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What food brings your mood up?

Started by Sweetdeath, May 28, 2011, 05:09:51 PM

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Not everyone's body processes foods the same. I have a friend with crohns disease, so he has to do all vegatarian diet.

I don't ear salt or fried foods, or red meats, and I feel the best ever sibce I can remember.
Law 35- "You got to go with what works." - Robin Lefler

Wiggum:"You have that much faith in me, Homer?"
Homer:"No! Faith is what you have in things that don't exist. Your awesomeness is real."

"I was thinking that perhaps this thing called God does not exist. Because He cannot save any one of us. No matter how we pray, He doesn't mend our wounds.


Quote from: yepimonfire on January 11, 2012, 01:38:32 AM
Quote from: Whitney on January 10, 2012, 04:49:33 AM
I'm not really convinced that vegetarian is the only way of eating that increases health...if lean meats are used an omnivorous diet is potentially healthier than some vegetarian diets as there are many people who replace the meat with lots of dairy/cheese/eggs.  And going vegan you have to take a supplement because there is some kind of nutrient; forgot which one, that is very hard to get only from plant sources.

I like the flexitarian approach..where you basically try to have mostly veggies but a few meals a week (month, year depending on the person) might have some kind of meat in them.  Usually my breakfast, lunch, and snacks fall somewhere in the ovo-lacto vegetarian range unless I'm eating leftovers from a meal that had meat.  My husband really likes meat so usually there is some in dinner but I've been able to find a few vegetarian meals he will eat (I just don't' tell him which ones they are) actually just found another one tonight Hungarian Mushroom Soup.

Soup recipe:

actually, a diet rich in all different types of fats (including saturated fat and animal fats) is far healthier for you, and will DEFINITELY put you in a better mood. low fat diets are linked with depression, low testosterone (in men) and actually damages healthy LDL cholesterol which in turn instead of repairing the arteries (which is what LDL's main function is) clogs them. also, women with higher overall cholesterol have better health AND.....last but not least, dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood level cholesterol. also, a diet low in red meat or abstinent of it all together is a dumb idea. first anemia, then fuarked up creatine levels.

i'm a bodybuilder, i measure ever gram of fat, protein, and carbohydrate i consume ritualistically EVERY SINGLE DAY and have been doing it for quite some time, i have also gathered alot of information on nutrition out of research (good luck asking me for links :D)

i eat about 100-150g of fat a day. at least 50-70g of it being saturated fat coming from red meats and eggs. i recently had several blood tests done. my cholesterol is normal, my free testosterone is 38ng/dl (39ng/dl being the tip top of the mayo clinics scale of normal), my creatine levels are normal, and my blood sugar levels are normal. my heart works perfectly fine. my immune system is great, i get sick a MAXIMUM of once a year and it usually only lasts about 24hrs.

I'll pass on the paleo diet; I don't trust anything that is based on the idea of "how we use to eat" and blames changing from that diet for the current obesity epidemic while completely ignoring all the other factors at about dumb (see how that feels?).  I don't eat much red meat (not on purpose, just don't) yet am not anemic I also rarely get sick. You, know there is a middle ground between low carb and low fat where most healthy eaters who don't have a medical condition tend to stick (and that middle ground can include vegans and omnivores).

Until you posted this was just a nice discussion about different views of what to eat with no name calling.


My husband's been a vegetarian for 13+ years and he seems to be doing just fine.

He's not anemic or sickly. He's a bit of a burly guy, actually.
I eat meat 2-3 a week and there is no noticeable difference in our health all other things considered (neither of us smoke, we get about the same amount of exercise, etc.)

I doubt one formula will work for everyone. I'm a firm believer in listening to your body - if certain foods make you feel like crap, reduce those foods. Simple, really.
"We've thought of life by analogy with a journey, with pilgrimage which had a serious purpose at the end, and the THING was to get to that end; success, or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after you're dead. But, we missed the point the whole way along; It was a musical thing and you were supposed to sing, or dance, while the music was being played.


