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Hello Everyone :)

Started by AprilRose, July 14, 2009, 03:44:18 AM

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Hello everyone,
I am a new member to happy atheist forum( the fact I'm introducing myself gives that away).
I'm new to the idea of atheism and I am trying to find my own way.

I'm writing an essay for school about atheism and I need help from fellow atheists.
I haven't written an essay on something so new to me before.  I wanted to write an essay about atheism but my teacher told me I had to write from my point of view( my experience with atheism). I need your help. I'll let you read it after. Haha please remember I'm still in high I have alot to learn about writing.

 My questions are
How did you become atheist?
How did you cope with the change?
Would you believe in religion if you all your questions where answered?
(I would but I like the idea of there not being a god...seems strange still)

Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
How did you tell your family?

I'm nervous about being atheist but I do have this feeling of being proud of myself. I think its because I never believed in religion with all my heart. I researched atheism which lead me to finding something I could relate to and understand without having a million unanswered questions.  Thank you.

P.S. I've read some posts on here and I really hope one day I can be as intelligent as some of you. I'm impressed by all the knowledge everyone has.

I'm going to love being an atheist but I have alot to learn about my own opinion because my mind has opended to much more possibilities and ideas, so I will


Any good websites about atheism?

I have a hard time talking to my mom about religion. She believes in God. I feel like she feels sympathy for me, but I haven't felt happy and free before I began Atheist.


How did you become atheist?
I started out being an agnostic theist without realising it when I was 12. I slowly became aware of the world and by the time I was 14 I started considering myself an atheist. It just happened. My perspectives of everything changed dramatically.

How did you cope with the change?
I transitioned smoothly... though my parents and family still think I'm a Christian.

Would you believe in religion if you it wasn't in question?
If by that you mean, "would I believe in religion if it had solid ground to prove it's existence" then yes.

Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
I can honestly say my idols are Bill Hicks, Zach de la Rocha, and James Roday.

How did you tell your family?

I didn't. I can tell it would just strain our relationship. It'd be better if they never found out.
"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."


Quote from: "AprilRose"Hello everyone,
I am a new member to happy atheist forum( the fact I'm introducing myself gives that away).
I'm new to the idea of atheism and I am trying to find my own way.

I'm writing an essay for school about atheism and I need help from fellow atheists.
I haven't written an essay on something so new to me before.  I wanted to write an essay about atheism but my teacher told me I had to write from my point of view( my experience with atheism). I need your help. I'll let you read it after. Haha please remember I'm still in high I have alot to learn about writing.

 My questions are
How did you become atheist?
How did you cope with the change?
Would you believe in religion if you it wasn't in question?
Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
How did you tell your family?

I'm nervous about being atheist but I do have this feeling of being proud of myself. I think its because I never believed in religion with all my heart. I researched atheism which lead me to finding something I could relate to and understand without having a million unanswered questions.  Thank you.

P.S. I've read some posts on here and I really hope one day I can be as intelligent as some of you. I'm impressed by all the knowledge everyone has.

I'm going to love being an atheist but I have alot to learn about my own opinion because my mind has opended to much more possibilities and ideas, so I will

Welcome to the forum. I think you'll find it a place where you can learn a lot as well as share your knowledge freely. It's tough not to be nervous about being an atheist. When over 90% of the world believes in something (and you don't) and that something is as volatile as religion is, then you have a right to feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs (I've always wanted to use that!).

Also, there is nothing wrong with a stance of agnostic. It is a totally viable way of thinking. If you are uncomfortable with using atheist as a descriptor, there are other words that don't make people freak out completely at first hearing: naturalist, humanist, free-thinker, pedophile (just seeing if you're still paying attention).

The more you learn about the natural world, the more beautiful life becomes (in my opinion) and the less you need fairy tales to survive it all. Hang around and have fun here!
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


How did you become atheist?
When I was young I never liked to go to (Catholic) church, because it was so boring and incomprehensible. Couldn't really connect to the letters of Paul and the (in my eyes) silly rituals either. Later when I was 12 or 13, I read parts of the Bible to figure out why some people take it so seriously. Apart from some atrocious acts performed by the so called "lovable" God;  lousy fairy tales and silly laws, I couldn't find anything worthwhile in that book.

How did you cope with the change?
There wasn't much of a change, because I never took religion seriously. I  was also fortunate to live in a secular country where being an atheist or agnostic is not frowned upon.

Would you believe in religion if you it wasn't in question?
I can imagine believing in the existence of a God or Gods (if there would be any proof), but I could never believe in a religion.

Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
Isaac Asimov, Steve Wozniak and Odysseus

"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." (Isaac Asimov)
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." (Isaac Asimov - Salvador Hardin in "The Foundation")
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." (Douglas Adams)
"Early to bed, early to rise, ruins a man's social life" (Tom van Breukelen)

How did you tell your family?
We never talked much about religion at home, so the topic never really came up until recent years. My oldest brother, who has been an atheist for as long as I can remember, found out that I was also an atheist around 1977 or 1978. My youngest brother discovered that I was not a religious type of person, when he overheard a fierce discussion that I had with a Christian fundamentalist at a birthday party in 2006. When my father came out of the "closet" in 2007, I thought it was "save" to tell him that I was also an atheist.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Forgot to add these (and some of them are even genuine!):

How did you become atheist?
The Golden Pineapple of Deliverance dropped onto my head in 1978 and I finally saw the light of reason.

Or, I finally started to question the bible and religion in the mid-1980s, and and I learned more about the bible (and especially through creationist doctrines), I realized it was so full of B.S. that I couldn't live the lies.

How did you cope with the change?
Very easily mentally. A little rougher on friends and family. My wife has been slowly understanding things.

Would you believe in religion if you it wasn't in question?
Not sure I understand the question. But probably not.

Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
Henry Cabot Henhouse III. And the motto I live by is:

Where there is a nickel, there is hope;
Where there are two nickels, there is a dime;
Where there are two dimes and a nickel, there is a quarter;
And with a quarter, the world is your oyster.

Also, Groucho Marx (...whatever it is, I'm against it!)
Dr. Eugenie Scott
Penn and Teller
James Randi
Dr. Richard Daystrom
My brother, HAL
Roger Patterson (give him credit, he duped more people than P.T. Barnum)

If you've read this far, thank you. If you've bothered to look up who is for real and which of these are jokes, then really thank you! And get a life.

How did you tell your family?

Oops. Ok, I'm working on that part. Told my wife and lots of friends. Parents are dead, so that part was a cinch. Don't care about the rest of them enough to bother.
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


I appreciate everything you guys say. When I am reading or hearing someones story about them becoming an atheist, it makes me feel more welcome and understood.

I have much to learn about evolution and science but with you guys help, it will be a bit easier.

Tom, The quotes you chose made me think and...
"Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing what's right." (Isaac Asimov) is a great one
McQ, you have a really nice sense of humor. I had to read everything you wrote to my boyfriend....I don't think he understood some parts because I was laughing.

Pineapple, My perspectives have and stil are changing. I used to "understand" everything before but now I seem to be rethinking all my opinions. I'm glad I am because my old way of looking at life wasn't healthy or rewarding.

Learning has always been rewarding. I feel  qualified to be able to form an opinion based on facts.


Ok i will bite

How did you become atheist?
Well i was always somewhat agnostic but still went to church and was even confirmed. I just started researching and read the bible, Quran, and some other religious texts and came to the conclusion they couldn't all be right and that a lot of the stuff in those text was fantasy or ripped off a pagan religion,

How did you cope with the change?
Pretty well. I felt like i could finally express who i was and what i believed in

Would you believe in religion if you it wasn't in question?
Probably not but vague question.

Who are your idols? What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
Well my idol is definitely Penn Jillette because he is an atheist libertarian which are 2 ideologies i embrace. he is also very humorous and willing to speak his mind even if out-spoken or called out.
I dont have to many quotes which i live by,

How did you tell your family?
My family questioned me why i stopped praying and stopped going to church. I told them i was basically at a moral crossroads and i didn't know what to do and they supported me. This was during my agnostic period. Then once i finally enlightened myself i stuck a big atheist sticker on my car. My parents say it and sat me down to try to get me to come back to church and i layed out my beliefs and why i deny the existence of god. We still clash about religion occasionally but they have basically accepted it.


How did you become atheist?
I have always been an atheist. I was sent to Sunday School at age 4 (about sixty years ago) and never believed a single thing they told me. I didn't have any real arguments against religion of course, but angels flitting down from heaven and Jesus walking on water? Even at that age, I wasn't buying it.

How did you cope with the change?
No change required (see above)

Would you believe in religion if you all your questions where answered?
I don't really care if I don't have all the answers. I am quite prepared to say "I don't know" about all manner of things. And I certainly will not accept a religious (supernatural) explanation for anything because I'm pretty sure we will eventually find a natural explanation.

Who are your idols?
Jonas Salk - discoverer of the polio vaccine. Back in the early 1950's I knew kids up the street who were crippled by polio, and was always a bit fearful that I might catch it - so I was both delighted and relieved when I heard that Dr Salk had found a way to protect us. Can't remember exactly when we got our injections - about 1954, I think.

What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
Believe nothing you hear and only half what you see (Unknown source)

How did you tell your family?
Ours wasn't an overly religious family so there was no problem. Whenever some religious miracle story was mentioned in the course of conversation, I would declare: "I don't believe that stuff..."


