
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Re: Evidence disproving gods exisence?

Started by Ellainix, March 25, 2010, 09:46:00 PM

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Quote from: "Tanker"
Quote from: "angelosergipe"
Quote from: "Tanker"Angel all your "Proofs" a just different god of the gaps. A lack of evidence against something is not poof of something. Some of the other examples are a bit scientificly ignorant. NOTHING you have posted as proof is in fact proof.

Saying "God did it" when we don't know something for sure is not a very stable system for understanding or indeed arriveing at any real proof.

Nope. Quit the contrary is the case. Because we KNOW the universe had a beginning. Because we KNOW it was finely tuned to life. Because we KNOW life is based on Information, and information is always the product of a mind, we can deduce God as the best explanation of our existence. The argument is not based on ignorance, but on scientific knowledge.

We don't "know" it had a beginning however most sources do belive it is finite. It most certainly is NOT finely tuned for life. Ther are a hundred billion stars in our Galaxy and a few hundred billion galaxies. So far despite having found over 200 extra solar planets and taking into account the 8 planets and hundreds of moons in our solar system we have a grand total of 1 place that we know can support life, the Earth. We are suited to living on Earth not the Earth being made to suit us. Seems like if god made this whole massive universe just for us it's kinda letting 99.999999999999999999999 of it just go to waste.

Why the Universe is so large ... 49.htm#812

The tremendous timespans involved in biological evolution offer a new perspective on the question 'why is our Universe so big?' The emergence of human life here on Earth has taken 4.5 billion years. Even before our Sun and its planets could form, earlier stars must have transmuted pristine hydrogen into carbon, oxygen and the other atoms of the periodic table. This has taken about ten billion years. The size of the observable Universe is, roughly, the distance travelled by light since the Big Bang, and so the present visible Universe must be around ten billion light-years across.
The galaxy pair NGC 6872 and IC 4970 indicate the vastness of the Universe. Light from the bright foreground star has taken a few centuries to reach us; the light from the galaxies has been travelling for 300 million years. The Universe must be this big - as measured by the cosmic number N - to give intelligent life time to evolve. In addition, the cosmic numbers omega and Q must have just the right values for galaxies to form at all.
This is a startling conclusion. The very hugeness of our Universe, which seems at first to signify how unimportant we are in the cosmic scheme, is actually entailed by our existence! This is not to say that there couldn't have been a smaller universe, only that we could not have existed in it. The expanse of cosmic space is not an extravagant superiority; it's a consequence of the prolonged chain of events, extending back before our Solar System formed, that preceded our arrival on the scene.
This may seem a regression to an ancient 'anthropocentric' perspective - something that was shattered by Copernicus's revelation that the Earth moves around the Sun rather than vice versa. But we shouldn't take Copernican modesty (some-times called the 'principle of mediocrity') too far. Creatures like us require special conditions to have evolved, so our perspective is bound to be in some sense atypical. The vastness of our universe shouldn't surprise us, even though we may still seek a deeper explanation for its distinctive features.

QuoteLife can be considered to be basd on information however information does NOT require intelligence so I don't understand your vast leap to "god did it"..

In this case, you are certainly able to show me a non-intelligent source of information ?

Heretical Rants

Why do you keep linking to that one guy on that heavenforum?  We don't really care what he thinks.
Quote from: "angelosergipe"In this case, you are certainly able to show me a non-intelligent source of information ?
Life itself.  :D