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This forum could use a logo

Started by Whitney, September 25, 2006, 01:44:28 AM

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I was thinking of creating a new logo for this site instead of only using the IPU logo.  I still would like to keep the IPU logo since that keeps us listed on the ipu website, but think the forum should have something that is self identifying.  So....any suggestions from members who are artistically or conceptually inclined?  I like what the brights used: but, of course, don't want to replicate it since I think we need something that is different from other sites.  Anyway, I'm drawing a blank on what sort of design direction to use for the logo and would like suggestions.  Even if you can't draw, words or general ideas will help me figure out a direction to use as a concept...if a lot of people have ideas that can't be combined into one thing then we'll put it to a vote or something like that.

Thanks :)



How about a head with a halo that has a bar through it?


I've always liked the description, by Carl Sagan, of the Earth as the "Pale Blue Dot". Here is a brief page showing the photo that Voyager took of the Earth as it left the Solar system. This prompted Sagan to write, "Pale Blue Dot", which is a terrific book about our planet, common humanity, and life.

I could make a graphic based on the Voyager photo pretty easily. Let me know. I'll send you one for consideration.

Other than that, I'm out of ideas currently!

Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


....or not.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Sorry, I've been annoyingly busy and forgot to respond in this thread.  Joe, I like the halo with a bar through it idea but would like to stay away from anti-christian symbols since this site is meant to be more of a community for atheists and freethinkers rather than a atheist vs theist debate site (Maybe I can figure out a way to place a graphic like that on the religion forum).  McQ, something based on the pale blue dot sounds great; I'm not sure how it could be represented clearly graphically but you seem to already have something in mind....I'd like to see it.

Big Mac

You need a logo...what do you say to that?! HUH?! HUHG?!! FUCK!
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?


What about something like the following (which came from this thread: ):


Damn! I completely forgot about this! See what happens when your kid has Hodgin's Lymphoma, and your wife has Thyroid Cancer? Your brain turns to mush.

Just so those who don't know me don't think I'm either joking or being cruel...I'm not joking, and they will both be fine.

Anyway, I was supposed to come up with a logo, and twice now had brain farts instead. So......

laetusatheos I like your idea for a logo. It made me think of my youth and the 1970s Smiley faces. How about a logo like yours, based on the paintings on the side of a 1960s/1970s VW mini-bus? They were sooooo cool!

Flowers, and smiley faces!

(ahem) Ok, I'm over it now. Do whatever you like!

Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


The logo came from:

I like the reasons the author gave for the design:

      It is rotationally symmetrical, thereby privileging no single direction [actually it’s not quite rotationally symmetrical, see newer version below].
      The odd number of arms means that no one is in direct opposition to any other, discouraging overly simplistic binary interpretations [good/bad, love/fear etc].
      As a typographic element, it alludes to the significance of writing without being [too] language-specific.
   4. It is easy to reproduce, and easy to describe. If someone asked "what’s an atheist symbol?" you could describe it over the phone (why you would ever need to answer this question over the phone is hair).
      The asterisk is commonly employed to draw attention to things, so it is kind of anti-complacent.
      The asterisk is commonly used as a “wildcard”, capable of representing a multiplicity of real things, and so it evokes the unknown without invoking the unknowable.
      It can be seen as a stylized representation of the Big Bang â€" currently the most workable theory to describe the origin of the cosmos.
      It looks a bit like a little person reaching out for a hug. Very humanist.

      Five is a very human/natural numberâ€" 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 senses, 5 major appendages. And from the Pixies song: "if man is 5, then the devil is 6, and god is 7"
      It also looks a little like a flower, and the pansy is considered a symbol of free thought. Marvel at how some of these pictures of pansies are vaguely asterisk shaped!

I also like that, as you pointed out, it is similar to images used in the 70s and therefore also mentally associated with peace and happiness.

...yet, we don't want the forum to look like a hippie gathering (or do we? :) )  Maybe something like a modified humanist symbol would work well, yet instead of a circle for the head it could be that pansy would give this forum something somewhat unique yet incorporate that pansy shape symbol which seems to be gaining in popularity as a symbol for atheism (or if it isn't becoming popular, to help make it so....i'm not too fond of the atomic one and the darwinfish, although funny, is just anti-biblical creationism).

Anyway, I haven't made any decisions and think that given how busy everyone is the logo can remain in a brainstorming stage till someone comes up with something and the majority thinks it's perfect for this forum.

(McQ, best wishes for your family's health)