Camp Quest 2010 Fundraising Help Needed

Started by Whitney, September 22, 2009, 01:38:57 PM

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We've roughly figured out how much we think we'll need to raise to run Camp Quest Texas...quite a bit; I'll post the official goal once we have it ironed out.  So, we are in need of fund raising ideas that will bring in money; bake sales  are okay but we need something bigger. Do you know of any companies which might want to sponsor Camp Quest Texas? We are also throwing around the idea of trying to get one of the big name atheists/freethinkers to endorse the camp like Richard Dawkins has done for Camp Quest UK....anyone have connections?

If anyone is interested in helping us fund raise, I'll be posting additional information here later (like a pre-written email/letter that can be used if desired).  What I am thinking is that if people from other states help out in fund raising that in a few years we could return the favor by helping them fund raise for their own Camp Quest.

Ideas?  Feel free to think big but small ideas are helpful too.

btw, here's the donations link


One way to help that doesn't require money is to just make sure the people on other secular forums you normally visit (no spam) are aware about the camp.  I'm going to be making some banners (or other people can help by making them too) and things like that that people can put in their signatures.


Ooo!  Camp Quest Texas would be awesome!  I don't have time to read the whole thread right now, but had to comment!   :yay:
"Every post you can hitch your faith on
Is a pie in the sky,
Chock full of lies,
A tool we devise
To make sinking stones fly."

~from A Comet Apears by The Shins


Since so many religions claim that atheism is not a religion, might we be eligible to recieve federal money? After all... :devil:
[size=135]The best thing to do is reflect, understand, apreciate, and consider.[/size]


Quote from: "Renegnicat"Since so many religions claim that atheism is not a religion, might we be eligible to recieve federal money? After all... :devil:

Right now Camp Quest Texas is operating under North Texas Church of Freethought (which has church tax status).  However, after CQ TX incorporates we could look at federal money (don't they have money for "faith based" initiatives too?)....I wouldn't know where to start.