Hasidic leaders remove bike lanes b/c women biking in shorts

Started by VietnamVet-BRIGHT, December 11, 2009, 10:09:57 PM

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Quote from: "LoneMateria"You know it kills me when people here want the U.S. to essentially become a theocracy and there is no separation of church and state.  When you look at countries like Afghanistan, Palestine, Rwanda and other places where Religion runs around unchecked you find they are the most barbaric, have the stupidest laws, and sentence every women who is ACCUSED of a crime to death.  And people here don't get it.  This here is a stupid law and I bet if these Hasidic leaders had their way it would be punishable by death.

Every time someone advocates against separation of church and state I feel like saying, "We've seen countries like the one you want the U.S. to become and we call them 3rd world countries."  I don't want our country to be like this.  This is a clear separation of Church and State issue.  New York is showing preference to Hasidic leaders by changing the city to appease their repressed sexual urges.  Whoever signed this bill is irresponsible and unfit to hold public office when he changes peoples daily lives to appease someones religion.

the scary question is what happens next? does this event open the door of ignorance? do we bend the laws of our land to religion? do these retards breed and vote? its sickening and offensive to think this happened in the good ol USA.
I dont understand either why people living in the modern world want to return to the stone age. neither do I understand there intolerance of anything that is against their ancient faith. we should create reservations for them on distant islands so they can reenact there bronze age fantasies and not bother or hurt any innocent people.
Quote from: "Moslem"
Allah (that mean God)


Quote from: "G-Roll"its sickening and offensive to think this happened in the good ol USA.

While it was horrible that this was allowed to happen, I don't think it is going to be the norm.  From my understanding the guy in charge of the decision is up for reelection and didn't want to piss off a large portion of his voting base.  I guess he didn't anticipate the backlash from people getting pissed off about removing bike lanes and on top of that removing them for religious reasons.  So, while a precedent has been set I don't think it will be one that is followed.


Quote from: "G-Roll"the scary question is what happens next? does this event open the door of ignorance? do we bend the laws of our land to religion? do these retards breed and vote? its sickening and offensive to think this happened in the good ol USA.
I dont understand either why people living in the modern world want to return to the stone age. neither do I understand there intolerance of anything that is against their ancient faith. we should create reservations for them on distant islands so they can reenact there bronze age fantasies and not bother or hurt any innocent people.
Next step is, that whenever someone will say something against those crazy decisions that are dictated by mentally disturbed fundamental theists, than he or she will be labeled as a racist or fascist. That is nowadays a common socialist policy in Western Europe.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein

Big Mac

I can understand the Hasids view as well. Hipsters move into their area and probably are a pain in the ass (hipsters always are, second only to hippies) and this is probably a small victory for them.

However, I agree that the City of New York is showing deference to religious views in what is clearly a safety issue. By removing those lanes, it creates a higher likelihood of an accident waiting to happen. What will the City say when someone gets hit by a car while riding in the former bike lane and is killed? Imagine a big lawsuit against the city that could cost possibly millions and a backlash from people.

It's a delicate situation and probably a meeting of some sort should happen to help bring a civil conclusion to this.

Like someone said in a comment to one of these articles "Both sides are strange, both sides are wrong, and both sides are right."
Quote from: "PoopShoot"And what if pigs shit candy?