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hey check this out about the Golden Compass Books

Started by a_jaynepayne, November 17, 2007, 02:15:18 AM

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Okay so I saw some thread going around about these books but I couldn't find it.  Anyway I saw this as a bulletin on myspace and just want to get a few retorts to it cause I'm drawin' a blank at the moment.

Dear Friends,

On December 7th, New Line Cinema is releasing a new movie, "The Golden Compass." It is based on the first of a trilogy of books by Philip Pullman. The movie is being marketed as a family/children's movie. It is oped by those involved that it will rival both Harry Potter and Narnia movies and books.

Here is the back story:

Philip Pullman is a hardcore atheist. He co-created a DVD for 11 year olds call "Why Atheism" and is hoping to have atheism taught in schools.

He hates God, who he calls "the Authority."

The movie has been sanitized of much of its virulent hatred toward Christians and the church which is VERY clear in the book series. The danger is that parents will see the movie as fairly harmless and will then get the kids the books, which are so spiritually poisonous and God-hating as to make Harry Potter look like a Sunday School series.

Pullman seems to me to be more than just an atheist. He is familiar enough with the world of black magick to (a)Name one of the main characters "Lord Asriel". This is a very slight variation )one letter) of the Archangel Azriel, who is considered the angel of death and destruction in Kabalistic black magick. And (b) Each character in the movie had a "Daemon." Yes, that is a CORRECT spelling in the black magic world for - demon. If you go on the website, you get this under "About Daemons".:

"In Lyra's world, a person's soul lives on the outside of their body, in the form of a Daemon ? an animal spirit that accompanies them through life.
A child's Daemon can change shape, assuming all the forms that a child's potential inspires; but as a person ages, their daomon gradually settles into one form, according to their character and nature. A person's daemon is usually the opposite sex to its human partner. In our world, it is possible that people have Daemons as well, only they are invisible. If you would like to learn more about your Daemon, and create a daemon avatar to take out into the world with you, select 'Meet your daemon.'"

I can hardly begin here to detail the depth of issues just on the website. If you click on "Meet your Daemon" kids can fill out a 20 question personalitly quiz and will be given their own "Daemon" with a name. (It is an animal, or as we called them in the occult world, "Totem: an animal or daemon guardian.:

I don't think I need to explain the way this is going to open the door to demonize this NEW generation of kids. And since Deborah Forte, president of Scholastic Entertainment, the media branch of Scholastic Inc. ) which determines which books will get the nod in recommended public school bookds for kids) is on board, it will virtually guarantee its entry into the lives of public school children as was Harry Potter.

So please be aware. E mail this to anyone and everyone who is invested in the lives of children.. Don't be taken in, and for GOD's sake, do NOT spend one penny on this movie or the books. This is not a joke, and it is not alarmist. I am tired of our kids beind demonized because thos who SHOULD know better do NOTHING.

A couple of quotes from the Golden Compass author Philip PUllman:
"I am all for the death of God."
"My books are about killing God."
"I am of the devil's party and I know it."

Thank you for taking the time to read this long e mail. PLEASE pass it on.

Gregory R Reid, DD
I LOVE GEORGE CARLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "It's all b.s. and it's bad for ya!


I thought Harry Potter was a sundayschool series. Huh.

I look forward to seeing the Golden Compass 5+ times.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I've never heard of the books.....but anything that would scare Christians like that must be worth reading/seeing.

I wonder if these people  realize that banning/protesting something tends to make it that much more popular.


Wow - talk about jaded language.  Here's a few of my favorites:

Quotehardcore atheist
QuoteHe hates God, who he calls "the Authority."
Eh, don't much care for authority myself --- but its hard to hate something I don't believe exists....

Quoteso spiritually poisonous and God-hating
QuoteHe is familiar enough with the world of black magick
Hold the phone ... are we saying that black 'magick' (I like adding the 'k' to the end - it makes it seem more sinister) is real?!?!?  Bah!

QuoteIf you click on "Meet your Daemon" kids can fill out a 20 question personalitly quiz and will be given their own "Daemon" with a name.
Sweet!  Seriously - how frickin' cool is that?  I might have to head over there and fill one out - I'm a kid at heart.

Quotethis is going to open the door to demonize this NEW generation of kids.
QuoteI am tired of our kids beind demonized because thos who SHOULD know better do NOTHING.
QuoteThis is not a joke, and it is not alarmist.
:lol:   (Could have fooled me)

QuoteEach character in the movie had a "Daemon." Yes, that is a CORRECT
Well, we have 'daemon' processes in software systems --- proving that computers are also very demonic.  Dangerous stuff.  I'm convinced my computer also hates god.  :roll:  

Thanks a_jaynepayne - this was fun.  I second the idea that I'm definitely going to have to see the movie.

Quote from: "laetusatheos"I wonder if these people realize that banning/protesting something tends to make it that much more popular.
Yes - the 'forbidden fruit'!  You can observe this effect in child psychology - for example, the well-known adage that there are three ways you can get something done:

1) Do it yourself
2) Pay somebody else to do it for you
3) Forbid your kids from doing it



I've gotten several emails warning me of the evils of this movie and the books.  Years ago, I read the first book and really enjoyed it - although my Christian antenna was twitching a little at the ending.  It was actually in the general fiction section of BnN then, but has since been moved to children's books.  I recommend the first book - if I remember correctly, it was well-written and  thought-provoking.  

