
if there were no need for 'engineers from the quantum plenum' then we should not have any unanswered scientific questions.

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Started by MegaStarX, October 11, 2011, 04:37:05 AM

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This is kinda random to put here, but I hope it stays up. I commend you atheists and skeptics......I really do. I no longer believe in the bible and this might be the wrong place to put this, but I have to get a few things off my chest, so bare with me. it's not easy game to leave religions like Christianity or Islam or Judaism........even if all 3 of them have done some good in the the end......all 3 of them for the most part are a blight upon humanity....harsh....but it's the cold harsh truth. I'm here to vent and that is it. it's time for man to stop letting religion and other things divide them........let us come together and make the world a better place for all, because in the end God, gods, spirits, aliens, or any other magical creatures do not give a crap about us. humans need to fix their own world.

Lo and behold that no supernatural gods of any kind could probably exist. gods are mans creation to ease the harsh reality bestowed upon on us. for we are born without a choice and so shall we be brought down by the sword of death to have are consciousness utterly eradicated from the universe itself one day. for your cries to your pitiful man made gods are not ever heard and I cannot help but laugh in how man is so utterly weak to cling to the gods for aid even when they continue to show there pitiful lack of activity from the world. any person that clings to God or gods are weak minded and needs a crutch because real reality is to hard for them to accept......though that does NOT mean they're bad people or they're lacking in morals for clinging to such of things, but it means that they need a crutch to ease the harsh reality.

Yes, most of mankind is a fool to believe in gods and the supernatural. they are trying to explain a mystery by inducing more mysteries. for it's time for all of man to accept we are only bound by flesh and blood and get over the idea that we are so special that we have magical things in us they call "souls"

Man is responsible for himself and no gods give a rats ass about are existence or what we do and do not do. for when will mankind get it as a whole that their feeble little religions and gods are a heaping pile of rubbish? why does man cling to what ancient people created so long ago? why?!

So far only the natural exists and what people call supernatural is nothing more then magic in disguise. magic only exists in the realm of fantasy and I find it sad that most of man clings to magic even if they do not like call it that. for it's time for man to abandon magic and gods and supernatural for good, and even if it's hard to do that, it's time for man to accept reality for what it is because it cares not for your emotions and feelings in the end.

All living creatures that have ever existed has faced death and there is nothing one can do about it. I feel sorry for anyone that claims they will live more then one life or have a infinite life like in some fairy tale book......they are fools.... though I understand why they want to believe in it.

I myself cannot comprehend how anyone can believe the bible to be true. it's a book full of oppression, full of spilling of man's blood and animal sacrifices, full of bad advise and ancient ways, full inconsistencies, full of contradictions, is incoherent at times, lacks scientific knowledge, full of magical claims and other fantasy based elements, a God that is filled with much anger and vengeance over petty things, a God that is filled with much envy and jealously, a God that is like some spoiled child, a God that says wicked deeds is good, a God that's very confusing and does not know how to convey his message to mortal man, a God that seems to be defeated by the devil throughout his own book, a God that clearly shows many of man's emotions and a God that does not ever show himself to the real world outside of some fable little stories written by the hand of flawed man, and for a God to allow all these religions and different interpretations of the same religion to exist is no God at all and I cannot respect any being that allows this alone to happen if it were to exist.

I pity most of man because they pray to gods daily that do nothing that is beyond what is considered natural. why don't these pitiful ridiculous gods do the grand things like they did in the ancient times or what they did in their own holy books? these gods cannot do real miracles because their man made creations.

I find it so very sad that people think by telepathically or enchanting verbal words that a magical being they call "God" will magically bend the laws of universe or change the course of the river or grant them their otter most wishes if they do the such of things.....what a butch of ignoramus fools! there is no difference believing in a God that answers prayers then a person believing in a genie in a lamp granting you 3 wishes.....both are equally absurd and laughable.
Though I could be wrong, and this could take 10,000 years if all I know, but one day I believe mankind as a whole will abandoned all the present gods and religions and the supernaturals of the world. mankind has no choice but to experience death and it's time for man to stop fooling itself in thinking it will cheat death in the end. their gods nor any other magical creatures are going to save them in the end, so man has to accept reality for what it is and not for what I myself would love it to be as most of man does.......stop being gullible and desperate as I once was, gods, souls, heavens and hells, reincarnation, all religions and beliefs in the supernatural are a pact of lies feed by desperate and gullible people who cannot accept reality for what it is. your god dies when your yourself meet the grim reapers scythe. All of mans gods and religions will die if man itself ever becomes extinct.

Religions and other supernatural beliefs prey on mans weakness to accept death and many religions prey on mans emotions and most of all fears, fears of imaginary punishments that do not exist, and to think any person including Adolf Hitler deserves Infinite Torture by some angry vindictive malevolent God is the purest of all evil. how any decent person or any person for that matter could believe such a place is just like myself once did speaks volumes of what religion can do to twist your mind.

