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the banana

Started by quizlixx, July 16, 2008, 04:21:42 PM

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has anyone else heard of the "banana argument" ?  it says that the bana is proof that god exists because it a good shape to hold and it comes in a wrapper.

i was sitting there with my jaw on the floor thinking, really a belife in an invisible man cause of a banana?
"The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is."


Nope. But you must admit, it's an incredibly compelling argument. [/sarcasm]

Austin Schaefer
People are usually more convinced by reasons they discover themselves than by those found by others. -- Blaise Pascal


Yes, I've heard about that argument and seen the video clip somewhere on YouTube. For me that is the absolute proof that some Christian fundamentalists are even more stupid than Muslim fundamentalists.
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


Yes the atheist nightmare...Haha we have Kirk Cameron to thank for this and some other idoit.Poor guy can't get a job on tv anymore so he has to do something.One of their "points" is that the banana is shaped just for a human hand.Another how it has a non-slip surface.Friggin idoits.They keep pulling at straws.


Here's a quick debunking of the entire theory (as if it was difficult):



I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.


I can think of many things that fit perfectly into the human hand.I'm sure all you guys know what I'm talking about.   :banna:   That must mean that God approves.


Quote from: "Willravel":banna:  "How dare they associate such a horrible and ignorant argument with me!"  :banna:   :D   You need a Wiki page for them so all can see and bask in your food goodness!


curiosityandthecat linked to an absolutely perfect debunking, where not only is the shape explainable, but it's explainable through evolution! You've gotta love that.  :pop:
I want bad people to look forward to and celebrate the day I die, because if they don't, I'm not living up to my potential.

Jolly Sapper

Maybe its because I'm a godless heathen.. but watching the "Atheist's Nightmare" clip with the sound off satisfies both my urge to make situations funny and grossly inappropriate.  



Quote from: "afreethinker30"I can think of many things that fit perfectly into the human hand.I'm sure all you guys know what I'm talking about.   :unsure:  ( :D )
Quote from: Ecurb Noselrub on July 25, 2013, 08:18:52 PM
In Asmo's grey lump,
wrath and dark clouds gather force.
Luxembourg trembles.


Here's a blog I did on the subject a few months ago: ... anana-who/

Dear Atheist Bob,

I present to you “The Banana: The Atheist Nightmare.” Note that the banana:
1. is shaped for the human hand.
2. has a non-slip surface.
3. Has outward indicators of it’s inward contents. Green - too early, yellow - just right, black - too late.
4. Has a tab for removal of it’s wrapper.
5. Is perforated on wrapper.
6. Has a bio-degradable wrapper.
7. Is shaped for the human mouth.
8. Has a point at the top for ease of entry.
9. Is pleasing to the taste buds.
10. Is curved towards the face to make the eating process easy.

Are you stupid enough to say this is all coincidence?

Chad in Charlotte

Dear Chad,

Skeptics and evolutionists first began encountering this argument when Kirk Cameron and Brian Sapient presented it on Youtube as part of their series on nonsense. I will address your points one by one, but I will start by showing you this:

This is a cross section of a banana as they appear in the wild. Note the abundance of big, fat seeds which you may recall are absent from the bananas you eat. Why is this? Because bananas have been selectively cultivated (bred) to be more suitable for human consumption. But even before we came along to augment them for our own needs, natural selection was doing part of the work for us: the reason plants grow sweet fruit is so that animals will pick it, eat it, and scatter the seeds through messy eating or through their leavings. The more hospitable the fruit, the more successful the plant. The bright colors, the ease of extraction, the delicious taste â€" primordial marketing.

Your points:

1. is shaped for the human hand. The banana probably came about in proximity with primates, as suggested by their handle-like shape. Brachiating primates travel far in the treetops and use their hands to grab and eat fruit â€" the banana probably adapted to suit these needs, as the tastiest and most convenient fruits tended to be eaten first by primate and hence spread the farthest.

2. has a non-slip surface. Most surfaces on Earth are non-slip surfaces. I suppose you think that’s for mankind’s benefit too.

3. Has outward indicators of it’s inward contents. Green - too early, yellow - just right, black - too late. This has more to do with the our preference for eating them when they’re at their most ripe. Green and black bananas aren’t actually bad for you (with the exception of bananas so old they’re rotting).
Furthermore, cultivated bananas are much brighter and unblemished in color than wild bananas. Humans are mostly responsible for the uniformity of the color-coding system.

4. Has a tab for removal of it’s wrapper. See answer #1.

5. Is perforated on wrapper. Wild bananas are actually tougher and more difficult to open than cultivated bananas.

6. Has a bio-degradable wrapper. Everything humans eat is biodegradable. Furthermore, “biodegradable” is not a virtue; it is a preference which gains utility in proportion to the abundance of non-biodegradable materials in our surroundings. We currently value things that decay because we don’t have enough room for everything to be permanent.

7. Is shaped for the human mouth. No it isn’t. It isn’t even bite-sized. We have to eat it one bite at a time as a result.

8. Has a point at the top for ease of entry. This is really just a third manifestation of #4 and #5.

9. Is pleasing to the taste buds. As stated above, this is part natural and part artificial. We farmed them to be pleasing.

10. Is curved towards the face to make the eating process easy. No it’s not. Only half of all bananas I’ve eaten were pointed anywhere near my direction. The rest I had to turn to eat.


Quote from: "afreethinker30"I can think of many things that fit perfectly into the human hand.I'm sure all you guys know what I'm talking about.   :hail:

Nice one!
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


Oh wow, I never realized this before! The banana is the perfect shape for the human hand AND has it's own wrapper?!?! Damn! That IS too complicated to happen by chance. Wow, now I've seen the errors of my heathen ways. I'm going theist guys!

*shakes head* so sad.
When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and let the world wonder how you did it.


Quote from: "susangail"Oh wow, I never realized this before! The banana is the perfect shape for the human hand AND has it's own wrapper?!?! Damn! That IS too complicated to happen by chance. Wow, now I've seen the errors of my heathen ways. I'm going theist guys!

*shakes head* so sad.

And when you pick it up, it's pointed at your goddamn face!!