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My Life Is Not Pointless!

Started by Kylyssa, March 04, 2008, 11:33:30 PM

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From all evidence life in the universe is rare if existant at all and intelligence even more so, If you won the lottery 10 in a row a religious person would thank devine providence, I would think of myself as the luckest person on the planet and enjoy the rest of my life. From all acounts we've all won the lottery about 1000 times just to exist at all. Which is all the more reason to enjoy life to the fullest for the rest of my days.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.


I tell them that my life is anything but pointless.  If I were to just sit in a corner and not do anything, THAT would be pointless.  But I have a family and chores and responsibilities and fun and so many things in my life that make it not pointless.

Why bother?  Because it's all here, now.  I live for the now, not the after... even if there WERE an after, I'm not just here killing time.  I'm living.

And I find it hideously sad and depressing that they feel that what comes after we die appears to be more important than what is going on right now.
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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The whole equation of "moral life = heaven" can be summed up as the great religious bribe.   We create purpose by attempting to leave something meaningful in this world for those whom we leave behind when we die.   Anyone who would not want to leave a trail of goodness while living his life must be a miserable person.   I don't believe in an afterlife therefore I don't believe in a world better or worse than my own when I die.  I do believe that my own is what I make of it.


My purpose is anything I choose. There's something truly magnificent about writing your own destiny. I only hope that theists can break free so they can experience it, too.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Actually an atheists life is much more purposeful than someone who is under a religion, especially false. Assuming they all are they are all living a lie. They do not understand what life is so how can they possibly know the right way to live it?

For example: I know that the objective of chess, like any game, is to win. But with no further knowledge on the concept and laws of the game I do not know how it should be played. I cannot determine a smart move from an ill, self-crippling one. I may be daring enough to develop hypothesis's forged from imagination and hope but it will not provide a substitution for strategies and laws of the game that will give me solid security in my decision making.
We must know what life is in order to know how to live it.
‎"Christian doesn't necessarily just mean good. It just means better." - John Oliver


My life is pretty pointless because I see it as such. However, some people seem happy to have me around and I do function within the society, thus doing something that ultimately benefits someone. Thus, if I were to lower my criteria for "meaningfulness", my life would not be nearly as pointless.

However, if I had to lower my criteria as low as to define purpose in life through religion, THEN my life would have no meaning. None at all.
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.