Your devils do not scare me anymore then gremlins under my bed do. many religions thrive on fear and most of all bribery or what I like to call personal gain. this is why Christianity and Islam are so large in this world, but I hope people can see the bullshit purported by both of these man made twisted religions because they are some of the most difficult ones to let go. the God of the bible and the God of the Koran are fictional entities worshiped by real entities. these made made deities do absolutely nothing and yet they are praised and kissed by billions of people. for I myself cannot help to laugh at myself now in how I could believe in the twisted bible with all it's magical elements and worshiped a God that's no more is there for the world then Super-Man is. I pity these people because they're so sucked into a twisted religion and like myself you got to escape to see how twisted all forms of Christianity really is and how ridiculous the bible is and how laughable it all very is, but it's no easy game to leave the faith. you need endurance, strength, and for me it was a hell educed nightmare to break out of it all, and I do not expect many to break out of it at the moment, for it's going to take mankind many generations, so many I might add for man to break away from these current religions and gods and other mind bending ridiculous beliefs....but even then there is no guarantee of that.

Prayer is no different then someone with a mental illness that thinks praying to magic pixie fairies will grant them their wishes, yet one is looked at as crazy and one is looked at as sane.......the sheer hypocrisy is mind bending.

Science helps to find cures and prayer only hopes a god cures the said illness in time, science explains things with real explanations and religion tries to explain things using magic, science benefits all of man and religions at best gives people a placebo effect to ease the hardcore reality of life, science continues to corrects it's errors and religion is still stuck with all it's errors and is still completely frozen in time, science requires intelligence and religion requires ignorance and stupidity, science does not care if you believe in it and religion is terrified if you do not adhere to it, science can be questioned and religion is dared to be questioned because if it was truly ever scrutinize it would completely fall apart like the trash it is, and I will not respect any religion that is based on lies and does not make any sense, and though religion has done it's share of good in the world, that does not expel it from being a pile of bull-shit of lies, and even if there was little suffering in the world that it-self still does NOT prove a god exists.

Religion and the supernatural has never been questioned throughout most of it's existence, but I HOPE in time man will see it's all bull shit just like many other ancient beliefs are looked at as bull shit today, so I HOPE the current religions will be laughed at in the long distant future. if man does not ever give it up by some odd chance, there is one way man would in the end.........when or if man becomes extinct..... all of mankind's gods and supernatural beliefs will die when man itself becomes that I say man is a fool if it waits that long to give it up......because man needs to do it willingly.

There are 2 groups in this world, those who believe in the supernatural in some way or form or those who disbelieve in all the supernatural and only up-hear to natural things or naturalism, and for the ones who do not adhere to any form of supernatural are the ones who have it hard. you get one shot in life and there will be no soul skipping into more human bodies like reincarnation says nor will there be any heavens of any kind nor will your soul go anywhere when you die for that matter, you will be forever deleted and you best make the best out of this life, for there will be no do overs and no eternal bliss in the end, once your dead for real (not these near death experiences garbage) it will then be games over for all times and try to go out with a bang in get one shot.......DO NOT waste it!

Yes, I dislike the conclusions I came to, but many times in life the truth can be harsh to accept, and I cannot deny truth simply because I hate it, so, enjoy this life and let humans make this world a better place to live in....because one day the earth and all it's beauty will be decimated into ash by it's own sun.....enjoy the moments you have now.

Take Care Everyone.



Though I agree with most of what you've written, I don't think that religion will be going away any time soon, unless people find a way to cheat death. Going into speculative imagining influenced by sci-fi movies, but maybe when we merge our brains with information-storage technology, our 'soul' could be transferred from one brain to another. I wonder what such a reality would do to religion...for one thing it might defeat its main existential purpose.

I've also reached the conclusion that religion is really necessary for some people ::) and what religion has become (control) is a result of people themselves.

So...yeah. Though I'm an anti-theist, I don't think religion is all that unnecessary, which is a rather paradoxical position to hold.  ???   
I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey


Hi Mega,



When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed - Anton LaVey

The universe is a cold, uncaring void. The key to happiness isn't a search for meaning, it's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually you'll be dead!


Don't expect a reply. This person has done a copy pasta of this on a couple of others atheistic forums and not bothered to return again.
If religions were TV channels atheism is turning the TV off.
"Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt." ― Richard P. Feynman
'It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.' - Terry Pratchett
Remember, your inability to grasp science is not a valid argument against it.


It was a good rant though. A bit egg-sucky, but a good cathartic rant...

When one sleeps on the floor one need not worry about falling out of bed - Anton LaVey

The universe is a cold, uncaring void. The key to happiness isn't a search for meaning, it's to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense, and eventually you'll be dead!