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Started by Court, July 24, 2006, 03:46:59 PM

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Onlyme, atheists often "agree" with homosexuality because most of them "agree" with basic human rights. Whether homosexuality is "natural" or not is irrelevent (although, considering its history and the existence of homosexuality in other animals, I wouldn't ever call it that), because it doesn't harm anyone for a person to have a certain sexual orientation.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


Quote from: "onlyme"Huxley, indeed Wigan has it's fair share of homosexuals.

As I pointed out, though, in an earlier posting (maybe on another forum), why are so many atheists in favour of homosexuality?  maybe it has something to do with the maxim 'do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law', which is a satanic exhortation.

Are there really so many atheists who agree that homosexuality is right and accepted?  Without meaning to speak 'down' to you personally, as someone else pointed out recently - 'where are all the real men?'

I feel that people should be free to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't affect anyone else's freedom. Homosexuality doesn't affect me at all. It's not like gay people are forcing me to watch what they do or anything. So why should I care what two consenting adults want to do behind closed doors?

onlyme, why do you care? How does it affect you in any way? Is your quality of life degraded if you're living around a few homosexuals? Would you ever have a gay person as a friend?

Quote from: "onlyme"'where are all the real men?'

Do you mean the people who don't feel they should get to dictate what others would like to do with their lives? Right here, then.
2006 was a long time ago... I returned to Christianity in March 2024 after 19 years away. I hope and pray that His love and mercy finds you too.

Big Mac

I feel that whether homosexuality is a choice or genetic (I think there are plenty cases of both) is none of my business. What 2 or 59 consenting adults do in their bedroom is none of my damn business. Focusing on a person's sexuality reflects on your insecurity. Considering the bible also extolls racism, sexism, violence, etc. I really wouldn't hold its laws in such strict regards.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


My views on homosexuality pretty much agree with the three posters above me.

Asmodean Prime

Jassman, you mentioned something on an earlier post about 'encouragement' - do you need to be encouraged to feel attracted to a woman?'  I agree with you on that point.  I'm sorry I didn't reply at the time.  I was busy with work.

I do think though, that homosexuality is something that can be learned, as well as something inherent in genetic characteristics - take prison life, for instance.    I think because of today's liberal attitudes, more people are being encouraged to experiment with homosexuality.

Personally, I haven't been harmed by homosexuals in any way, they seem to be a pretty placid and harmless group, in my opinion and experience.  I do think, though, that it is wrong.  As I said earlier, no more wrong than say, mugging, stealing, etc, but nonetheless, wrong.

And, yes, I do have several friends who are homosexuals.  Doesn't mean I agree with their lifestyle, though, just as I don't agree with swearing, cheating, violence, etc, which I observe everyday, and have to put up with because I live in the real world, and there is no avoiding it.  I'm just saying that in an ideal society, heterosexual is the way forward, for society, for the family, for the good of mankind in general.


You honestly put homosexuality in a category with mugging and stealing? But you have homosexual friends? (I doubt you're very open about your bigotry, if you do) Do you also have friends who mug people?
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]

Asmodean Prime


I see what you mean.  No, I don't have friends who mug people, but I have friends who steal, lie, cheat, and are homosexuals, etc.   When I was young and reckless, I also mugged a couple of people, which I deeply regret now.   I was a bit of a wild card.  I wouldn't do it today, though, knowing what I know..  I know people from all walks of life.  Like I said, I live in the real world.

You people on here might not side with me now, since I admitted I mugged at least 2 people when I was younger.  I also attempted murder, on more than one occasion, which I deeply regret, and I am thankful that it didn't work out as planned.  Oh,  hindsight!  Also, as I said earlier, I don't consider myself a good Christian, just that hopefully I've learned my lesson on some points, and hopefully become a better person, hopefully for the good of society in general.   I try to give people the benefit of my wisdom, whether it is seen as such or not  - that is my intention.  I made mistakes, yes.  I don't claim to have atoned for them - I can't.   I just hope that people may read this and learn how to be a better person towards all members of society.    If my words mean nothing, then so be it.  They are there for the record, anyhow.


Okay, my big question is this: How can you possibly, logically class homosexuals, whose only "sin" is behind closed doors and affects no one but themselves, with thieves and muggers, whose crimes obviously harm people?
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]

Asmodean Prime

court, the reason I class homosexuals as such is because, according to the bible, 'every other sin is outside the body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.'

does that clarify the issue?  If not, please look up the bible reference, which, after all, I adhere to, or post again, requesting more information.


The bible has an archaic, ridiculous, unnatural, backwards view of sex. How can following your natural sexual desires be a sin against your body? Do you see masturbation as a sin as well?
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]


If this turns into a debate, I'm going to start a new thread...

Done :
I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas
try having a little faith = stop using your brain for a while -- ziffel[/size]

Asmodean Prime

court, masturbation - I'm not sure if it's a sin, but I think it is something to be avoided in an 'ideal' sort of way, as it involves fantasies which may not be helpful, or conducive to the general good of people in society.

please, if you will, start a new thread, maybe we can bounce ideas off one-another.

Big Mac

HOLD THE FUCKING PHONE (or as you brits probably call it, the ringer!)!!!

Onlyme, you commited worse crimes than even me. I've stolen money and have violated quite a few federal laws (mommasquid probably gets my drift, think "[blank] shotgun" everyone ;) ) but I've never actually mugged people or physically attempted to kill anyone.

I too regret what I've done but I don't put homosexuality in the same bracket as to the crimes I have committed. What was Jesus' old saying....He who is without blank cast the first blank?
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


Edit:  Deleted

Big Mac

Well the passion of the christ enter into his heart and he was saved from attempting to kill people and rob them. But since me and you have commited hardly any crimes (if any at all) we are going straight to eternal fire and brimstone because we didn't accept Jesus.
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?