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Merry atheism! DC buses/trains to carry atheist message

Started by VietnamVet-BRIGHT, December 14, 2009, 10:36:00 PM

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This is just tooo cool ... again, for the second consecutive year, an atheist holiday message will be seen throughout the Washington DC area during this winter holiday season.  

More importantly, this is the first time that the atheist holiday message is being expanded nationally:

QuoteAtheist Group Takes ‘Godless Holiday’ Campaign Nationwide
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Previously, the atheist campaign had been confined to the Washington, D.C., area, with signs and advertisements featured prominently on the city’s Metro subway trains and buses.
The expansion to four new cities â€" New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco â€" marks the first-ever national atheist advertising campaign and the first time the Humanist group has taken its anti-religious holiday message outside of the nation’s capitol.

[and ... "Be good for goodness’ sake"]

Should start to get some news images of the actual signs shortly.  Please post them on this thread if you run across them.  

Ho-ho-ho, ha-ha-ha, hee-hee-hee ... Merry atheism, all!

QuoteApproaching Holidays Prompt Atheist Campaign

Published: December 1, 2009

WASHINGTON â€" An unusual holiday message began appearing this week in the nation’s capital on the sides of buses and trains.

“No god? ... No problem!” reads the advertisement featuring the smiling faces of people wearing Santa Claus hats. “Be good for goodness’ sake.”

Over the next two weeks, 270 of the ads will go up on city buses and trains in the Washington area as part of the holiday kickoff to campaigns sponsored by secular groups in cities around the country and abroad. If last year was any indication, the signs are likely to spark a theological war of words.

“We don’t intend to rain on anyone’s parade, but secular people celebrate the holidays, too, and we’re just trying to reach out to our people,” said Roy Speckhardt, the executive director of the American Humanist Association. “To the degree that we are reaching out to the godly, it’s just to say that you can be good without god. So their atheist neighbor down the street shouldn’t be vilified as though he is immoral.”

Signs similar to those in Washington are being placed on buses and billboards in New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and near the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, as well as in London; Barcelona, Spain; Genoa, Italy; and Toronto, Montreal and Calgary, Canada, Mr. Speckhardt confirmed.

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