I agree with Juliet. I'm a firm believer in listening to your body as well. Fried foods give me a tummyache and break me out, but that's me.
I do food, diet , and working out for my type. My gf eats way more meat than me, but it doesnt affect her digestion the same.
Law 35- "You got to go with what works." - Robin Lefler

Wiggum:"You have that much faith in me, Homer?"
Homer:"No! Faith is what you have in things that don't exist. Your awesomeness is real."

"I was thinking that perhaps this thing called God does not exist. Because He cannot save any one of us. No matter how we pray, He doesn't mend our wounds.


Quote from: Whitney on January 11, 2012, 04:08:32 AM
Quote from: yepimonfire on January 11, 2012, 01:38:32 AM
Quote from: Whitney on January 10, 2012, 04:49:33 AM
I'm not really convinced that vegetarian is the only way of eating that increases health...if lean meats are used an omnivorous diet is potentially healthier than some vegetarian diets as there are many people who replace the meat with lots of dairy/cheese/eggs.  And going vegan you have to take a supplement because there is some kind of nutrient; forgot which one, that is very hard to get only from plant sources.

I like the flexitarian approach..where you basically try to have mostly veggies but a few meals a week (month, year depending on the person) might have some kind of meat in them.  Usually my breakfast, lunch, and snacks fall somewhere in the ovo-lacto vegetarian range unless I'm eating leftovers from a meal that had meat.  My husband really likes meat so usually there is some in dinner but I've been able to find a few vegetarian meals he will eat (I just don't' tell him which ones they are) actually just found another one tonight Hungarian Mushroom Soup.

Soup recipe:

actually, a diet rich in all different types of fats (including saturated fat and animal fats) is far healthier for you, and will DEFINITELY put you in a better mood. low fat diets are linked with depression, low testosterone (in men) and actually damages healthy LDL cholesterol which in turn instead of repairing the arteries (which is what LDL's main function is) clogs them. also, women with higher overall cholesterol have better health AND.....last but not least, dietary cholesterol has no effect on blood level cholesterol. also, a diet low in red meat or abstinent of it all together is a dumb idea. first anemia, then fuarked up creatine levels.

i'm a bodybuilder, i measure ever gram of fat, protein, and carbohydrate i consume ritualistically EVERY SINGLE DAY and have been doing it for quite some time, i have also gathered alot of information on nutrition out of research (good luck asking me for links :D)

i eat about 100-150g of fat a day. at least 50-70g of it being saturated fat coming from red meats and eggs. i recently had several blood tests done. my cholesterol is normal, my free testosterone is 38ng/dl (39ng/dl being the tip top of the mayo clinics scale of normal), my creatine levels are normal, and my blood sugar levels are normal. my heart works perfectly fine. my immune system is great, i get sick a MAXIMUM of once a year and it usually only lasts about 24hrs.

I'll pass on the paleo diet; I don't trust anything that is based on the idea of "how we use to eat" and blames changing from that diet for the current obesity epidemic while completely ignoring all the other factors at about dumb (see how that feels?).  I don't eat much red meat (not on purpose, just don't) yet am not anemic I also rarely get sick. You, know there is a middle ground between low carb and low fat where most healthy eaters who don't have a medical condition tend to stick (and that middle ground can include vegans and omnivores).

Until you posted this was just a nice discussion about different views of what to eat with no name calling.

i don't support the paleo diet. it's retarded. neither do i support low carb OR low fat diets. when i am not "cutting" (getting rid of excess fat) i eat about 475g of carbs. you have misunderstood me. obesity is simply caused by nothing more then eating more calories then you expend. it doesn't matter if you eat nothing but candy or vegetables, if you eat more calories then you burn you will gain weight, if you eat less you will lose. i just get irritated when people claim low fat diets are good for your health, because that isn't true unless you have some sort of medical condition that requires that.  i wasn't making this a personal attack nor was it my intention to derail this thread. my apologies.


I love... absolutely LOVE, this food combination:

White Cheese + Chopped Spicy Vienna sausages + Refried beans, Eaten Altogether with Mission Tortilla Chips and drunk with Tampico Orange juice.

I have my own blog!!