want though, if you think god is bulls*** then at least believe in the universe. If you dont believe in anything, then all I have to say is that you are one poor soul munching off this universe I live in. Respect the God!


Why does everything have to have a meaning or reason.No we don't have all the answers and probley never will.But to many people promote God and their idea of God.If you are not Christian you will burn in hell....If you are not Muslim you will burn...If you do not read from the Tanakh you're screwed to.Who the hell cares.You know why I stopped going to church,praying to God because at the ripe old age of 12 I realized it is all for money and power.It's silly to see how many people have died for a book.I refuse to spend my life hoping that the religion I choose is right.And I refuse to waste what little time I have praying to someone that I know isn't there.I didn't choose to stop because I was young and thought  rebelling  was cool.And I also think it's silly to blame my problems on my parents,the enviroment,media or any other crap some use as a outlet.We now think the Gods of old were silly,and can't believe how someone would have worshipped them.Who's to say maybe we are wrong on them.No one knows what is really right and wrong on this.How sad is it to see those who blame the Devil for their problems,because they won't take responsibilty for their own actions.That is why I choose just to be and nothing more.I am here because two people I love made me.Not because of plan,I am just here.Not that I wouldn't love to know how everything started,not just earth.But I am happy with the answers I have.We are animals here to breed then die and maybe have alittle bit of joy in our lives.


Pantheism and spirituality are a form of compromise. Why would you compromise your perception of the universe?
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.