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By the Power of Greyskull!

Started by darkcyd, September 07, 2010, 09:25:32 AM

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Weird that the army had a problem with that, I was in the Air Force years ago and you could be labled an Atheist...but you wouldnt get to go to church on sundays (ie get a break from the TI) and sit in air conditioning..youd have to stay back in the barracks and clean and kind of lame.

Too Few Lions

Nice intro, I always like He-Man as a kid. What with that and 'Battle of the Planets', I've spent my whole adult life with a secret fetish for girls dressed as falcons!

There are plenty of easy game threads to get your post count upto 50 in the laid-back lounge (they've almost got me there...)

The Black Jester

Quote from: darkcyd on May 31, 2011, 07:57:39 AM
Meaningless content is a waist of everyones time to read it.

I do hope you stay - I'm intrigued by your contributions thus far and hope to read more.
The Black Jester

"Religion is institutionalised superstition, science is institutionalised curiosity." - Tank

"Confederation of the dispossessed,
Fearing neither god nor master." - Killing Joke


Quote from: darkcyd on May 31, 2011, 06:32:30 AM
50 stinking posts? Necro thread rekindled!

First, I'd like to say that 50 posts is an absolute catastrophy. First, I think far too many people talk instead of listen. The internet and arguments in general degenerate into a wordiness/yelling match with the declared winner the one who bumps their gums the fastest depriving the ability for the other to speak. This sort of behavior can only be reinforced by allowing access only to those with 50 posts. It would take me months to find 50 useful things to say.

I agree that there is much more talking than listening, but the only way that anyone know's you're here (even in a listening only capacity) is that you speak. This is a community after all.

Quote from: darkcyd on May 31, 2011, 06:32:30 AM
Reading/listening however should be the scales to judge member and the bar with which one is allowed to floor to speak. Let me suggest instead of requiring a reader post 50 things that they must read 200.

I don't think the 200 read posts is a bad idea, but how do you police that? 200 threads opened? I say we have a quiz to pass on to "varsity status" so to speak. Like, Off the top of your head, name 3 mods and 5 random posters...

Quote from: darkcyd on May 31, 2011, 06:32:30 AM
On another negative effect, I have read happy atheist for over a year now and find that I cannot post and I would have liked the opportunity to share and bounce some ideas that were floating in my head instead of bothering running through the "How are you section" posting, "WHAT UP!" 25 times.

I too hope you stick around, and chime in from time to time. 7 more posts.

And in fairness to the Laid Back Lounge, there have been some pretty interesting threads out of that section. It's not all Tank saying hi to newcomers.  ;D
No churches have free wifi because they don't want to compete with an invisible force that works.

When the alien invasion does indeed happen, if everyone would just go out into the streets & inexpertly play the flute, they'll just go. -@UncleDynamite


You seem like a cool dude. Welcome, and thank you for serving~ <3

It doesn't make sense to me. I mean, how many christians are actually in the army anyway? Hm...  :-\

Brew your own beer? That's pretty awesome.
Law 35- "You got to go with what works." - Robin Lefler

Wiggum:"You have that much faith in me, Homer?"
Homer:"No! Faith is what you have in things that don't exist. Your awesomeness is real."

"I was thinking that perhaps this thing called God does not exist. Because He cannot save any one of us. No matter how we pray, He doesn't mend our wounds.


Grrr ! When I was in the RAF I was told I had to put down a religion. If you refused, they used to put Church of England down anyway.

Of course now thankfully they have no choice. You can even be a registered Satanist!

Chuckling to myself if they tried to force Satanists to attend a Church parade.  ;D
England expects every man to heed the old lie: "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori"

Tristan Jay

I love the title of this intro thread!  Did you ever see the newer show?  They really did some amazing stuff with that version.  One of my favorite bits is how he is interrupted in the middle of his exposition speech in the opening credits (before he get's to the really corny bit, "Fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aloft my magic sword" :eyeroll: ).

Interesting thing about the 50 post rule, I had been figuring that it would take me a very long time to get there.  I get the impression that something seems to have changed recently.  The only thing I was dismayed about was that a topic for "What Are You Reading Now" was in a section that I didn't have access to reply in.  It's the kind of topic that strikes me as safe, in the "getting to know you" vein.


It's now 10 posts, you have 2 to go.
Always question all authorities because the authority you don't question is the most dangerous... except me, never question me.