How did you become atheist?
Well, I'd like to think that I always was one, and didn't know it, but even I don't believe that. I was that good little (well, not so little) Catholic Altar boy (wearing the priest's plain white robe. Like I said, not so little). I "started" to become atheist about 5 years ago, but really dove in about 2 years ago. I had some ridiculously long and in depth conversations with a homey at work who is Christian and in doing so strengthened his faith and my atheism. That, and I realized science actually answered stuff.

How did you cope with the change?
I actually struggled with it for a long time. I mean hard bad. I felt guilty about "leaving behind" the God I knew, but I got over that once I realized that even if he exists, he probably doesn't give a shit. And then I realized he probably doesn't exist, so, it got easier.

Would you believe in religion if you all your questions where answered?
Belief in a God or higher power or whatever is OK as long as you don't force it on me. Religion sorta teaches you to do that. Booo!!!

Who are your idols?
No particular order...
Mitch Hedberg
Dr. Gregory House
Dr. Perry Cox
Alex Filipenko
My Dad

What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?
A person has to work hard for it, but a minute of perfection is worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection. --Tyler Durden

"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have." -- Thomas Jefferson

We stockpile the discoveries of the most brilliant members of our species, allowing us, however strained and with whatever struggle it involved, to slowly ascend the ladder of knowledge, maybe compensating for the fact that any one of us is just too stupid to figure it all out. --Neil DeGrasse-Tyson

I'm in the cut like germs-- 50 Cent

You don't call retarted people retards. It's in bad taste. You call your friends retards when they're acting retarded. -- Michael Scott

If you're good at what you do, never do it for free. --Joker.

How did you tell your family?
Haven't yet, except my little bro (Ihateyoumike on this here forum). My mom is a blindly staunch Catholic, Dad is willfully ignorant, older bro does what the wife tells him to, and for shit's sake, when Grandma died, Grampa went back to the seminary and became a priest. He was in the seminary and she was in the nunnery (or whatever they call it) when they met, got married and had 9 kids in 12 years, like good Catholics. Most of those 9 are pretty lapsed Catholics now. It's weird, because my Grampa is the smartest person I've ever met, Dad is a close 3rd (behind a family friend) and all 3 of them are religious. I don't get it.  :brick: I will tell them someday, but I gotta figure out a way to do it so there won't be a falling out. I enjoy my family and don't wouldn't want it to come between us.

Anyway, welcome. And good luck with your essay!

No churches have free wifi because they don't want to compete with an invisible force that works.

When the alien invasion does indeed happen, if everyone would just go out into the streets & inexpertly play the flute, they'll just go. -@UncleDynamite


How did you become atheist?
For me this one happened when I was on my way home on the bus during my freshman year of High School. I was thinking and I just arrived at the conclusion that there is no God. I had been thinking on this same position for a long time but was too afraid to admit it.

How did you cope with the change?
This was was interesting over the next couple of months it just came gradually. I remember feeling calm but at the same time worried when it happened but I was not worried about the fact that there is no God I was worried about how I was going to deal and incorporate that knowledge. Strangely enough It came rather simply. You will adjust, my advice is to take it very slowly and allow yourself a great deal of swing and sway. Changing a worldview is not easy, nor should it be. Just allow your self time. You will have times when you feel like you almost pine to believe and you will have others were even the idea disgusts you. All of this is normal. Remember it is your life your thoughts and your believes, no one else has an opinion that really matters. Oh and one other thing speaking from the platform of a person who went to catholic high school and catholic college, do not make my mistake, surround yourself with people who will support you in your thoughts even though they may not share them.

Would you believe in religion if you all your questions where answered?
Ah my own personal hell. (all my questions being answered) This is not what I would consider nirvana by any means. Let me answer your question in a more direct way. (to get to what i think you are trying to say) If I had solid proof of the existence of a God would I believe in God? Absolutely I like most Atheists I know are focused on truth. If it is the truth then that is it end of story. Would I enlist my self in the religion to service the deity? Not likely nor would I start one. The reason is because I think organized religion is one of the most twisted things on the earth. Also it tries to make belief a solid thing when it reality it must be fluid to actually have longevity under heavy scrutiny.  

Who are your idols?
Alexander the Great
Benjamin Franklin
Leonardo Da Vinci  

What are inspiring quotes you almost live by?

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. Alexander the Great
I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well. Alexander the Great

Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason. Leanardo Da vinci

How did you tell your family?
I didn't I was going to but my sister got mad at me one night at dinner and called me an atheist in front of my mother. Lucky for her I was more cool headed and did not state that she is turning Jewish.

Hope this helps welcome to the community.
When the last bastion of religion falls the religious will look up at the sky and ask their God why? And then they will collapse wailing and grinding their teeth. The atheist will look at his feet and say "I think that I can build something better here!"