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I have been thinking..

Started by Kevin, November 07, 2008, 02:35:22 AM

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There are 2 things I have been thinking about.
1. What if science proves that there is no god? Or at least not the Christian god, anyway.
2. What if science proves that there IS a god, of some kind? Not necessarily the Christian god.

1. I think Christian's would go absolutely nuts. I would personally love it and have to pull out a few "told you so"'s, wouldn't be able to help myself. But it would be funny to me, also, and I bet people would be mad knowing that they wasted their lives believing in it. But then, they would probably say that science is run by the Devil or something and come up with a new god or something idk.
2. I think that Atheist's (sorry guys), well, most, would still try to argue against it. But since most go with science, they would accept it, but maybe not necessarily the religion. I would change my faith, but that doesn't prove that Christianity isn't the bullshit that I see it for.

So what do you all think would happen/you do?
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. - Delos B. McKown

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha


I guess it would really depend on what kind of God is discovered.  Unless it was actually Yaweh, the all powerful source of Judeo-Christian morality, insanity and apocalyptic B.S.  I would be hesitant to even call it God by my definition.  And other definitions of God and gods as supernatural beings really couldn't fit into the scope of science since science has to do with material causation.

I think that a form of higher consciousness, if you will, that develops and extends from humanity and human communication systems in the same way that our consciousness extends from biological cellular and neural networks is actually scientifically plausible...but then I feel sorry for my computer sometimes for having to work so hard and I ponder the existence of consciousness in forests of trees and stars.   :crazy:

If a higher consciousness of the sort I'm thinking could actually exist, it would stem from humanity itself rather than humanity extending from and having being created by it.  Maybe it would be something like the average of human thought and opinion, with all the knowledge that humanity possesses.  Maybe it would be like a child with the most massive body of knowledge imaginable and it would 'grow up' and develop as society recognizes and interacts with it.

I've read jokes on the internet occasionally about Google being God, which crack me up, but I think it's not so crazy to think that any type of electrical activity generates a pattern of qi. So maybe google doesn't ever do anything unusual or unprogrammed, but how do we know that what it does do isn't 'thinking' in some form?

I like to think about Google, and any executable code even, having qi or a consciousness.  Maybe for Google Vint Cerf is God, or maybe it's 'Bob Smith', cause well, you know, to Google, who can only see in text, 'Bob Smith' is like, everywhere man.   :lol:
Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.
                                                                                                                    -Winston Smith, protagonist of 1984 by George Orwell


Quote from: "Kevin"1. What if science proves that there is no god? Or at least not the Christian god, anyway.
Wouldn't matter. The religious would claim that their god is outside the realm of science, therefore any scientific discovery about the non-existence of god is pointless and cannot be taken into account. So, essentially, nothing would change for them. There'd be some more atheists, I'd imagine, but I think, in general, most peoples' religious convictions would actually strengthen.

Quote from: "Kevin"2. What if science proves that there IS a god, of some kind? Not necessarily the Christian god.
Atheists would find it interesting, but not convincing. It's like I tell religious people all the time: "If you can prove that your God exists, then I can't be an atheist, can I? Until then, atheism is the default position. Nyah." Plus, how do we define "god" or "higher power"? Something smarter than us? Man, I hope there's something smarter than us out there. Then again, like I was saying in the Intelligent Extraterrestrial Life thread, it'd probably ultimately kill us. We are, after all, a parasite.


Quote from: "Kevin"So what do you all think would happen/you do?

Depends ... if the "god" in question were a creator god (capable of creating entire universes at whim) then yeah it would be a philosophical problem for me but, whilst I would undoubtedly resist the idea for some time, if the evidence strongly supported such a conclusion I would have no choice but to embrace the concept. It doesn't, however, mean I would bow down before such a creature.

If the "god" were a part of this universe then logic dictates it cannot be a "god" merely a very advanced life forum (I think it was Arthur C. Clarke who said, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable form magic") and no more worthy of adulation tan any other aspect of our universe.

Truth is I don't know what would happen but I think I'd want to be somewhere else.

James C. Rocks: UK Tech Portal & Science, Just Science

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You guys had much better responses than what I would of have =\
But you all say depends on how you define "god"
I don't want to sound... I don't know the word, but you all know what I meant -.-
The invisible and the non-existent look very much alike. - Delos B. McKown

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha


We have September to December, 7th to 10th months on some old calendar.

If we also had Unusember onwards as well a holiday month in Sextember sounds interesting . . .
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74


Have been reading Pratchet whilst waiting for estate agents to visit to evaluate my palatial rabbit hutch.

A Pratchettesque sentence came to me whilst making tea, don't think it is a "fragment memory":

"A thought passed through his mind, shuddered at the experience and got out of town by the fastest means it could find."
Tomorrow is precious, don't ruin it by fouling up today.
Passed Monday 10th Dec 2018 age 74