When I first heard the hysterics about the upcoming movie (can't wait for December 7!), my initial reaction was "well, they need to get over it.  It's not that bad..."  Now, as I'm remembering the book more, I realize what you all have picked up on here - it IS a big deal.  It's an opportunity to remind people of our Freedom of Speech.  If religious families are so insecure about the spiritual well-being of their children, they should go with them to the movie and talk about it afterwards!  Isn't that the intelligent way to handle it?

Anyway, the kids will find a way to read the books and/or watch the movie.  And then.... *gasp of horror* they might... think for themselves!  Gaaaah!

I intend to read the series and then go see the movie multiple times.  It really does look fantastic.  I have a feeling it will do great at the box office.
Anyone who can worship a trinity and insist that his religion is a monotheism can believe anything ... just give him time to rationalize it.
-- Robert A Heinlein, from Job: A Comedy of Justice


eh, I don't know, the trailers looked pretty cheesy, what with that giant polar bear lookin' thing, and annoying little english girl, plus Daniel Craig just bores the shit out of me.  Every time I see him I start to fall asleep.  Also there's a few other movies coming out I'd like to see before this one

I'll probably wait 'til it makes its way to TV.
"Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."  - Pat Robertson


I really want this to be a good movie. Unfortunately, the books are too complicated to make an easily digestible movie.

Mister Joy

Ah, I remember His Dark Materials. Fantastic trilogy. :shock: ) so it might ruin it for you.

Quote from: "a_jaynepayne"It is oped by those involved that it will rival both Harry Potter and Narnia movies and books.

It's the anti-Narnia. :D I think it's far more epic, complex and mature than either of those. The books are anyway.


Ah, the Atheist's Chronicles of Narnia.

I'm definitely interested in going to see it.
Steve, I am going to fucking kick your ass when I can find it.

"I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute."
Rebecca West

"Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult."
Charlotte Wh


Quote from: "Gibson"I've gotten several emails warning me of the evils of this movie and the books.  Years ago, I read the first book and really enjoyed it - although my Christian antenna was twitching a little at the ending.  It was actually in the general fiction section of BnN then, but has since been moved to children's books.  I recommend the first book - if I remember correctly, it was well-written and  thought-provoking.  

When I first heard the hysterics about the upcoming movie (can't wait for December 7!), my initial reaction was "well, they need to get over it.  It's not that bad..."  Now, as I'm remembering the book more, I realize what you all have picked up on here - it IS a big deal.  It's an opportunity to remind people of our Freedom of Speech.  If religious families are so insecure about the spiritual well-being of their children, they should go with them to the movie and talk about it afterwards!  Isn't that the intelligent way to handle it?

Anyway, the kids will find a way to read the books and/or watch the movie.  And then.... *gasp of horror* they might... think for themselves!  Gaaaah!

I intend to read the series and then go see the movie multiple times.  It really does look fantastic.  I have a feeling it will do great at the box office.

I like how you worded all of that...if I can't plagerize...plager...copy it over in my own words can i quote ya on myspace?
I LOVE GEORGE CARLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "It's all b.s. and it's bad for ya!


I just got the trilogy in large paperback for $20 through my son's Scholastic book order at his school.  LOL!  LOVE IT!  Frankly, I was shocked it was in there... it was surrounded by religious Christmas books in the holiday flyer.  I haven't started them yet, though... :)
The Rogue Atheist Scrapbooker
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Quote from: "a_jaynepayne"I like how you worded all of that...if I can't plagerize...plager...copy it over in my own words can i quote ya on myspace?

Sure!  I'd be honored.  :)
Anyone who can worship a trinity and insist that his religion is a monotheism can believe anything ... just give him time to rationalize it.
-- Robert A Heinlein, from Job: A Comedy of Justice

Mister Joy

I saw a play of His Dark Materials in London 3 or 4 years ago. 6 flipping hours long! One of the best theatrical productions I've ever seen, though. Not so much because of the acting (though that was ok, I suppose) but because of the stage work et cetera. Suspended my disbelief perfectly and with something like His Dark Materials, on stage, that's an impressive feat.

Simply because of the nature of the story, the film must be, to some extent, good (even if Chris Weitz  is directing it - the most biggest twat ever to be involved in cinema). Unless, of course, they've decided to change a lot of stuff around. They tend to prioritise American audiences - which, let's face it, is where all the cash is - so they may well take into account the religiosity over there and reform the plot slightly. I'm hoping that isn't going to happen... but to be honest I'd be surprised if it doesn't, at least to some extent.


I think you owe Chris an apology. He did a fantastic job with the film. The only criticism I have seen of the film - other than the subject matter, of course - is that it is rushed. However, that is the fault of the producers. They wanted to get the film in at under 2 hours.

Mister Joy

Well I've yet to see it, so I'm saving my judgement until then. The criticisms I've heard (Jonathan Ross and various other TV critics) have been more or less what I expected regarding the toning down of philosophical elements but if the producers rushed it, as you've heard, then presumably that's why. I definitely look forward the second and third films; or rather seeing the reaction they stir up on the Christian front.