
There is also the shroud of turin, which verifies Jesus in a new way than other evidences.

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Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

Started by Woody, August 12, 2006, 05:32:25 PM

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hmmm. I never considered that. I see your point. hmmmm....
I might be wrong, but Im pretty sure Im right.


Quote from: "laetusatheos"
Quote from: "silviakjell"Leatus, what's wrong about being frozen? I never really thought there was anything wrong about that. Besides being expensive of course.

Well, other than than being able to just pass on that money to kids or whatever.  We don't know what the world will be like when technology maybe gets to the point of being able to successfully unfreeze someone.  What if whoever is in government wants to make slaves of those people...given human history it wouldn't be out of the question.  What if we have destroyed then environment and can no longer go outside of climate controlled areas.  What if all that makes you YOU can't be retrieved through he unfreezing process.  

We don't really know anything about what is possible or not with bringing a frozen dead body back to life.  The current freezing methods could very well be wrong, thus making the whole idea of doing it completely pointless at this time.  I also see the companies who are offering this option going bankrupt well before any sort of 'reincarnation' methods are possible...once they have to cover costs for people being frozen for a few hundred years and the cost for being frozen, thus, escalates there will eventually be more expense than income.  Basically, to me, it seems like a pipe dream not that all different from hoping for an afterlife.  So, nothing exactly wrong with wanting to be frozen, just not something I'd get my hopes up about...personally, I'd rather give that money to possible future kids or a charity. (unless we happen to develop better related technology before I die...see below).

Even if we developed the technology to keep people alive forever...which is basically what we would need to be able to successfully unfreeze people who had already died a natural death.  I would hope that we had mastered interstellar space travel and the ability to make all planets livable by that time.  We may be looking at an overcrowded Earth within our lifetimes...without options past living on Earth then I don't picture very favorable living conditions.

So, ya, um, that's my view and it may seem a little paranoid, but makes a lot of sense to me...but I do welcome other views and will take them into account. (this may be a good topic to split off into it's own thread if anyone else finds it interesting)

Current freezing methods are "wrong" as they destroy the cellular structure of the dead person. They are counting on someone in the future being able to do two things: fix the (basically) exploded frozen cells, and cure whatever killed the dead guy in the first place. My money is on "yes" for the second, and "no" for the first problem.

And no, Walt Disney is not frozen, for anyone who heard that urband legend! LOL!
Elvis didn't do no drugs!
--Penn Jillette


When I die, I would like to be shot into the sun.
At the my funeral they should then play Pink Floyd's "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun".
The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract.
Robert A. Heinlein


I'll be carted off to a medical school.


I'd like to be cremated. I'm not sure what kinda shit they'll actually do with your ashes, other than scatter them, but I always kinda thought it'd be neat to have my ashes mixed with soil, at a park or something, and have a willow tree planted in my ashes/soil.
I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.



Quote from: "Tom62"When I die, I would like to be shot into the sun.
At the my funeral they should then play Pink Floyd's "Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun".

Glorious, Tom62! But I think you should start saving for it now!  As funerals go, you have certainly won the prize for the most costly (and heavenly, of course)!  :D


Quote from: "Erinos"I'd like to be cremated. I'm not sure what kinda shit they'll actually do with your ashes, other than scatter them, but I always kinda thought it'd be neat to have my ashes mixed with soil, at a park or something, and have a willow tree planted in my ashes/soil.

That's a great idea Erinos - really strikes a chord with me for some reason...


If you read Mary Roach's "Stiff", you'll find plenty of great ideas for things your body is useful for after your death.  There's a lot more that future generations will thank you for besides medical research and organ/tissue donation.  It's a fascinating read, regardless.

I think one of the things to keep in mind is that the funeral is for the survivors, not the deceased.  I won't be there for mine, so it won't matter - I'll request something that focuses on my life as I lived it, but if there are people there who want to pray or something, I don't think they should be discouraged or prevented.


I kind of liked the way Hunter Thompsom did it. I mean shooting the ashes out of a cannon!