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Started by RyanL, December 19, 2009, 05:26:14 AM

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What do atheists think of Mike Huckabee? I hope "philosophy" is a broad enough category to include this   :hissyfit:

I know all atheists aren't the same, but I'd like a sample of views. Honestly, I don't care for him. I think he is in the religion game for money (he had a natural way with words, making the ministry a logical profession), I think he's power hungry and untrustworthy. I know I'm not exactly a biased observer (I supported Mitt Romney) but that's a story for another day...

I recently got into the anti-huck mood when I heard about this awful clemency decision that he's been lying about. Here are a few vids to demonstrate how slimy he is.




Also, as a little evidence that his religious professed beliefs are not "sacred" to him, consider this video:



as a non-american, don't know much at all about him.

But from what I do remember, I dislike him very much and was quite thankful that the relatively moderate McCain won the republican nomination, showing that the GOP still has some resemblance of sense.
"The fool says in his heart: 'There is no God.' The Wise Man says it to the world."- Troy Witte


I agree with Huckabee that the 108 years of prison sentence was ridiculous and that people can change to a better person. 108 years of prison that is a draconian sentence that you'd reserve for mass-murderers; not for a 16 year old boy that made two mistakes early in his life. For that reason, I don't think that Huckabee's mistake was that he released the guy, but that he was very flexible with the truth (O.K., I admit that he lied, but so do all politicians  ;) ).

That last video, I found rather funny. Huckabee might tell the truth there for a change, because in the bible it is not written that Jesus was a quiet baby. So, the silent night, may not have been a silent night at all. As a former Catholic, I don't think that the audio recording was anyway offensive.

For the rest, I agree with Templeboy.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein



I'm interested in the Catholic perspective. Do you think the idea that Mary was screaming and complaining and doubting would be offensive to any Catholics?



Quote from: "RyanL"Tom62,

I'm interested in the Catholic perspective. Do you think the idea that Mary was screaming and complaining and doubting would be offensive to any Catholics?

Most Catholics I know (family, friends and colleagues) don't have any problems with it, because they have a sense of humor and would not take it seriously. But it is indeed very likely that conservative Catholics (like the Pope) would find it very offensive. I don't mind that at all, because I never liked any of the Popes.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Quote from: "Tom62"
Quote from: "RyanL"Tom62,

I'm interested in the Catholic perspective. Do you think the idea that Mary was screaming and complaining and doubting would be offensive to any Catholics?

Most Catholics I know (family, friends and colleagues) don't have any problems with it, because they have a sense of humor and would not take it seriously. But it is indeed very likely that conservative Catholics (like the Pope) would find it very offensive. I don't mind that at all, because I never liked any of the Popes.

Thank you that's a very helpful perspective


I don't know much about his policies but I don't like him because he treats running for office like he's trying to get elected as a minister rather than the leader of a secular government. I realize most who run for big offices throw around "god bless america" but I remember Huckabee's ads being basically "elect me because I'm a good christian and want to promote christian values."


oh...and you might want to check out the Ron Paul thread:  viewtopic.php?f=7&t=4200


I cannot wathc those videos but in response to whether or not Clemmons should have been released from prison the answer is unequivalently NO!

A news article search found this...

" Clemmons wrote in an appeal to Huckabee that he had been sent to prison after an extended crime spree that started in 1989 when he was a teenager _ and that he was a different person now.

At the time of the crimes _ which included aggravated robbery, firearms possession and burglary _ Clemmons claimed he was 16 years old and had moved from Seattle to a high-crime neighborhood in Arkansas.

"I succumbed to the peer pressure and the need I had to be accepted by other youth in my new environment and fell in with the wrong crowd and thus began a seven (7) month crime spree which led me to prison," Clemmons wrote in his application to Huckabee."  

This was in 2000 when he was released stating that "Where once stood a young (16) year old misguided fool, who's (sic) own life he was unable to rule. Now stands a 27 year old man, who has learned through 'the school of hard knocks' to appreciate and respect the rights of others. And who has in the midst of the harsh reality of prison life developed the necessary skills to stand along (sic) and not follow a multitude of do evil, as I did as a 16 year old child."

In July of 2001 he was sent back for a parole violation because he robbed another person.  Where he was sentenced to 10 years but was paroled in 2004.  Change much?

He then spent several months in jail on a child rape charges.  Change much?

And then in 2008 murdered 4, count them FOUR police officers at point blank range while they were drinking coffee in a local coffee shop.  Any one seeing a change in this 16 year old criminal that was unable to control his destiny, violated the rights of countless people in response, who "learned to ... respect the rights of others", who learned to "not follow the a multitude of do evil, as [he] did as a 16 year old"?  I did.  He learned to do a higher more grave evil of being a murderer and a child rapist where before he just stole belongings of other people.

Frankly, take him behind the courthouse and put a 9mm in the back of his head.  Case done and over with.


I'm sorry...I forgot to post my sites. ... -huckabee/ ... mency.html

There was another site for the actual court proceedings and legal documents but I closed that and now I cannot find it.  Try to find it later.