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Started by mysterious_man, September 26, 2008, 08:17:11 AM

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Hi All:
How are you :) , I hope you are all fine, I have new Bog about Atheism, would you please have a look and give me your feedback there through comments or here? And if you make me a favor and spread it, it will be great.


This guy may or not be using a play on words, English isn't his first language.  But if it's meant to be play on words, I fell for it.   :D
If sin may be committed through inaction, God never stopped.

My soul, do not seek eternal life, but exhaust the realm of the possible.
-- Pindar


Ah, jeeze. I'd better convert before I loose the best part of paradise.

I'm convinced!

Jolly Sapper

Nothing profound or mind bending at the blog.

The "truth" about truth has already been addressed.

I have a question in response to your blog post titled "The Qur'an is not contaminated."

 You stated this :
QuoteWhen you know that piece of information about Qur'an, I can ask you a simple question, if the Qur'an was contaminated it would be contaminated not only from single point of memorizing chains, and hence it would generated (contamination process i mean) a huge versions of Qur'an and you would find the Islamic world is divided according to the version each group think it is the right. But this is not the case.So the first assumption is wrong.

I've heard that there is a commandment in the Qur'an that says something about followers of the Qur'an are forbidden to kill other followers of the Qur'an.  If this is true, here is my question.

There are people who claim to be followers of the Qur'an, they know the scripture and follower the traditions (I assuming) as best as they can, yet they will willfully kill other Muslims.  Al-Queda, Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood (or maybe its the Islamic Brotherhood) all seem to have violated that part of the Qur'an.  So while you say that the Qur'an is unconatminated (i assume you mean that the words of the Qur'an, have not been modified over the years), there seems to be some disagreement between the followers about how strict they should follower the "don't kill other Muslims" command.

If my premise is mistaken, then feel free to correct me.  If my premise is correct, then I'd like to hear your opinion on the issue.


Quote from: "Jolly Sapper"Nothing profound or mind bending at the blog.

The "truth" about truth has already been addressed.

I have a question in response to your blog post titled "The Qur'an is not contaminated."

 You stated this :
QuoteWhen you know that piece of information about Qur'an, I can ask you a simple question, if the Qur'an was contaminated it would be contaminated not only from single point of memorizing chains, and hence it would generated (contamination process i mean) a huge versions of Qur'an and you would find the Islamic world is divided according to the version each group think it is the right. But this is not the case.So the first assumption is wrong.

I've heard that there is a commandment in the Qur'an that says something about followers of the Qur'an are forbidden to kill other followers of the Qur'an.  If this is true, here is my question.

There are people who claim to be followers of the Qur'an, they know the scripture and follower the traditions (I assuming) as best as they can, yet they will willfully kill other Muslims.  Al-Queda, Taliban, the Muslim Brotherhood (or maybe its the Islamic Brotherhood) all seem to have violated that part of the Qur'an.  So while you say that the Qur'an is unconatminated (i assume you mean that the words of the Qur'an, have not been modified over the years), there seems to be some disagreement between the followers about how strict they should follower the "don't kill other Muslims" command.

If my premise is mistaken, then feel free to correct me.  If my premise is correct, then I'd like to hear your opinion on the issue.

The problem is that Taliban for instance apply the verse as it is but they has another definition for "Muslim", moreover their understanding to Qur'an is poor foe two reasons, 1- they don't know Arabic well, so they read translations that may be incorrect or inaccurate in some terms ... 2- They are mostly immature because their Islamic science is not deep. For example you will not find lot of them had formal education in university about Islam.

I hope I got your point and answered your question
Best Regards


Quote from: "PipeBox"This guy may or not be using a play on words, English isn't his first language.  But if it's meant to be play on words, I fell for it.   :lol:

My native language is not English

I have said "truthful is good" not "truth is good" , all what I want to illustrate there that all people respect truthful person and disrespect the liar person regardless their different background that make us think how this common factor has come?


Jolly Sapper

Thanks for this reply.
QuoteThe problem is that Taliban for instance apply the verse as it is but they has another definition for "Muslim", moreover their understanding to Qur'an is poor foe two reasons, 1- they don't know Arabic well, so they read translations that may be incorrect or inaccurate in some terms ... 2- They are mostly immature because their Islamic science is not deep. For example you will not find lot of them had formal education in university about Islam.

This makes for an interesting problem.  The Qur'an may not be contaminated itself but if people are unable to understand the book properly, does that not constitute a form of contamination?

My answer to this post:
Quote from: "mysterious_man"I have said "truthful is good" not "truth is good" , all what I want to illustrate there that all people respect truthful person and disrespect the liar person regardless their different background that make us think how this common factor has come?


Self preservation.  

If I say, "Hey, go into that cave, its perfectly safe" and you are attacked by a bear.  If you survive, you'd be less likely to believe me next time I say something.

So it would be in your best interest to reward people who speak truthfully, hang around people who are known to speak truthfully, teach your children to watch out for people who don't speak truthfully.  Its also in the best interests of society to punish those who aren't truthful and try to shut them off from the support structures of a society.


You state that Qu'ran is not contaminated but the simple fact is the religion has it's base in the Juedeo-Christian arch type which by your own admition are contaminated, and since the torrah and the bible are both considered holy books by Islam their contamination leaks into your own. "Contamination" in holy books is not really a driving reason that many turn to atheism it is simply 1 reason in a long long list of flaws with religion in general. The supposed lack of contamination to the Qu'ran won't "convert" many if any atheists to theism since most find Islam as blind and ignorant as every other religion.

I welcome you to the forum.
"I'd rather die the go to heaven" - William Murderface Murderface  Murderface-

I've been in fox holes, I'm still an atheist -Me-

God is a cake, and we all know what the cake is.

(my spelling, grammer, and punctuation suck, I know, but regardless of how much I read they haven't improved much since grade school. It's actually a bit of a family joke.