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heard any good myths lately?

Started by Too Few Lions, September 01, 2011, 04:16:23 PM

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Too Few Lions

I was reading a good biography of Dionysus / Bacchus at the weekend, and it had the following myth on the blindness of Tiresias in that made me chuckle. I'd never heard it before, and thought I'd share it. I love that religions used to have fun light-hearted myths like this one;

Tiresias was one of the most famous seers of all ancient Greece, and the myth tells the story of how he became blind (and a prophet). One day he was out on a walk, when he saw to snakes mating. He sat there watching for hours, when the snakes sensed his presence. Since they did not want to be disturbed, they attacked him. Tiresias managed to kill the female, and at the same moment he killed her, he turned into a woman.
As a woman Tiresias became a prostitute of great fame for seven years. Then, one day, the episode with the snake was repeated, but this time Tiresias killed the male, and so turned back into a man.

Up on Olympus one day Zeus and Hera were having an argument over which sex enjoys the most pleasure during intercourse. Hera had told Zeus that men had the better part of sexual pleasure as in everything else, while Zeus suspected that women received the most pleasure. They sent for Tiresias for his opinion, as he had spent time as both sexes, and agreed to abide by his judgement. Tiresias said that if sexual pleasure could be divided into ten parts, men receive one of those parts, and women nine.
This angered Hera so much she blinded Tiresias on the spot, some said this was for giving away womankind's greatest secret. Zeus felt bad as he wasn't allowed to undo the act of another deity, so he blessed Tiresias with the ability to see the future and extended his life with seven generations.

In my mind's eye I picture Sid James as Zeus and Joan Sims as Hera (with maybe Charles Hawtrey as Tiresias!)

Does anyone else had any favourite myths that might amuse or edify? (and sorry to anyone if this myth offends them, I hope no-one takes it that seriously)


Too Few Lions

mine too. They're actually good stories, and sometimes quite funny too.  I love The Odyssey, and think it's one of the best stories ever written. Just wish Ray Harryhausen had made a film version of it!