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Looks like the ID institute have changed tactics again.

Started by karadan, November 18, 2011, 01:44:32 PM

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A creationist on another forum i frequent posted the below video saying it is proof for god. I've only flicked through it so far because i'm at work but immediately a few things became apprent. At the 2 minute mark it attributes evolution as being the theory for the origin of life - which obviously it isn't. The vid then goes on to describe complex biological processes within cells - which seems correct (although i have flicked through so there could be some inconsistencies) but at the end of the vid, the guy makes the same mistake by trying to attribute an incomprehensibly big number as the chances against "life originating from nothing" which is a term over-used by creationists, and is also an over-simplification of an incredibly complex subject which really has nothing to do with evolution anyway.

That, and the fact that comments are disallowed - something very rare for true science vids on YouTube.

So, what do you guys think? More ID institute propaganda, or a science vid with various big mistakes?
QuoteI find it mistifying that in this age of information, some people still deny the scientific history of our existence.


The videos looks well produced, I'll give them that...

However when he mentions that "the most common worldview on the origin of life being chemical evolution" makes me go...meh. It just takes then 2 mins to mess up like that...

Looks like he might confuse all the 'evolutions' again. Perhaps going to throw in there cosmological evolution as well? ::)

Looks like the standard ID stuff. Nothing much has changed.

As for all this information theory stuff, funny how they never add the latest in real scientific research but instead appeal to ignorance by constructing analogies.

Self-organisation happens because of chaos theory? Huh? Try intrinsic properties.

After saying that things crystallise because or self-organisation he then goes on to talk about penny design and Mount Rushmore...and then, wait for it...the big question...

"Can things form by chance?"


A physicist starts educating the audience on the cell...and how it compares to the analogy that is a city.

 Yep. No new tactics in the mix.

I am what survives if it's slain - Zack Hemsey