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Live and let live or challenge? Atheists to theists:

Started by Will, May 31, 2007, 08:18:37 PM

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I’m new. It looked like a thread for philosophy and science.. Hey, if not, sorry… Did I miss a more appropriate thread.??  Warning: I can prove people wrong (theist or atheist)..


I suppose in theory if you were a fundamentalist, simply letting atheists live how they want might be immoral. If you thought they were all going to hell for their lack of belief it would be wrong not to try and do something to bring them around, no?


There is a section called "Introductions". And I don't think you can prove me wrong about how clear that is. After saying your hellos, please feel free to start a thread if it's a new topic, or find a thread with the appropriate topic by using the search function.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I suppose I am mostly live and let live. With a few exceptions , I don't want religion of any shape or form mixed with my politics or education. I have been known to have long heated debates with my sister over religion (she is born again and I was fine the first time) but when my grandmother decides to pray for my filthy heathen soul I let her think I don't mind.
Other than that as long as no one tries to shove god down my throat I leave them alone.
Freethought and Toasters have never killed anyone.
Everything you need to know about life can be learned from Toasters.


Quote from: "doggone"I’m new. It looked like a thread for philosophy and science.. Hey, if not, sorry… Did I miss a more appropriate thread.??  Warning: I can prove people wrong (theist or atheist)..

Yes, please read the forum rules if you are unclear on what to post where. Also, feel free to ask members, moderators, admins. to see if you're posting appropriately. It can be helpful in making yourself more clear.

An introduction is not necessary, but certainly welcome. It tells us who you are, why you are here, and what your goal in this community is.

Can you explain why you put a "warning" at the end of this last post? I'm not clear on the point of it.

Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


No i am not a live and let live athiest.

Religion has been the cause of millions and millions of deaths, and the suffering of so many, myself included.

'Agreeing to disagree' is so pointless... where does it get you? nowhere. Argument and debate is essential in order to maintain a sensible social balance.

Religion is damaging and dangerous... and from my point of view, utter lies, being taught to young children who are indoctrinated and have constrained lives because of it. It's tragic.

Leaving theists be, will mean they will keep on passing down their 'truth' and the human race as a whole will not be able to progress into an age where religion is not the source of war or morality.

religion mixes with politics and education in America most significantly, which DISGUSTS me.

I would love theists to come challenge me about what i believe, because they will find the vast majority of their arguments can be crushed... for the most part they don't do this of course, as they are encouraged to live and let live, which i reckon is the stance of one with too little confidence in what they believe.

I dont set out to CHANGE what a theist believes, but i certainly dont sit back and let us live parallel lives. There's no logic in that.


Quote from: "0dan1"I dont set out to CHANGE what a theist believes, but i certainly dont sit back and let us live parallel lives. There's no logic in that.

I would have to disagree, of course, that there is no logic in a live and let live policy.

However, I am always happy to see younger folks like yourself with plenty of enthusiasm for their beliefs and plenty of vigor in defending them. That's always a good thing.

I want to make sure that no one confuses my statement on live and let live as apathy, or indifference to religion. It is not anything of the sort. I defend and support my beliefs as warranted. That said, I am an APATHEIST, because I really couldn't care less if any god or gods exist.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Well yes, there is logic in a live and let live policy, amongst friends of differing opinions, or anything else of that line.

But some religious people are certainly not living and let live, they indoctrinate children (like they did me, once =P). I am not just defending my beliefs, i intend to defend others from such a biased upbringing. That is what i meant by the conflict needed to keep the balance in society.

I think it is vital not only to defend your beliefs from attack, but to attack those whose you believe to be wrong.

I am ALL for free speech, people can hold whatever beliefs they like. And it is not a war or anything like that. But surely we have to criticize that which we disagree with, as this is the nature of reason, and coming to conclusions.


Living and let living is not instigating. You're free to defend yourself. I defend myself and other atheists when we're attacked all the time. And if they start a conversation in which they want me to discuss the nature of religion or god, I don't hold back. What I mean with live and let live is simply this: no militant atheism. No door to door fundy evangelism of atheism. No walking up to strangers to tell them the good news about galapagos finches.
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


Quote from: "doggone"Hey Guys :
  As a businessman, my opening 'mission statement' would be this:  "You’re interesting, but you folks have Science all wrong"....  No offense is intended to the majority of the folks here. You use all the fancy talk, but you stop short of positive science. You don't follow through with good scientific principle.. Would you be interested in discussing such..??
I assume this is in reference to evolution which is odd since this thread has nothing to do with evolution.  We do have an evolution vs creationism thread where you're welcome to demonstrate in what ways we have science "all wrong".


Generally, I think I have a "live and let live" philosophy... However, people don't seem to understand that even mentioning their God as if he existed is offensive. Like, (and I hear this all of the time) a woman was all torn up about a miscarrage and someone told her not to be sad because it just wasn't God's will. How does that make it better, that God killed her baby?! Seriously, tell her that you're sorry for her loss and then stfu.