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Started by arbitterm, February 26, 2009, 10:08:51 AM

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Hello everyone.
Well I realized that I'm a member of at least on forum for each of my interests except the one I talk about the most.  This site was first when I googled "atheist forum" so here I am.  I look forward to chatting with all of you about all sorts of topics.

I am a former christian with many years as an experienced Evangelist.  

This is the part of the forum where people engage is shameless self promotion so I'll do the same.  I have a YouTube channel and religion is my primary topic.  You can check it out here:    feel free to comment on any video that takes your fancy and be sure to mention you came from this forum.

Any questions?
Impleoism - A philosophy in which the primary tenant is to do that which will bring you the most happiness


Welcome to the forum arbitterm. Thanks for the intro.  :)
Prayers that need no answer now, cause I'm tired of who I am
You were my greatest mistake, I fell in love with your sin
Your littlest sin.


The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Evangelism? I'd like to hear more about that.  Welcome to the site.
